Great Public Schools Fund: Awarded Grants
In July 2013, NEA members voted to develop a fund that would provide grants to state and local affiliates with promising projects and ideas to help improve student success. This fund became known as the NEA Great Public Schools (GPS) Fund. The GPS Fund allocates resources to allow state affiliates, local affiliates, and partnerships between state and/or local affiliates to apply GPS Fund Grants to advance the goal of great public schools for every student.
Grants are awarded using criteria that focus on:
- Ensuring successful students
- Supporting accomplished professionals
- Fostering dynamic collaboration
- Empowering leaders
Learn more about GPS Fund grants.
Awarded Grants
To date, NEA has awarded 202 GPS Fund Grants to state and local affiliates totaling $69.6 million. Click on a state to learn how NEA State and Local Affiliates have supported their members.
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- Washington, D.C.
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Anchorage Education Association
Grant ID: 742
Dates: 2/1/2018 - 2/1/2021
Award Amount: $307,690
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: The Anchorage Education Association (AEA) and the Anchorage School District (ASD) are aiming to improve how new educators are welcomed into the Anchorage public school system and to increase retention among early career educators. Through a process of orientation, induction, and support, AEA and ASD will provide early career educators the tools and guidance they need to be successful in their classrooms. By utilizing data, the existing teacher mentor program, and feedback from current early career educators, AEA and ASD will revamp their new teacher orientation and develop site-specific induction programs tailored to the unique culture and challenges found in every school in the ASD. Such an effort will lead to lower turnover in high needs schools, increased district retention, and increased capacity for association action.
Fairbanks Education Association
Grant ID: 778
Dates: 8/1/2018 - 8/1/2020
Award Amount: $66,800
Content Cluster: Curriculum Development & Improving Instruction
Description: The Fairbanks Education Association (FEA) will use its Great Public Schools Fund Grant to expand quality professional development and mentorship opportunities for Fairbanks’ educators through the FEA Best Educational Practices Blended Learning Workshop Series. Specifically, recruited and trained FEA members will successfully assist peers in a blended learning environment ranging from essential needs of the Early Career Educator, Navigating National Board Certification, Google Educator Certification, and successful completion of rigorous NEA Micro-Credential Certifications. The goal is that through continued expansion of timely, meaningful, and relevant professional development FEA will increase local teachers’ ability and success in the classroom. The end result will be the best-trained educators improving students learning in the classroom. FEA will continue to examine the body of professional development offerings, and modify them appropriately
Fairbanks Education Association
Grant ID: BB-297
Dates: 2/1/2020 - 4/15/2023
Award Amount: $125,400
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement.
Description: Fairbanks Education Association will use its GPS Fund Grant to develop a program whereby experienced, member teachers serve as building-site mentors to support beginning member teachers for their first two years of teaching. Support will be frequent, occurring at least on a weekly basis. Mentors will ideally have 2-3 beginning teachers that they will support. These ne ew teachers will form a small supportive cohort that works together to support one another and not merely seek support from their mentor. It is further expected that as the second-year teachers gain skills, confidence and autonomy, that they will serve as peer-coaches and as role models to the first-year teachers. To ensure that mentors use effective, research-based strategies, they will enroll in a course through University of Alaska - Fairbanks.
Fairbanks Education Association
Grant ID: BB-1280
Dates: 3/31/2022 - 6/15/2025
Award Amount: $248,500
Content Cluster: Educator/Teacher Preparation
Fairbanks is a military town with many schools impacted by transient educators and students due to military transfers. Twenty-five percent of students have military connections across the district. Eight-four percent of students located on our two bases and 18% not on bases have military connections. This grant is designed to address over three years the very unique needs of working as a military connected educator and the challenges of connecting and inclusion of our military connected students and their peers.
Kenai Peninsula Education Association
Grant ID: 273
Dates: 10/15/2013 - 10/31/2014
Award Amount: $20,893
Content Cluster:
Description: Kenai Peninsula Education Association will use its GPS Fund Grant to help Kenai Peninsula Borough School District develop a cadre of teacher instructional observers who will help provide individual teachers critical feedback in the classroom. Interacting with highly skilled observers (both teachers and administrators) improves teacher quality as it allows for much mor re growth than a standard evaluative observation. The program will develop 12 teacher instructional observers using the Danielson Framework for Teaching, alongside a cadre of administrative observers to develop a valid and reliable teacher evaluation process.
Matanuska Susitna Education Association
Grant ID: BB-760
Dates: 4/15/2021 - 4/15/2024
Award Amount: $674,010
Content Cluster: Early Career Education Support and Engagement
Description: MSEA will work to increase retention of new, early career educators by 20% per year by: (1) providing mentors for approximately 275 new, early career educators/members (in a three year period) as they work in classrooms that represent cultural diversity and poverty challenges; (2) training and supporting veteran members/mentors to further develop leadership skills; and (3) increasing local affiliate membership by requiring mentors and mentees to be dues paying members.
Grant ID: 334
Dates: 1/1/2014 - 1/1/2015
Award Amount: $245,000
Content Cluster:
Description: NEA-Alaska will use its GPS Fund Grant to support appropriate implementation of Alaska Common Core State Standards; direct its Leading the Profession Committee to publicize its six-principle position statement advocating for positive change in Alaska public schools; and engage Alaska public education stakeholders and policymakers around Alaska State Standards/Common C Core. The goal is to effectively change Alaska’s existing anti-public education, pro-privatization movement.
Arizona Education Association
Grant ID: BB-3004
Dates: 3/1/2024 - 5/15/207
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
The Arizona Education Association is growing in membership, leadership, and power, and as part of our work towards fighting for public school educators across the state, we have identified a need for more leadership development opportunities for our increasingly diverse and multi-racial union enterprise-wide. With support from NEA, we will create new leadership development pathways, create affinity group coaching opportunities, train leaders in how to facilitate difficult conversations, and build safe spaces where all educators can feel a sense of belonging and see themselves in their union. If we're able to achieve these goals with NEA's help, we will be able to retain educators in this profession, advocate for racial and social justice, and create inclusive and safe schools for all students.
Arizona Education Association
Grant ID: BB-1869
Dates: 3/1/2023 - 4/15/2024
Award Amount: $250,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: AEA will use its GPS Grant to support middle career & accomplished educators that believe in racial & social justice (RSJ) by providing training opportunities the state and districts aren't providing around effective mentorship, educator wellness, & RSJ in education - leading to opportunities for educators to advance on their pay scale, increased feelings of support, & increased retention by the end of 3 years. It is important now that AEA tap into the professional excellence of our union members to empower them through mentorship to offer all the trainings that districts & the state Department of Education won’t be able to offer but we know are needed for student success. We will fill the gap in supports needed to keep educators in the profession through union member-led listening tours, support in creating trainings with a racial social justice lens, opportunities for early career educators trying to find their footing on this shifting ground with mentors, & chances for member leaders to demonstrate their professional excellence & continue their growth at union member-led conferences.
Arkansas Education Association
Grant ID: 308
Dates: 8/31/2013 - 8/31/2014
Award Amount: $10,000
Content Cluster:
Description: Arkansas Education Association will use its GPS Fund Grant to identify and train ESP members on school safety. Funds will be used for three identified regional training sites, materials, and expenses for in-state UniServ directors to assist in the training and forums. The participants will be responsible for sponsoring regional community forums and sharing the importance of school safety and the vital role of ESP's on this issue.
Anaheim Secondary Teachers Association
Grant ID: BB-2999
Dates: 3/1/2024 - 5/15/2027
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
ASTA will use its GPS Fund Grant to facilitate a National Community Schools Learning Lab. Participants in the Learning Lab will engage in a multi-day workshop that prepares them to launch their Community School Steering Committee (CSSC) with a focus on shared leadership. Additionally, guidance will be provided on recruiting and training Teacher Leads, and training on Community School-related classroom instruction for all teachers at a Community School. Participants will be encouraged to assemble a team that includes all educational partners.
Associated Pomona Teachers
Grant ID: 414
Dates: 9/1/2014 - 9/1/2015
Award Amount: $140,006
Content Cluster:
Description: Associated Pomona Teachers will use its GPS Fund Grant (Year 1) to expand and strengthen school and family/community partnership to promote student success by familiarizing parents and communities with the Common Code State Standards (CCSS) and enabling them to be better able to support their children’s school work.
Associated Pomona Teachers
Grant ID: 496
Dates: 5/1/2015 - 5/15/2016
Award Amount: $250,000
Content Cluster: Student Advocacy & Success
Description: Associated Pomona Teachers will use its GPS Fund Grant (Year 2) to continue expanding and strengthening school and family/community partnership to promote student success by familiarizing parents and communities with the Common Code State Standards (CCSS) and enabling them to be better able to support their children’s school work.
Associated Pomona Teachers
Grant ID: 589
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2017
Award Amount: $248,992
Content Cluster: Curriculum Development & Improving Instruction
Description: The Association of Pomona Teachers (APT), a California Teachers Association affiliate, in partnership with Moreno Valley Educators, Corona Norco Teachers, and the San Bernardino Teachers Association will use a GPS Fund Grant to expand capacity to increase the number of members involved in creating collaborative structures, empower local labor management teams to assum me the role of consultants, and develop an expanded consortium to engage in implementation of best practices around teaching and learning. This work means getting some 150 schools, 5,789 staff, and 111,000 students ready for Common Core State Standards (CCSS) implementation by bringing CCSS readiness directly to affiliate members who teach core subjects (neither ELA nor Math) and keeping their CCSS readiness on par with those of ELA and Math teachers .
