$250M, awarded competitively
Governor-appointed State entity, Preschool program providers including schools, licensed child care centers, Head Start, or other community-based organizations.
Sample Use of Funds
Activities could include:
- Sharing best practices among early childhood education program providers in the State to increase collaboration and efficiency of services, including to improve transitions from such programs to elementary school; after conducting a statewide needs assessment and developing a strategic plan, improving the overall quality of early childhood education programs in the State, including by developing and implementing evidence-based practices that meet the requirements under ESSA, to improve professional development for early childhood education providers and educational opportunities for children;
- Developing a strategic plan that recommends collaboration, coordination, and quality improvement activities (including activities to improve children’s transition from early childhood education programs into elementary schools) among existing programs in the State and LEAs, and includes information that identifies opportunities for, and barriers to, collaboration and coordination among existing programs in the State, including among State, local, and tribal (if applicable) agencies responsible for administering such programs.
This grant has an extensive list of uses of funds. View the complete ESSA Federal Funding Guide below for the full list.
Key Provision: Planning and Transition
The recipient of a grant award for development or expansion under the program that existed prior to ESSA may continue to receive funds in accordance with the terms of the prior award. The Start, or other community-based organizations that will prepare low-income and disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten. Grants awarded will include a focus on expanding access to highquality preschool for children from low- and moderate-income households. Secretaries of HHS and ED must take the steps necessary to ensure an orderly transition to, and implementation of, the program from the preschool development grants for development or expansion program that existed prior to ESSA.
For more information, contact Tom Zembar at 202.822.7109 or [email protected]
Next Steps
You have a right to know if your state or district applied for the funds and influence how they are spent. Most grants have already been disbursed to your state and district, but others may require an application.
Once you find a grant, make sure it’s appropriate for your intended use. Then, contact your local NEA Affiliate to organize an effort to hold your district and state accountable for how the money is used.