How to use this toolkit
Social-emotional learning (SEL)—also known as positive youth development or life skills—is widely supported by families, students, and educators. SEL provides valuable skills and lessons that contribute to students’ success throughout their lives. In a world that demands more than just academic knowledge, students need life skills that will guide their personal and professional journeys, help them think critically under pressure, and empower them to make informed, responsible decisions.
Take Action

The Power of Life Skills for Healthier Futures

Sample Resolution on Supporting and Strengthening Students’ Life Skills

Backgrounder: Importance of Social and Emotional Learning
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Accelerated Learning
Accelerated Learning
Accelerating student learning addresses the ongoing opportunity gaps and lost learning that still plague many students nationwide. Use these tools as a reference for accelerating student learning and incorporating life skills in your community.
- 10 Ways Teachers Can Partner with Paraprofessionals on Behalf of ELLs (K-12)
- 15 ELL Strategies for Paraprofessionals (K-12)
- How to Make the Most of Lunchtime with ELLs (K-12)
- Making Time to Talk (K-12)
- There’s Room for Everyone: Using a Variety of Text Types (K-1)
- More Voice and Choice: A Shift to Multiple Texts (6-12)
Model Legislation
Model Legislation
An increasing number of states are codifying their support for life skills. Explore the Growing trend and criteria for effective legislation across the states.
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