California Teachers Association
Grant ID: 278
Dates: 10/15/2013 - 10/31/2014
Award Amount: $250,000
Content Cluster:
Description: California Teachers Association (CTA) will use its GPS Fund Grant (Year 1) to ensure the successful implementation of the Common Core Standards (CCSS) in the California. With the support of NEA, CTA will partner with the California Department of Education and the West Ed to pool and coordinate material and human resources in a multi-year implementation support program m. The grant will support day-long invitational meetings of teachers and administrators (approximately 1,000 educators) to an orientation to the CCSS. Those teachers will then bring back what they’ve learned to their local districts. The meetings will be conducted jointly by the California Department of Education (CDE), WestEd, and CTA staff. The grant will also provide funding to develop a program to train and coordinate regional teams of mentor teachers who will be available to deliver practical coaching as their colleagues learn the skills necessary to implement the content in the CCSS. These teams will cultivate knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to support their local colleagues through face-to-face and online collaboration.
California Teachers Association
Grant ID: 429
Dates: 9/1/2014 - 9/1/2015
Award Amount: $250,000
Content Cluster:
Description: California Teachers Association (CTA) will use its GPS Fund Grant (Partial Year 2) to continue to ensure the successful implementation of the Common Core Standards (CCSS) in the California. With the support of NEA, CTA will partner with the California Department of Education and the West Ed to pool and coordinate material and human resources in a multi-year implementation support program. In addition, Year 2 work builds an online training and support component so that more educators can benefit from statewide communities of practice.
California Teachers Association
Grant ID: 498
Dates: 5/1/2015 - 5/15/2017
Award Amount: $500,000
Content Cluster: Curriculum Development & Improving Instruction
Description: California Teachers Association (CTA) will use its GPS Fund Grant (Remaining Year 2, plus Year 3) to continue to ensure the successful implementation of the Common Core Standards (CCSS) in the California. With the support of NEA, CTA will partner with the California Department of Education and the West Ed to pool and coordinate material and human resources in a multi- -year implementation support program.
California Teachers Association
Grant ID: BB-1868
Dates: 3/1/2023 - 4/15/2026
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: CTA will use its GPS Grant to help us build additional capacity as we strategically grow the CTA Community Schools Program based on what we’ve seen has worked in California and nationally, what is most needed in California, and what is possible given the special circumstances and opportunities in California. The GPS Grant will expand the capacity of CTA’s Community Schools Program, which is led by the CTA Community Schools Steering Committee (CSSC) and started with a focus on 20 local affiliates. CTA is now working to expand to supporting all local affiliates able to receive the state’s $4.1 billion investment with the development of CTA Community Schools Regional Teams (CSRTs).
California Teachers Association
Grant ID: BB-1862
Dates: 3/1/2023 - 4/15/2026
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Leadership & Career Growth
Description: CTA will use its GPS Grant to address four interrelated initiatives: (1) Recruit National Board BIPOC Cohorts, (2) Create National Board BIPOC Professional Learning Facilitator Trainings, (3) Facilitate National Board Local Cohort Grants, and (4) Utilize National Board Virtual Community of Practice.
Community College Association and College of the Canyons
Grant ID: 330
Dates: 1/1/2014 - 1/1/2017
Award Amount: $450,000
Content Cluster: Educator/Teacher Preparation
Description: The Community College Association and College of the Canyons will use its GPS Fund Grant over three years to develop a union-led, replicable program around curriculum development and teaching. The program will engage diverse low-income high school, community college, and university students and focus on Social Science, Chicana/o Studies, and English teaching in school ls, community after-school programs, community colleges, and university settings. The program will also endeavor to change the communities’ perceptions of the union, especially among parents and community organizations.
Fullerton Secondary Teachers Organization
Grant ID: 833
Dates: 2/1/2019 - 2/1/2021
Award Amount: $500,000
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: The Fullerton Secondary Teachers Organization (FSTO) will diversify the teaching profession in California by: (1) Focusing recruitment of diverse potential teachers and aspiring teachers from historically diverse populations; (2) Strengthening partnerships between pre-K-12 districts, institutions of higher education and members and affiliates of the California Teacher rs Association; (3) Creating a system of tracking for diverse potential educators and aspiring teachers from high school into the university, from the university into the credential program, and the credential program into the educational profession; and (4) Early Career Educator support through quarterly professional learning experiences.
Fullerton Secondary Teachers Organization
Grant ID: 604
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2017
Award Amount: $250,000
Content Cluster: Educator/Teacher Preparation
Description: The Fullerton Secondary Teachers Organization (FSTO), a California Teachers Association affiliate, will use a GPS Fund Grant to develop and implement Cultivating Teacher Leaders, a series of three program levels to mitigate the teacher shortage, provide pre-teacher education and support, and diversify the teaching profession in California through ongoing professional education. The first level, Growing Future Teachers, identifies high school students interested in becoming educators and works with them in monthly workshops on their high school campus or at California State University-Fullerton (CSUF). The second level, Teachers Mentoring Teachers, pairs self-identified undergraduate and teacher-credential students at local community colleges and CSUF who are interested in the teaching profession with a lead mentor teacher. The third level, Teachers Teaching Teachers, allows current educators to deliver inclusive professional development workshops about the Common Core Instructional Shifts in all content areas at any grade level to colleagues.
Moreno Valley Educators Association
Grant ID: 353
Dates: 5/1/2014 - 5/1/2015
Award Amount: $107,000
Content Cluster:
Description: The Moreno Valley Educators Association (MVEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to train members on the two-day “Unconscious Bias” program, a California Teachers Association program that teaches recognition of biases and encourages change in behaviors toward others in order to be more sensitive to each other and to students. The MVEA will train approximately 210 high schoo ol staff members at each of three trainings per year, and it will also hold a parent forum each year to discuss “unconscious bias.
Moreno Valley Educators Association
Grant ID: 529
Dates: 11/1/2015 - 10/31/2017
Award Amount: $214,000
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: Moreno Valley Educators Association (MVEA), in collaboration with the Moreno Valley Unified School District (MVUSD) and multiple other partners, will use its GPS Fund Grant to continue Years 2 and 3 of the “Increasing Purposeful Excellence, Reducing Unconscious Bias” project. The objectives are: to expand Unconscious Bias trainings to reach at least 50% of the 1,650-m member association across all sites; to engage key external partners; and to generate significant, measurable impact on student success in the high-needs MVUSD. The goals for Years 2 and 3 are to continue activities to benefit students, professionals, and leaders, while increasing collaboration among stakeholders; to create school cohorts based on greatest suspension rates in Cohort 2 and 3 Schools; and to train over 600 educators and members of partner organizations.
Oakland Education Association
Grant ID: 379
Dates: 5/1/2014 - 5/1/2015
Award Amount: $150,000
Content Cluster:
Description: The Oakland Education Association will use its GPS Fund Grant to reach and empower students and their families toward establishing priorities and strategies for improving instruction and institutional cultures in schools. This initiative will be completed in partnership with The Excellence Network (TEN)—a mobile, web-based platform designed to amplify teachers’ voices s—and will build on gains made in 2013 when more than 800 families, students, and teachers piloted TEN in Oakland, Berkeley, and San Francisco schools, creating healthier, more collaborative educational environments for all stakeholders.
Teachers Association of Norwalk La Mirada
Grant ID: 839
Dates: 2/1/2019 - 2/1/2022
Award Amount: $431,200
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: The Teachers Association of Norwalk La Mirada Area (TANLA) will use its GPS Fund grant to provide effective professional development and cultural competency trainings in the areas of support for new teachers, leadership development, and parent and community outreach. The TANLA PD initiative will help support new teachers and veteran teachers improve their instruction n and be able to serve the student population in a culturally proficient and effective manner. The TANLA goals will align with research to ensure that our PD program is teacher developed, driven and led. Our goal is to provide teachers with the skills of cultural competency to understand and collaborate with the parents and the community.
United Educators of San Francisco
Grant ID: 369
Dates: 5/1/2014 - 5/1/2017
Award Amount: $534,000
Content Cluster: Educator/Teacher Preparation
Description: The United Educators of San Francisco will use its GPS Fund Grant over three years to partner with public and private institutions toward implementation of the San Francisco Teacher Residencies Program. The program takes the combined expertise and resources of schools, unions, and universities to address issues of teacher recruitment, preparation, and retention in hig gh-needs schools, effectively transforming how teachers are prepared to serve in urban public schools and serving as a model for new teacher education pathways.
United Teachers of Los Angeles
Grant ID: BB-294
Dates: 2/1/2020 - 4/15/2023
Award Amount: $600,000
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: In 2019, with the strike as a culmination of 3 years of work, UTLA and Reclaim Our Schools LA (ROSLA) successfully won the investment of $12 million in district dollars to transform 30 schools into Community Schools. UTLA and ROSLA also won the creation of an LAUSD Labor-Community-Management Partnership table which makes all significant implementation decisions relate ed to the new Community Schools. NEA’s Great Public Schools Grant will allow UTLA to support a Community School Professional Learning Community (CSPLC) of school teams to help ensure best practice implementation and transformative outcomes. The CSPLC will work to support Community School Coordinators and other key school and community stakeholders to successfully achieve the LAUSD’s Community School benchmarks by coordinating the professional learning and supports for the 30 Community Schools.
United Teachers of Los Angeles
Grant ID: BB-1872
Dates: 3/1/2023 - 4/15/2026
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: UTLA, as part of the California Alliance for Community Schools (CACS) and the CTA, advocated for and won a $4 billion investment in Community Schools through the California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP). This GPS Grant will ensure that the over 1,000 Community Schools that open up over the next 3 years will see LAUSD as a model for effective, transformative and impactful implementation led by stakeholders.
Central Adams UniServ
Grant ID: 521
Dates: 11/1/2015 - 10/31/2016
Award Amount: $179,922
Content Cluster:
Description: Central Adams Uniserv will use its GPS Fund Grant to implement a plan to develop a professional development program called Core Collaborative (C2). C2 is a teacher-led professional learning series through which teachers come together to collaboratively learn from each other and selected Teacher Leader experts. C2 is built on the gradual release model. This work is uni ion-led; student centered and includes improving teaching practice, improving outcomes for students, establishing a model for teacher collaboration around instruction across schools, and provides leadership opportunities for effective teachers in order to keep them in the classroom. The work will take place within four high performing local associations in the Central Adams UniServ Unit and carried out by 20 pre-screened teaching experts partnered with Teach Plus in order to build the capacity to offer high quality professional development courses to all teachers in four Colorado school districts.
Colorado Education Association
Grant ID: 279
Dates: 10/15/2013 - 10/31/2014
Award Amount: $80,000
Content Cluster:
Description: Colorado Education Association (CEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to develop a partnership with the Durango Education Association, Durango School District, and the Public Education Business Coalition (PEBC) to design cooperative a process that invests in professional learning embedded in the classroom. The GPS Fund Grant will allow CEA to emphasize the successful implementation of Common Core, student learning assessments, educator accountability and other issues related to teacher’s practice. The CEA believes that the value of Association membership is inextricably linked to its success in promoting issues related to teaching and learning and advancing the profession. The CEA believes that educator leadership is essential in facilitating improvements in instruction and promoting practices that will encourage the success of all students. The CEA will also partner with EnetColorado to provide online resources to help with the implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS.)
Colorado Education Association
Grant ID: 418
Dates: 9/1/2014 - 9/1/2015
Award Amount: $250,000
Content Cluster:
Description: Colorado Education Association (CEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant, in partnership with the Maine Education Association, to facilitate the More & Better Learning Time (M&BLT) program, which is an enabled process to design a school day that supports student success and professional collaboration using time-optimization as a key resource. This project will focus o on a cross-state collaboration of two teacher-lead schools that are part of the NEA Priority Schools Initiatives. These schools are strategically focused on extended learning time, strong teacher leadership, differentiated and engaging teaching, high academic expectation for all students, frequent performance monitoring, and a safe, supportive learning environment. The M&BLT Time program builds on a proven framework of essential time-optimization elements found in our most effective schools to maximize student learning opportunities and to expand professional time-optimization practices for our teachers. The M&BLT program builds capacity for collaboration between school teams and their partners to create a 21st century learning environment that meets the needs of all learners and maximizes the skills of our teachers and ESP through careful leveraging of school time and resources.
Colorado Education Association
Grant ID: 531
Dates: 11/1/2015 - 10/31/2016
Award Amount: $250,000
Content Cluster: Curriculum Development & Improving Instruction
Description: The Colorado Education Association (CEA), in partnership with the National Center on Time & Learning will use its GPS Fund Grant to implement Year 2 of its More & Better Learning Time (MBLT) initiative. This work includes customized support to Denver’s teacher-led Math, Science and Leadership Academy. It builds on Year 1 support and develops the school redesign team as co-facilitators of the process for a new cohort of schools, while enhancing their capacity to initiate, lead and sustain positive school change. This capacity building will contribute to the longer-term replication and sustainability of the work for CEA. MBLT initiatives includes: building capacity of the state affiliate, participating local affiliates and individual members to design, lead and manage a school redesign process; enhancing teacher capacity and satisfaction; creating a highly facilitated and reflective knowledge and skill development process with a strategically selected school-based instructional leadership team; and establishing a culture with a clear data driven instructional focus that positively impacts teacher practice and student outcomes.
Colorado Education Association
Grant ID: 594
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2017
Award Amount: $228,250
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: The Colorado Education Association (CEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to continue its three-year commitment to the Instructional Leadership Capacity program, which trains and assists early career educators in Colorado schools to implement educational strategies proven to positively impact student success, specifically: • Aligning curriculum, instruction, and authentic assessments with standards; • Re-establishing protocol and structure for frequent monitoring of learning and teaching at student and educator levels; • Examining and redesigning schedules for time to reclaim at least 15 minutes per day (45 hours of instruction), without adding cost or lengthening the teacher work day; and • Promoting the Denver Public Schools’ restructured Peer Assistance and Review process at the Math Science Leadership Academy to make the peer coaching/evaluation process ongoing and iterative. In accordance with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), CEA’s Instructional Leadership Capacity program supports 5% of Colorado’s lowest performing schools by directly engaging educators, parents, and communities.
Colorado Education Association
Grant ID: 595
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2019
Award Amount: $663,280
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: The Colorado Education Association (CEA), in partnership with the Denver Classroom Teachers Association (DCTA), will use its GPS Fund Grant to work with educators and community partners to develop and implement social justice campaigns to help address poverty, institutional racism, and the school-to-prison pipeline. Integral to this effort is supporting and collaborat ting with the Denver School-based Restorative Practices Partnership to develop effective ways to disseminate social justice findings, initiatives, and programs statewide. DCTA has developed a model for building a successful restorative school culture and created a school-building implementation guide and visitation program to provide local, regional, and national visitors with opportunities to witness restorative practices in action at three model Denver schools.
Colorado Education Association
Grant ID: 684
Dates: 8/1/2017 - 8/1/2020
Award Amount: $445,600
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: The Teachers as Learning Leaders (TALL) program is designed to provide support through high quality, educator led professional learning, specifically aimed toward early career educators. One of the core beliefs of this work is that it will be a positive factor in impacting the teacher shortage and ultimately keep educators in the profession and in the classroom. The program puts educators as leading learners in the spotlight, allowing them to work collaboratively with their peers on teaching strategies that are proven to be effective. Through TALL, participants will learn about Restorative Practices, Culturally Responsive Teaching strategies, classroom management, micro teaching, blended instruction, and technology tools.
Pikes Peak Education Association
Grant ID: 622
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2017
Award Amount: $100,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: The Pikes Peake Education Association (PPEA), a Colorado Education Association affiliate, will use its GPS Fund Grant to develop a mentoring program for and provide professional learning opportunities to early career educators. The Center for Teaching and Learning is designed to provide quality, educator-led professional development and learning and to create pathways s of engagement around professional practice that will empower members and elevate educator voices. Establishment of this regional Center will help increase membership and promote potential member engagement across key professional topics. The PPEA Center for Teaching and Learning will offer relevant, educator-led professional development and learnings, establish mentoring programs, create career pathways for members, assist early career educators, and support National Board Certified Teacher candidates.
Pikes Peak Education Association
Grant ID: 746
Dates: 2/1/2018 - 2/1/2021
Award Amount: $450,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: The Pikes Peak Center for Teaching, Learning, and Public Education is excited to enter its second year of providing affordable, high-quality, educator-led PD for educators in the region. We know that the most well-equipped individuals to provide PD for educators are other educators. We also know that one of the most impactful ways to help early career educators remain n and thrive in their profession is by providing them with meaningful and purposeful mentorship from veteran educators. The Center fills these needs, serving our members in their professional practice and ensuring that every student has access to a well-prepared and confident educator. The Center works to develop strong external partnerships, centering our communities around our most valuable asset – our schools. By providing resources and support to the parents of students, and by connecting students and schools with community resources, the Center will ensure that students have all of the means they need to thrive.
Connecticut Education Association
Grant ID: 837
Dates: 2/1/2019 - 2/1/2022
Award Amount: $139,200
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: The Connecticut Education Association (CEA) will be working closely with local high school students of color who are interested in entering the field of education. Statewide the percentage of educators of color is 8.9%, however the student population of black and Hispanic students in the state is 33%. This grant will seek to find parity between the overall population and the teaching workforce.
Connecticut Education Association
Grant ID: 596
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2018
Award Amount: $51,250
Content Cluster: Educator/Teacher Preparation
Description: The Connecticut Education Association (CEA), in partnership with NEA Northeast Region affiliates (MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI. And VT) will use its GPS Fund Grant to engage Northeast Region Student Programs in high-quality professional learning and social networking to organize, energize, and strengthen young professionals as early career educators. First year teachers s participating in the program will be better prepared to meet the needs of all learners in their classrooms and promote student success. CEA will strengthen the Northeast Region Student Program by expanding the state Student Program Leadership (SP) to a Regional SP Leadership. State SP Leaders will meet virtually every 6-8 to support the work on campuses and plan for a regional conference with key professional learning sessions to better prepare early career educators for their classroom experiences and to build a culture where student members turn to their state affiliates for professional learning.
Delaware State Education Association
Grant ID: BB-2991
Dates: 3/1/2024 - 5/15/2027
Award Amount: $235,000
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
The Delaware State Education Association will use its GPS Grant to develop, implement, and support activities and initiatives recommeded by DSEA's ESP Task Force. DSEA wants its ESP members to feel respected and valued so that they will become more engaged in their union. The activites funded by the grant will grow membership and leadership capacity among education support professionals in Delaware. Initiatives supported by the grant will include the development and endorsement of a Delware ESP Bill of Rights, support ot local affiliate peer mentoring programs, and the expansion of DSEA's ESP conference and opportunities for ESP members to attend outside conferences and professional development.
Delaware State Education Association
Grant ID: 530
Dates: 11/1/2015 - 10/31/2016
Award Amount: $250,000
Content Cluster: Leadership & Career Growth
Description: Delaware State Education Association (DSEA), in collaboration with Schools That Lead will use its GPS Fund Grant to continue the work of the Teacher Leadership Initiative: Growing and Supporting Teacher Leadership Professional Development. The Teacher Leader Initiative is a program for teacher leaders, principal(s), and peers. The work includes 8 days of professional development for teacher leaders and 4 days of professional development the principal(s) involved. This work focuses on engaging teachers in the examination of how student learning takes place in the classroom. This work includes creating and supporting networked cohorts of teacher leaders, focusing on teachers’ abilities to advance student learning, increasing student achievement, and engaging teachers in pursuit of their goals for instruction.
Delaware State Education Association
Grant ID: 693
Dates: 10/1/2017 - 10/1/2020
Award Amount: $253,683
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: DSEA has joined forces with the Delaware Dept. of Ed., the University of Delaware, The Delaware Office of Child Advocate, and the Wilmington Education Improvement Commission to reduce the impact of childhood trauma in some of Delaware’s Priority Schools in Wilmington. These schools include Bancroft Elementary School and Bayard Middle School in the Christina School Dis strict and Highlands Elementary, Shortlidge Elementary, and Warner Elementary schools in the Red Clay School District. Working as the Compassionate Connections Partnership, the partners will spend the next three years working with Christina and Red Clay School District employees and administrators on a project developed to provide targeted support to educators in district priority schools and their students living with childhood trauma.
Federal Education Association
Grant ID: 527
Dates: 11/1/2015 - 10/31/2016
Award Amount: $25,000
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: The Federal Education Association will use it GPS Fund Grant to create the Enhancing the Professional through Real Collaboration project. The objectives for this work are to provide teachers and educational aides with opportunities for receiving instruction on best practices and earning re-certification credit at the same time. The goals are to identify 2-3 excellent teacher leaders in each of the relevant areas; Stateside schools, Europe, and the Pacific [Asia], who will collaborate as a team, to create the details of a professional development/leadership course. The courses will focus on collaboration and differentiation within the implementation of the CCSS/CCRS to bring educational aides and teachers together to provide the best educational practice for the benefit of all students.
Federal Education Association
Grant ID: 565
Dates: 5/1/2016 - 4/30/2017
Award Amount: $112,200
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: The Federal Education Association (FEA) will use its one-year grant to create professional development opportunities for international music educators. FEA will partner with the European Music Educators Association and the Department of Defense Education Association to develop curriculum resources and make them internationally available them through an online resource e bank accessible by Federal Education schools. FEA will share the created opportunities with educators around the world.
Federal Education Association
Grant ID: BB-300
Dates: 2/1/2020 - 4/15/2022
Award Amount: $66,800
Content Cluster: Leadership & Career Growth
Description: The Federal Education Association will bring ESPs together for professional development from around the US and Guam. The goal is to educate them on racial justice issues and share the PGC with them, give them time to self assess, and then provide them with information and opportunities for moving up the continuum. We will create an application form clearly denoting th hat each local will create a cadre that will bring this training back to their locals and provide ongoing professional development at the local level and identify ongoing PD needs.
Brevard Federation of Teachers
Grant ID: 358
Dates: 5/1/2014 - 5/1/2017
Award Amount: $600,000
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: The Brevard Federation of Teachers will use its GPS Fund Grant over three years to create a sustainable plan for increasing teacher retention by supporting teacher development and building a foundation for a model teacher support and empowerment plan. Over the span of three years, the retention rate of 0- to 2-year Brevard teachers will increase annually by a minimum of 2 percent; select 5-plus-year teacher leaders will be empowered with mentor responsibilities and direction over the induction program; and student achievement, as measured by the baseline composite weighted aggregate for 0- to 2-year teachers, will increase.
Broward Teachers Union
Grant ID: 590
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2017
Award Amount: $100,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: The Broward Teachers Union (BTU), a Florida Education Association affiliate, will use a GPS Fund Grant to develop and implement an Academy for Early Career Educators to support professional development and other skill-building activities that promote retention. Early career educators can face a lack of support from community leaders, district personnel, and other education stakeholders on a daily basis; the Academy will work directly with them to help ensure that they acquire skills needed to promote student success and remain in the field as educators in productive school systems. Participation in the Academy will enable early career educators to learn everything they need to be successful in their classrooms, from managing behaviors, planning lessons, and evaluating systems, to acquiring certifications. This Academy’s goal is to reduce Broward County’s teacher attrition rate by 15 percent in its first year.
Broward Teachers Union
Grant ID: 743
Dates: 2/1/2018 - 2/1/2021
Award Amount: $501,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: BTU's Early Career Educator Academy and Mentoring Program aims at ensuring that our Early Career Educators (ECEs) and ESPs have the skills, professional development, and mentor support they need to not only stay in the classroom, but to thrive. It is well documented that educators are leaving the field in massive numbers. ECEs in particular are only giving the field 5 5 years. ESPs leave after only one. BTU's Early Career Educator Academy will provide PD in the areas of managing a classroom, foundations of effective teaching, math K-12, reading K-12, ESOL, students with disabilities, teacher evaluation system, lesson planning, student loan forgiveness, and permanent certificates. This work will also address social injustice issues in education by implementing a Institutional Racism component for all school professionals to gain a better understanding and skill set as to how to deal with difficult issues and conversations that may arise in the educational setting.
Broward Teachers Union
Grant ID: BB-750
Dates: 4/15/2021 - 4/15/2023
Award Amount: $450,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development and Learning
Description: BTU will delineate the need for additional social justice awareness for all educators and ESPs. The grant will target professional development that specifically speaks to social justice initiatives, such as Courageous Conversations, Beyond Diversity, and Cultural Competence. It will also provide opportunities for Early Career Educators to have a mentor to guide them to success, and opportunities for educators and ESPs to work with the community. The ultimate outcome of the grant is to change perceptions and ensure racial equality for all, to create a path for ESPs to acquire additional opportunities in the workplace, establish educational equality/equity for all, and the retainment of our Early Career Educators in the classroom.
Florida Education Association
Grant ID: 602
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2019
Award Amount: $367,325
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: The Florida Education Association (FEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to develop and implement the Teachers Leading project, which will provide professional development and peer support to early career educators and novice teachers in Priority Schools who may not be fully certified. Through peer coaching, the project will provide vital skills for combating institutional l racism, building cultural competencies, promoting restorative justice, and modeling effective teacher collaboration and professional learning. The project will host teacher-driven problem solving conferences to capitalize on the talents and skills Florida teachers bring to addressing instructional problems of practice, particularly in high-needs schools. FEA’s goal is to empower Florida educators to lead school improvement projects by increasing teacher retention rates, strengthening local affiliates, and engaging in union-sponsored, teacher led initiatives.
Florida Education Association
Grant ID: BB-764
Dates: 4/15/2021 - 4/15/2024
Award Amount: $662,085
Content Cluster: Professional Development and Learning
Description: FEA's grant work will focus on supporting the needs of beginning teachers and developing all educators' skills and success in teaching students of color. Additionally, the grant work will be used to support Early Educators through a developed coaching program. FEA will also work with their local affiliates to develop curriculum and facilitate more Train-the-Trainer courses based on the needs and interest of their membership. They will be intentional about including learning opportunities for all membership families such as Education Staff Professionals, Retirees and Higher Education.
United Teachers of Dade
Grant ID: 919
Dates: 8/1/2019 - 8/31/2020
Award Amount: $250,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: The UTD Early Career Support and Mentoring Program will build capacity of our local by decreasing the number of educators (Teachers and ESPs) leaving the field of education, increasing the number of educational support professionals that transition into teaching positions, increase union membership, and engage union members so they can be fully active in the union at the local, state, and national levels. We know that if we reach this overarching goal, then this will empower our educators and ultimately lead to greater student success.
United Teachers of Dade
Grant ID: 514
Dates: 5/1/2015 - 5/15/2016
Award Amount: $115,000
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: The United Teachers of Dade (UTD) will use its GPS Fund Grant to fund The Flying Classroom Project, which will provide the support educators need in order to accomplish what we know works for our students and will also create conditions for excellence in our public schools in Miami. Our highly-skilled education professionals and Captain Barrington Irving, National Geo ographic Explorer, will partner to support our schools with the greatest needs. This STEM/Aviation-inspired partnership with UTD has already captivated students throughout our district during previous engagements. The Flying Classroom is an exciting, innovative, fresh approach that is revitalized annually. Through interactive, high-quality, standards-aligned activities that touch all academic subjects, this partnership provides opportunities for our most fragile students to explore the limitless possibilities for their futures. This project will provide union-led enriching opportunities to union members that will initially impact approximately 3,000 students and 50 teachers in eight of the lowest achieving schools in Miami-Dade County. It will incorporate a National Common Core/Florida Standards STEM/Aviation-aligned enrichment opportunity for our urban students to encourage future careers in math, science, engineering and technology and will spark interest for both teachers and their students. It will include 16 world expeditions from 2014-15 and eight new world expeditions that will be made during the 2015-16 school year. Providing high quality professional development opportunities, along with support and resources to teachers throughout this partnership will promote unionism and professionalism that will grow union membership while bringing national recognition to UTD, Florida Education Association, and NEA.
United Teachers of Dade
Grant ID: BB-749
Dates: 4/15/2021 - 4/15/2023
Award Amount: $450,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Education Support and Engagement
Description: Through their grant, UTD will support Early Career Educators and empower members to join in courageous conversations and activities centered around social justice. Through a new mentorship program, a work group of veteran, Early Career Educators, and Educational Support Staff will learn from each other how to re-imagine the traditional classroom and teach in a virtual world. The outcome of this work includes professional development for Early Career Educators, support staff, and union members.
Georgia Association of Educators
Grant ID: BB-302
Dates: 2/1/2020 - 4/15/2021
Award Amount: $250,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: This grant is designed to support a pilot for Instruction and Professional Development Fellows for both the Georgia Association Educators and the Mississippi Association of Educators. Each fellow will be released from the classroom to establish and/or coordinate: focus groups; face-to-face and online professional development (PD); a statewide PD cadre; and statewide a and regional PD conferences. The overall objectives of this grant are to 1) recruit and engage early career educators (ECEs) and education support professionals (ESPs), 2) establish PD cadres of ECEs and/or ESPs in each region of the state, and 3) build capacity across the state in order to organize around instructional, professional, and racial justice issues concerning our early career educators and education support professionals.
Hawaii State Teachers Association
Grant ID: 419
Dates: 9/1/2014 - 9/1/2016
Award Amount: $166,525
Content Cluster:
Description: Hawaii State Teachers Association (HSTA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to continue its business internship program. In 2010, HSTA started a program that connected teachers with local businesses so that teachers could help students become college and career ready. To accomplish this, HSTA partnered with the Hawaii Business Roundtable (HiBR) and Hawaii Children’s Foundation (HCF). The Stacy Nishina Teacher Internship Program (TIP) is a successful partnership with the HiBR and HCF, giving teachers real-world business experience and culminating in the creation of lesson plans based on the experiences teachers had as an intern with a local business.
Hawaii State Teachers Association
Grant ID: BB-301
Dates: 2/1/2020 - 4/15/2020
Award Amount: $486,001
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: One of the core strategies for improving student learning is to ensure students have access to highly-qualified educators who can engage and motivate them. Across America, we are struggling with pervasive teacher shortages and retention issues among both educators of color and early career educators, here after referred to as EOC and ECE . The Hawaii State Teachers Association (HSTA), Oregon Education Association (OEA) and Washington Education Association (WEA) are partnering to create a new and innovative professional practice support system focused on these two educator groups. In the area of racial justice, there is a notable disproportionality along racial lines in each of our states about who seeks National Board Certification, completes the process, achieves certification and then steps into leadership roles. While each of our states struggle with building an educator workforce that is representative of our diverse student populations, we are each further challenged with barriers that keep educators of color from advancing in their professional practice. Additional barriers also exist for early-career educators to seek this prestigious credential, including access to information about the certification process, costs associated with the assessment and access to support networks as they undertake the arduous process. The national average of years of experience for those achieving board certification is 14 years; however, research shows we lose many early career educators well before that point in their career. This grant will upset current trends by improving the retention of early career educators and educators of color by investing in their professional practice growth, credibility and leadership.
Molokai Chapter of the Hawaii State Teachers Association
Grant ID: 362
Dates: 5/1/2014 - 5/1/2016
Award Amount: $178,060
Content Cluster:
Description: The Molokai Chapter of the Hawaii State Teachers Association will use its GPS Fund Grant over two years to address local education issues—including maximizing student learning time in schools and the job security of education professionals, especially credentialed teachers—thus demonstrating leadership in enhancing the quality of public education, a quality that can t then be replicated throughout the state.
Idaho Education Association
Grant ID: 535
Dates: 11/1/2015 - 10/31/2016
Award Amount: $35,620
Content Cluster: Student Advocacy & Success
Description: Idaho Education Association (IEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to develop a Summer Institute Professional Development program. The grant will assist in the next phase of development such as preparing and training a cadre of knowledgeable and practicing IEA educators with a focus on professional learning opportunities that would occur through IEA’s existing structures o of a statewide Summer Institute and regional trainings; provide on-demand workshops; provide a stipend for IEA member-trainers for the time spent creating and delivering lessons. Additionally, the work includes entails creation of a group site for IEA trainers.
Idaho Education Association
Grant ID: 606
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2017
Award Amount: $34,750
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: The Idaho Education Association (IEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to continue its work on the IEA Summer Institute, which offers professional issue and content courses, taught by IEA members. Initiated in 2013, the IEA Summer Institute has grown into an opportunity as an opportunity for IEA members to share expertise on cutting edge educational research and concepts. IEA will continue this work by developing a team of classroom educators focused on providing professional learning opportunities to IEA members across Idaho.
Idaho Education Association
Grant ID: 744
Dates: 2/1/2018 - 2/1/2021
Award Amount: $177,600
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: The IEA has built the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) to provide access to high quality professional development throughout the state of Idaho, especially in remote and rural affiliates. The TLC is led by members ready and willing to share their expertise and training with educators, especially early career educators, educators on provisional certificates and educators in rural areas with limited access to professional development. The focus is on both teachers and ESPs as we know how important all are to the success of students and building our affiliate. “We believe educators are highly trained professionals who must protect and defend the education profession. The highest standards and the highest expectations for educators and students are critical to students' success. Educators deserve to be compensated and treated professionally.” This core value is a key element of the IEA Strategic Plan and is the basis for the formation of the IEA Teaching and Learning Center.
Idaho Education Association
Grant ID: BB-1864
Dates: 3/1/2023 - 4/15/2026
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: IEA will use its GPS Grant to provide professional learning, member engagement, and mentoring for Early Career Educators (years 0-3) beginning in south central Idaho and moving throughout the state over the next 3 years. Approximately 2,000 members will engage in mentoring (mentors and mentees), professional learning and engagement activities in order to improve retention of Early Career Educators and impact student success in the 3-year grant period. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the members engaged in this program, who stay in Idaho, will indicate their plan is to remain in education. Fifty percent (50%) of the members hired on Alternative Certification, who participate in the program, will become certified due to association programs. Professional learning will have an 85% quality and impact approval rating.
Illinois Education Association
Grant ID: 913
Dates: 8/1/2019 - 9/30/2020
Award Amount: $100,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: IEA will coach educators from being trauma-informed to implementing a trauma responsive approach with a focus on ACES, racial justice, restorative practices and equity, that will result in improved learning for all students when the whole child approach is implemented. Coaching our members with ongoing touch points of information, classroom restorative and racial justice practices will move them into the implementation stage of trauma responsive schools. We must continue to reinforce the strategies and mind-set of trauma responsive schools approach for our students and our communities. From data collected when educators use classroom strategies focused on supporting students with trauma there will be a decrease in absenteeism and improved student learning.
Illinois Education Association
Grant ID: 280
Dates: 10/15/2013 - 10/31/2014
Award Amount: $222,000
Content Cluster:
Description: The Illinois Education Association (IAE) will use its GPS Fund Grant to lead a cohesive train-the-trainer program in an effort to train educators state-wide to implement Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in Illinois. The grant will fund the training of up to 20 members in five locations across the state with the expectation that the trainers will support others at th he school level. Online supports will also be provided, which will include online module training for use at the school level with technical assistance being provided by the cadre, program coordinator, and the CEI department within IEA/NEA. The continued development of resources will be accessible through the IEA website. The plan includes providing training and support to educators statewide through a CCS program coordinator (IEA member) who is an expert in Common Core Standards. The grant will also support the Living Library, a valuable online resource that will house Common Core materials that are updated regularly.
Illinois Education Association
Grant ID: 421
Dates: 9/1/2014 - 9/1/2015
Award Amount: $250,000
Content Cluster:
Description: Illinois Education Association will use its GPS Fund Grant to partner with Education Analytics, Inc. to contribute to the improvement of teaching and learning in Illinois by: (1) engaging the help of a teacher advisory group to create both a product(s) and a process for implementing student learning objectives in Illinois teachers’ classroom(s) which will include an i inventory of existing assessments and step-by-step guide for the SLO process; (2) developing training and supports that will assist classroom teachers in writing effective Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) which includes: SLO process guide, curriculum-specific “big ideas” and setting growth targets for students; and (3) using the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) developed SLO template with pre-populated/drop-down fields as the model for creating sample SLO exemplars in an electronic template.
Illinois Education Association
Grant ID: 522
Dates: 11/1/2015 - 10/31/2016
Award Amount: $250,000
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: Illinois Education Association (IEA), in collaboration with IEA’s staff union and IEA management, will use its GPS Fund Grant to continue to support, provide and sustain high quality online and face-to-face professional learning opportunities for association members and to expand partnerships to other high quality professional development providers. IEA currently offe ers over 70 courses online. The goal of this work is to develop and/or connect powerful professional learning opportunities for our members and to develop a research-based roadmap to address the physical and emotional health of our students and their families.
Illinois Education Association
Grant ID: 607
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2017
Award Amount: $250,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: The Illinois Education Association will use a GPS Fund Grant to expand work started in 2015, in partnership with the Iowa State Education Association on the State Early Career Leadership Fellows Program (ECLF). The ECLF program is designed to involve and include state, local, and individual early career educators in professional unionism and social justice unionism fr rom the beginning of their entry into the profession. Components of the program include: 1) identifying early career educators, activating and preparing them to become formal and informal leaders in their local unions 2) equipping early career educators with skills and resources needed to identify and plan for change through structured curriculum and a leadership, engagement and action project 3) engaging new leaders in productive and meaningful association roles and 4) increasing the capacity of state and local affiliates to support early career educators.
Illinois Education Association
Grant ID: 682
Dates: 8/1/2017 - 8/1/2020
Award Amount: $600,000
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: IEA along with the University and its community health and mental health service partners are working with teachers, educators, administrators, and health care professionals to meet the needs of students impacted by adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), while becoming more informed on restorative and racial justice practices. The Transforming Schools & Communities s through Racial Justice and Trauma-Informed Practices leverages partnerships to infuse best practices for both academic instruction and social-emotional learning. These partnerships include community and parents organizations as well as formal union-management relationships. The IEA believes that this strategic, systemic approach to helping schools become trauma-informed will ensure its sustainability and effectiveness.
Illinois Education Association
Grant ID: 783
Dates: 8/1/2018 - 8/31/2019
Award Amount: $50,000
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: The Howard County Education Association will be assisting with the implementation of restorative justice within Howard County Public School System (HCPSS). By providing comprehensive training to educators, community members, and administrators, HCPSS will to help build a restorative culture in their school communities and dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline while providing safe, positive learning environments for staff and students.
Illinois Education Association
Grant ID: BB-306
Dates: 2/1/2020 - 4/15/2021
Award Amount: $500,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: Illinois Education Association, as lead for a 7-state consortium (IL, IN, MN, OH, MI, NE, IA), believes teacher unions should lead the nation in professional practice. There is no other group better positioned to transform the professional learning of new teachers. The following are the components of the grant work:
- The in-person local union mentor will help ...
- The exemplary teachers will provide a genuine opportunity to embed the ideals of teacher leadership into practice.
- Providing new teachers with substantive professional learning tools and opportunities from a virtual instructional coach to accelerate their progress towards the goal of student success.
- Provide cutting-edge technology to attract and retain new teachers.
- Create a new role for the union that paves the path forward for a robust professional learning role.
Illinois Education Association
Grant ID: BB-1826
Dates: 3/1/2023 - 4/15/2025
Award Amount: $500,000
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: IEA will use its GPS Grant to support LOVEWORKS, which will assist Early Career Educators by raising their personal awareness, knowledge, and skills to implement educational equity/abolitionist teaching into their classroom. Abolitionist teaching is both external and internal, as it addresses systemic oppression and educational inequities, as well as creates classroom, student-centered environments that promote and sustain individual and collective wellness rooted in joy and belonging.
Fort Wayne Education Association
Grant ID: 504
Dates: 5/1/2015 - 5/15/2016
Award Amount: $34,220
Content Cluster: Educator Evaluation and/or Educator Effectiveness
Description: The Fort Wayne Education Association (FWEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to work in cooperation with the Indiana State Teachers Association (ISTA) to identify, locate, and engage current National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) in Indiana in order to build the capacity for FWEA to support candidates in the NBCT process. As FWEA’s capacity for this project grows, the l local association would like to be a resource to other associations in the region. FWEA will encourage the Fort Wayne Community Schools to consider the strengths of members who engage in the NBCT process in district roles. Once there are NBCTs in the community, FWEA and ISTA will utilize the talents of these teachers to actively facilitate the communication of accurate and reliable information to community constituents, policy makers, legislators, and other stakeholders.
Indiana State Teachers Association
Grant ID: 916
Dates: 8/1/2019 - 8/31/2020
Award Amount: $250,000
Content Cluster: Leadership & Career Growth
Description: Indiana State Teachers Association will concentrate the focus of the state affiliate’s current strategic plan for member engagement by enhancing racial justice and trauma sensitive school professional development and supports for its members in addition to growing high school Educators Rising program, the Indiana Student Education Association, early career educators, and Education Support Professionals.
Indiana State Teachers Association
Grant ID: 505
Dates: 5/1/2015 - 5/15/2016
Award Amount: $75,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: The Indiana State Teachers Association (ISTA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to resource its state-wide Professional Resource Center (PRC) to engage and empower (1) leaders, (2) members, and (3) staff. This will assist in organizing around professional issues, promoting high quality teaching and learning practices, building local capacity through leadership development a and National Board Certification, and empowering ISTA members to lead their profession and impact student success in a positive manner (by allowing ISTA to accelerate the creation and implementation of this member-focused professional learning and resource center). Establishment of the PRC allows ISTA to establish itself as the primary provider of high quality professional learning to teachers and other public school employees across the state. More than 15 percent of ISTA members participated in a recent Professional Development Survey and the results were clear: the vast majority of members do not believe they are getting effective professional development at their job sites and want ISTA to take a much greater role in delivering and supporting effective and embedded professional learning across the state. This project allows for ISTA’s Professional Resource Center to engage and empower teachers through: (1) high quality professional learning events and activities; (2) the ability to recertify their professional licenses by participating in PRC events and activities; and (3) networking and organizing with colleagues around the state on professional issues.
Indiana State Teachers Association
Grant ID: 608
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2017
Award Amount: $179,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: The Indiana State Teachers Association (ISTA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to support early career educators through Professional Resources Center (PRC) activities and annual Early Career Educator conferences. The grant also will be used to initiate the ISTA ReSupply program, which will be established to collect and donate classroom resources to PRC members. A portion of the grant funds also will be used to create Professional Pals, a mentoring program to pair active and retired members with early career educators and provide them with support and guidance during the crucial first years.
Iowa State Education Association
Grant ID: 373
Dates: 5/1/2014 - 5/1/2017
Award Amount: $450,000
Content Cluster: Leadership & Career Growth
Description: The Iowa State Education Association (ISEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant over three years to embark on a statewide system of teacher leadership, with specific plans being developed by local school districts and funded by the state. The ISEA will develop a Teacher Leadership Institute to provide quality learning opportunities and support to teachers; professional development events four times a year; ongoing online collaboration opportunities; and coaching for teacher leaders.
Iowa State Education Association
Grant ID: BB-296
Dates: 2/1/2020 - 4/15/2022
Award Amount: $225,000
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: Iowa State Education Association will use its GPS Fund Grant towards the goal of ensuring Iowa educators are supported by Teacher Leaders in their work, as they strive toward equity for our students, schools and communities. We will accomplish this through professional learning (conferences & Academy courses) for Teacher Leaders that enhance their skills and creates a learning community to support them in their learning and work. Iowa has a state-funded system of Teacher Leadership and Compensation that has roughly 25% of Iowa teachers in some type of leadership role - from instructional coach to mentor to behavior interventionist. Reaching these Teacher Leaders and helping them develop more focus on racial inequities in our schools, in their coaching practices and our education system will make a significant impact on our entire system.
Iowa State Education Association
Grant ID: BB-1866
Dates: 3/1/2023 - 4/15/2024
Award Amount: $225,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: IEA and its partner state affiliates will use this GPS Grant to address the problem of almost 50% of all new teachers leaving the profession. The churn of new teachers negatively impacts student learning, wastes valuable school district resources, and disrupts building community in schools. The opportunity is to create a better way to help new teachers feel more confident and supported in their difficult early teaching years while providing teacher leadership opportunities connecting exemplary, experienced teachers to coach and mentor the Early Career Educators. New teachers need to feel supported. Coaches and mentors will see their own teaching practice has improved by playing these roles with new teachers. Ultimately, success will be creating the expectation that this type of professional support is a core practice towards ensuring that Early Career Educators succeed early in their career benefiting student learning and solving the problem of teacher turnover.
Grant ID: BB-1279
Dates: 3/31/2022 - 6/15/2025
Award Amount: $688,450
Content Cluster: Professional Development and Learning
Kansas NEA's “Building Educator Efficacy to Improve Student Learning” will create professional learning for 540 educators/educator support professionals. The work will be focused on creating safe and equitable learning environments for educators / educator support professionals, and will be targeted in rural, low socioeconomic and diverse communities to positively impact student success, especially in schools with the greatest need.
Second District Education Association
Grant ID: 749
Dates: 2/1/2018 - 2/1/2020
Award Amount: $68,050
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: KEA 2nd District, in partnership with KEA 1st District, will use its GPS Fund Grant around Cultural Competence in the classroom, which is the first step in building the necessary relationships to close achievement gaps in student learning. Cultural Diversity training for teachers and para-educators will provide the tools and strategies needed for rural districts to meet the needs of an-ever changing diverse student population for enhanced student success.
Louisiana Association of Educators
Grant ID: 914
Dates: 8/1/2019 - 8/31/2022
Award Amount: $319,300
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: LAE is working to increase the number of certified teachers so that students at all schools have access to a well qualified educator with two different areas of work. The first area of work is to reduce the teacher shortage by creating a pipeline of new educators through educator club sponsorship at the high school level. The second area of work is help some educators overcome a common barrier to teacher certification, the PRAXIS exam. LAE will provide PRAXIS test preparation and content support for uncertified teachers, to educational support personnel, and university students in schools of education. LAE will be partnering with high schools, universities, and school districts with this work to create great public schools for all students in every zip code.
Louisiana Association of Educators
Grant ID: 569
Dates: 5/1/2016 - 8/31/2017
Award Amount: $109,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: The Louisiana Association of Educators (LAE) will use the one-year GPS Fund Grant to develop and help implement three cadres of Board Certified Teachers to help Louisiana teachers receive professional development in Board certification. LAE will create a well-trained, stable, teaching-and-learning community specifically designed to nurture younger educators, career ed ducators, and education support professionals as they progress through their careers. LAE will share both resources and learnings with education stakeholders, Louisiana schools, and the general public.
Louisiana Association of Educators
Grant ID: 685
Dates: 8/1/2017 - 8/1/2020
Award Amount: $597,600
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: LAE and 22 Parishes have come together to form the Parish Professional Practice Partnership. This partnership will focus on closing opportunity gaps for students in our lowest ranked schools by focusing on improving professional practices. The highest concentration of new teachers are in our lowest ranked schools – this partnership will concentrate efforts on growing and supporting new teachers towards successful classroom practices. Teacher attrition is high in these same schools and the work of this partnership will stabilize the workforce, increasing consistency and raising teaching practices so that students learn at higher levels. The work of this partnership will be focused on developing a system of well supported and well-resourced professional practice teams and leaders.
Associated Faculties of the Universities of Maine/USM Chapter
Grant ID: 683
Dates: 8/1/2017 - 8/1/2020
Award Amount: $597,480
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: The Frances Perkins Institute for Social Justice Education will be established at the University of Southern Maine with three goals: increasing retention and graduation rates through social justice education; closing racial and socioeconomic achievement gaps; and promoting social /racial justice professional development among early career PK-12 educators. These goals will be met through innovative curricular options addressing social justice, diversity and cultural competency. The curricular interventions—pop up courses for undergraduates and CEUs for inservice teachers—speak to extensive, unmet needs.
Howard County Education Association
Grant ID: 691
Dates: 8/1/2017 - 8/1/2020
Award Amount: $82,746
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: The Howard County Education Association, in partnership with HCPSS, is launching a 3-year pilot program which will provide consistent and high impact professional learning in a professional learning community (PLC) setting for early career educators. With their school-based colleagues, these PLCs led by National Board Certified Teachers, educators will focus on reflective practice, peer coaching, equity, differentiation in instruction, and their teaching practice and learning environment. The purpose of this grant is to build a pipeline of high impact professional learning for early career teachers and thus a pipeline of highly reflective practitioners committed to continuous improvement and growth for student achievement.
Howard County Education Association
Grant ID: 838
Dates: 2/1/2019 - 2/1/2022
Award Amount: $438,720
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: The Howard County Education Association will be assisting with the implementation of restorative justice within Howard County Public School System (HCPSS). By providing comprehensive training to educators, community members, and administrators, HCPSS will to help build a restorative culture in their school communities and dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline while e providing safe, positive learning environments for staff and students.
Maryland State Education Association
Grant ID: 915
Dates: 8/1/2019 - 9/30/2022
Award Amount: $528,219
Content Cluster:
Description: MSEA’s Praxis Core Preparation Program will engage and support future educators of color to help them receive a teaching certificate. The data strongly suggests that having a teaching force that reflects student diversity positively impacts student success. MSEA’s program will target future teachers of color and help them pass the standardized entrance exam into a teacher preparation program. This program is engaging traditional future teachers who are current undergrads as well as current education support professionals who are working in the school system and are working on receiving their teacher certificate. By directly supporting future teachers of color on the Praxis Core, MSEA’s program is helping to diversify the teaching profession.
Maryland State Education Association
Grant ID: 281
Dates: 10/15/2013 - 10/31/2014
Award Amount: $100,000
Content Cluster:
Description: The Maryland State Education Association (MSEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to assist with implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). A key to success in implementing the CCSS, and ensure student success, is to provide teachers with support, training, and resources to assist in instruction. MSEA’s goal is to create a diverse cadre of leaders from around d the state to deliver CCSS professional development programs and activities directly to educators to improve their professional practice. The professional development will be delivered regionally for a variety of audiences, from MSEA members to parents, community representatives, and other education stakeholders.
Maryland State Education Association
Grant ID: BB-1269
Dates: 3/31/2022 - 6/15/2025
Award Amount: $747,588
Content Cluster: Curriculum Development and Improving Instruction
Professional development is an intricate part of education advancement. The Maryland State Education Association will work to create professional development hubs that are available to, or assigned to, specific school districts. These hubs will train and advise certificated members, education support professionals, and others on educational best practices, community school initiatives, and professional development. This is critically important due to the implementation of new state legislation that fast-tracks the growth of community schools and require more intense engagement with early career educators and educators of color as part of short and long-term staffing goals.
Maryland State Education Association
Grant ID: BB-1270
Dates: 3/31/2022 - 6/15/2025
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Leadership and Career Growth
This enrichment/advancement program offered by the MSEA Center for Education Policy and Practice will enable education support professionals the opportunity to advance in the field of education. The recent implementation of new state legislation speaks to development and advancement of educators. Professional development is an intricate part of education advancement and innovation. This program will consist of both trainings and collegiate coursework. These programs will prepare education support professionals in their career pursuits in the public-school setting that is related to teaching and other non-teaching career advanced opportunities.
Montgomery County Education Association
Grant ID: 526
Dates: 11/1/2015 - 10/31/2017
Award Amount: $150,000
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to build strong affiliates local to local. The goals of the project are to develop the content, build the structure, and deliver coaching and support to NEA target locals on the specific topics of: using NBPTS programming and NBCTs to build strong locals, piloting a union-led Pipeline to the Profession intern program, organizing new members to own their profession, and leading the profession for equity and justice. This work addresses the issue of membership value using authentic content, differentiated strategies and an organizing focus; and provides pilot and case study programs to test membership growth and retention using professional issues.
Massachusetts Teachers Association
Grant ID: 282
Dates: 10/15/2013 - 11/15/2014
Award Amount: $150,000
Content Cluster:
Description: The Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to engage educators in helping shape the implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and define the policies around the effective measurement of student learning to ensure student success. This grant will support locals who actively bring educators into the decision-making process of the e Board of Elementary and Secondary Education concerning the effective implementation of CCSS and adoption of effective measurement of student learning. MTA will also partner with TeachPlus and other external organizations, in order to promote readiness for the implementation for these new standards.
Massachusetts Teachers Association
Grant ID: 338
Dates: 1/1/2014 - 1/1/2017
Award Amount: $194,000
Content Cluster: Student Advocacy & Success
Description: The Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) will use its GPS Fund Grant over three years to develop a Safe School Summit to bring together educators, elected officials, law enforcement personnel, judicial staff, social and health services providers, and parents and community members to consider how to ensure that our schools are safe, healthy environments in which students can learn and educators can teach. The Safe School Summit concept is one that has been embraced nationwide.
Massachusetts Teachers Association
Grant ID: 570
Dates: 5/1/2016 - 10/31/2019
Award Amount: $146,500
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: The Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) will create a sustainable restorative practices program at Fuller Middle School in Framingham, Massachusetts. MTA will partner with the Framingham Teachers Association and the Town of Framingham Public Schools to create a program at Fuller Middle School that will serve as a model for redefining and redirecting traditional s state and local disciplinary practices in ways that have been proven to foster a culture of student success. MTA will also partner with TeachPlus and other external organizations, in order to promote readiness for the implementation for these new standards.
Massachusetts Teachers Association
Grant ID: BB-1861
Dates: 3/1/2023 - 4/15/2026
Award Amount: $407,117
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: MTA will use its GPS Grant to support our statewide ESP Leadership Mentoring Program (ESP LMP), which is based on the belief that Educational Support Professionals (ESPs) are important local and statewide union leaders. We believe in leadership development, capacity building, and mobilizing ESPs in a manner that is rooted in the power of the rank-and-file. To secure the next generation of ESP advocates, ESPs need to develop a set of leadership competencies that will assist them in their work so they can thrive as union leaders. We believe that a mentoring model is the most effective and sustaining way to achieve this vision. Once established, the ESP Leadership Mentoring program will support emerging ESP Leaders throughout their leadership development journey. We believe that the most effective way to establish this new statewide program is to put the ownership of this initiative on current ESPs leaders “for ESPs by ESPs.” The ESP Leadership Mentoring program is a statewide, multi regional and multi-local program.
Michigan Education Association
Grant ID: 383
Dates: 5/1/2014 - 5/1/2015
Award Amount: $73,500
Content Cluster: Leadership & Career Growth
Description: The Michigan Education Association (MEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to create an instructional leadership program for union teacher leaders. In partnership with Central Michigan University, the MEA will develop a master’s degree program that will benefit members by providing 15 academic credits from Central Michigan University’s College of Education, creating a path to advanced certification with the Michigan Department of Education.
Michigan Education Association
Grant ID: 475
Dates: 1/1/2015 - 1/1/2016
Award Amount: $50,000
Content Cluster: Curriculum Development & Improving Instruction
Description: The Michigan Education Association (MEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant – in response to the Michigan State Board of Education adopting the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English and math – to conduct the research necessary to first learn from the experiences of other state education systems that have adopted CCSS and then engage in a statewide campaign involving g public meetings and public relations activities to build support for recommendations to lawmakers toward improving CCSS implementation in Michigan.
Michigan Education Association
Grant ID: BB-752
Dates: 4/15/2021 - 4/15/2023
Award Amount: $450,000
Content Cluster: Student Advocacy and Success
Description: MEA will focus its work on a dual-path project. On the first path, MEA will design and implement three pilot mentoring programs for minority middle school students. They will employ members to serve as mentors. Six selected MEA leaders will work to develop the structure of this program. The second path will build upon MEA's work in ACES and move into the much needed space of resiliency for students and staff, with programs and trainings to be developed by the MEA Executive Office in conjunction with staff liaisons and the four selected leaders working on this path.
Michigan Education Association
Grant ID: BB-748
Dates: 4/15/2021 - 4/15/2024
Award Amount: $675,000
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity and Cultural Competence
Description: Project MITTEN (Michigan Initiative to Transform Educational and Equity Networks) is a three-year collaboration between a state educators union, four school districts, and a university, working together to advance racial justice in education. In response to persistent teacher-student “racial gaps,” the project aims to enhance educators’ cultural competency, while recruiting more racialized minority students into teaching. It will develop two innovative and interconnected strategies focused on teachers and early career educators.
Michigan Education Association
Grant ID: BB-2989
Dates: 3/1/2024 - 5/15/2027
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity and Cultural Competence
Michigan Education Association, local affiliates, and a state university will work together to advance racial justice in education and support early career educators. In response to persistent teacher-student “racial gaps,” the project aims to enhance educators’ cultural competency, while recruiting more racialized minority students into teaching. It will develop two innovative and interconnected strategies focused on teachers and early career educators. First, new models of cultural competency training will be designed specifically for educators to address their unique and shared needs and challenges. Second, MEA will focus on future educators through the Educators Rising conference and competition and a Summer Residency that will prepare high school students of color for college transition and the teaching profession.
Education Minnesota
Grant ID: 478
Dates: 1/1/2015 - 1/1/2018
Award Amount: $287,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: Education Minnesota will use its GPS Fund Grant over three years to create and maintain a virtual professional learning network — Minnesota ConnectED — which will unite new with exiting cohorts of teachers in Minnesota toward improving their professional practice. Members will be able to access an openly networked, production-centered learning ecosystem driven by a sh hared purpose: eliminating achievement gaps for students of color and students living in poverty.
Education Minnesota
Grant ID: 777
Dates: 8/1/2018 - 8/31/2021
Award Amount: $287,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: Education Minnesota will use its grant to focus on retaining Early Career Educators in Minnesota classrooms by engaging them in their professional practice, developing leadership skills, and activating them on the issues that matter most in their work. Keeping educators in the profession improves student performance, reduces unstable churn in high-need schools, and betters public education.
Minneapolis Federation of Teachers
Grant ID: 610
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2019
Award Amount: $150,000
Content Cluster: Community Engagement
Description: The Minneapolis Federation of Teachers (MFT), an Education Minnesota affiliate, will use its GPS Fund Grant to create an Engagement Tool Kit for Educators. The tool kit will be designed to build site-specific parent engagement to help early career educators develop long-term relationships with community members. Participating early career educators will be partnered w with veteran educators who can provide support and share best practices. MFT will spend the next three years developing the long-term engagement program, initially focusing on five sites and adopting a two-tiered approach: 1) creating an MFT-specific Parent Advisory Board designed to strengthen existing relationships and 2) developing the Engagement Tool Kit.
Saint Paul Federation of Teachers
Grant ID: 574
Dates: 5/1/2016 - 4/30/2019
Award Amount: $530,500
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: The Saint Paul Federation of Teachers (SPFT), an Affiliate of Education Minnesota, will use its three-year GPS Fund Grant to create opportunities for professional development that support teachers. SPFT will create, and then implement a range of high-quality professional development opportunities not only benefits teachers but also students in their classrooms. SPFT w will share information with education stakeholders, Minnesota schools, and the general public.
Stadium View School
Grant ID: 304
Dates: 10/15/2013 - 10/31/2014
Award Amount: $25,000
Content Cluster:
Description: Stadium View School in the Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Center (Minnesota) will use its GPS Fund Grant to support the project “Restorative practice, social connectedness and resiliency.” Stadium View serves students in the 11-21 age range (the average age is 16) and the majority of the students are two to three years behind in terms of school; their average length of time in the center and school is 14 days. Science teacher Tarri Levine works with the students to find something they are passionate about and uses it to build up their self-worth, honing in on wanting them to continue with academics and increase the amount of quality time they spend learning. The grant money will also be used for self-publishing examples of poetry and music produced by students. The Hennepin County libraries have agreed to house the poetry books. Levine is working with students to self-publish a poetry book and music CD.
Mississippi Association of Educators
Grant ID: 331
Dates: 1/1/2014 - 1/1/2017
Award Amount: $250,000
Content Cluster:
Description: The Mississippi Association of Educators (MAE) will use its GPS Fund Grant to partner with the Jackson Education Association to make the local association an indispensable resource for Jackson teachers. Through the program, teachers will enhance their skills, learn how to navigate educational changes, including Common Core and the state’s new teacher evaluation system m, and become leaders for what’s best for teaching and learning in Jackson and, by extension, in Mississippi. This MAE initiative will test, document, and prove that relevance for association membership and engagement is based on establishing the association as the path to educator effectiveness and, ultimately, to student success.
Grant ID: BB-2990
Dates: 3/1/2024 - 5/15/2027
Award Amount: $467,300
Content Cluster: Leadership & Career Growth
Through the intentional focus on strategies that support recruitment and higher retention for all career phases, MNEA will engage with every educator career phase. MNEA has designed the grant to align with Great Teaching & Learning Keys to Transformation so that all career phases of educators can foster growth and amplify voices. Recruitment starts in Missouri with potential educators in Educators Rising and this Grant will allow for it to be not only coordinated by Missouri NEA but planned and run by professional and accomplished MNEA members. The MNEA Beginning Teacher Programming will establish NEA Early Career Learning Labs and recruit members for Early Leadership Institute. Lastly, the grant will fundamentally shift Professional Practice advocacy at local and state levels via Working Conditions Listening Tours.
Bozeman Education Association
Grant ID: 355
Dates: 5/1/2014 - 5/1/2015
Award Amount: $111,500
Content Cluster:
Description: The Bozeman Education Association will use its GPS Fund Grant to form a New Teacher Advisory Program that will increase student achievement at four schools—selected because of their high proportion of low socio-economic students—through the creation of an induction program that provides ongoing support for probationary teachers in their first three years of employment t. This program will enable master teachers to establish school environments in which new teachers can identify what they need to learn in order to thrive in their chosen profession.
Missoula Education Association
Grant ID: 832
Dates: 2/1/2019 - 2/1/2022
Award Amount: $578,008
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: The MEA and MCPS Collaborative Mentoring and Induction Program for New and Early Career Educators Grant is intended to continue our work in MCPS towards increased retention and job satisfaction for teachers in our district. The Grant encompasses three goals: Induction, Recruitment, and Positive Environment and Culture. It focuses on building frameworks for new educators in our district to support them in the areas of physical, institutional, emotional and instructional support. This is done through a thorough induction and mentoring program based on improvement science, a focus on improving our recruitment policies, and building relationships between early career educators and their administrators.
Nebraska State Education Association
Grant ID: 917
Dates: 8/1/2019 - 8/31/2022
Award Amount: $420,950
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: NEA’s Great Public Schools Fund is investing in Nebraska’s students, teachers and our state’s future with a grant to recruit, support and retain teachers in Nebraska. The grant will allow NSEA to help develop a teaching core that reflects our state’s population. Fewer and fewer students are choosing to become teachers. There has been a 50 percent drop in the number of students enrolled in Nebraska colleges of education over the past 10 years. Our goal is to add to the number of caring, competent teachers who can serve as role models for students while working with a myriad of stakeholders to provide safe and healthy learning environments. With this grant, the NSEA will be able to provide professional development in social justice and developing trauma informed classrooms, increasing the skills, knowledge and dispositions of educators.
Nebraska State Education Association
Grant ID: 618
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2017
Award Amount: $109,800
Content Cluster: Educator/Teacher Preparation
Description: The Nebraska State Education Association (NSEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to assist 210 ethnic minority pre-service teachers in passing the PRAXIS Core tests and support them with ongoing mentoring. The PRAXIS Core tests are a significant stumbling block for ethnic and minority students seeking to become teachers in Nebraska. Admission to a Nebraska teacher preparation program requires passing the approved basic skills tests; Nebraska requires completion of an approved teacher education preparation program to receive an Initial-, Standard-, or Professional-level teaching certificate. NSEA will work with affiliates and partners to organize a statewide cadre of PRAXIS mentors. Program participants will recruit college students of color, develop a facilitated online course, and encourage participants to become active and engaged Association members.
Nebraska State Education Association
Grant ID: 686
Dates: 8/1/2017 - 8/1/2019
Award Amount: $335,120
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: NSEA is developing a recruitment/tutoring program to help high school and college students who want to be great teachers to have that opportunity. More teachers of color are needed who can serve as role models for students. NSEA is working with high schools to identify students who are interested in teaching as a profession and encouraging/mentoring them. The grant wi ill also provide both high school and college students with the opportunity to participate in a seminar and tutoring that will help them prepare to pass the PRAXIS–an entrance exam that is required before being allowed to become a student in one of Nebraska’s colleges of education. If a low-income black student has just one black teacher in elementary school, (s)he is significantly more likely to graduate high school and consider college.
Nebraska State Education Association
Grant ID: 747
Dates: 2/1/2018 - 2/1/2021
Award Amount: $450,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: NSEA, in partnership with the South Dakota Education Association, will utilize the GPS Fund Grant to allow Nebraska and South Dakota teachers to receive the professional support they need to be successful teachers through association provided Professional Development, mentoring, instructional coaching, and through the formation of an Early Career Educators (ECE) group p. These professional supports build teacher leadership, association engagement in their union, connection to one another; thereby, ensuring greater retention and engagement of rural educators. “We do not grow in a vacuum; the caring, mentoring, and support of others form our career trajectories as well as our professional and personal experiences” (Murdaugh, 1998). The goals of this grant are tailored to the needs of rural ECE in their first 10 years of teaching in Nebraska and South Dakota. Rural areas in these states with the most potential for membership will be targeted. These areas will also be geographically dispersed in order to draw member engagement from smaller rural school districts nearby.
Clark County Education Association
Grant ID: 324
Dates: 1/1/2014 - 1/1/2017
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: The Clark County Education Association (CCEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant over three years to build a strong local association for students and educators in the nation’s fifth largest school district. CCEA will scale up member organizing through robust professional development offerings, including those targeting English Language Learners, and take the lead on successful implementation of Common Core State Standards. CCEA recognizes that one crucial use of these funds will be developing strong ties to parents of Latino students and other students of color.
Clark County Education Association
Grant ID: 520
Dates: 11/1/2015 - 10/31/2017
Award Amount: $133,258
Content Cluster: Educator Evaluation and/or Educator Effectiveness
Description: Clark County Education Association will use the GPS Fund Grant to develop and support a research study on the Clark County School District (CCSD) PAR Program. This project is a collaborative effort between (CCSD), the Clark County Education Association (CCEA), Clark County Association of School Administrators and Professional-Technical Employees (CCASAPE) and a working group of educators, trustees, and community leaders who worked to improve instruction by supporting new, and ultimately, under-performing teachers. The PAR program will be implemented in 22 schools; 19 schools constitute the Turnaround Zone within Clark School District, and 3 schools were a part of the Turnaround Zone during the 2014-15 school year. Of the 22 schools: 13 are elementary schools, 2 are middle schools, and 7 are high schools. All are chronically underperforming schools and traditionally are the hardest to staff in the district. The pilot program will take place in schools that require the most support.
Nevada State Education Association
Grant ID: 571
Dates: 5/1/2016 - 4/30/2017
Award Amount: $220,147
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: The Nevada State Education Association (NSEA) will use the one-year GPS Fund Grant to create a Professional Development Academy so early career educators, rural educators, and Education Support Professionals can acquire and enhance skills demonstrated as most effective in fostering student success. NSEA will create and implement an Academy that provides both face-to-f face and web-based opportunities. NSEA will share the Academy with education stakeholders, Nevada schools, and the general public.
Nevada State Education Association
Grant ID: 745
Dates: 2/1/2018 - 2/1/2020
Award Amount: $314,846
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: The Nevada State Education Association (NSEA) will use its two-year GPS Fund Grant to improve Nevada’s education system, which faces incredible challenges with regards to student achievement and teacher recruitment, PD, and retention; resulting in teacher shortages throughout the state, particularly within high needs communities and content areas. According to data, b black and Latino children are the least likely to be taught by a qualified, experienced teacher and the inequalities along racial lines are so profound nationally that in October 2014 the federal department’s Office for Civil Rights issued a letter to school district superintendents warning that the disparities may be unconstitutional. It is the aim and intent of NSEA's Professional Development Academy National Board Program, in partnership with NEA, National Board and its NT3 (Network to Transform Teaching) Nevada, Washoe County Education Association, to increase access to National Board Certification by building upon and expanding the work of the NSEA Professional Development Department.
Nevada State Education Association
Grant ID: 786
Dates: 8/1/2018 - 10/15/2019
Award Amount: $148,497
Content Cluster: Leadership & Career Growth
Description: Education Support Professionals from around the state of Nevada will be collaborating to advance in their chosen career across the NEA ESP Professional Growth Continuum. NEA ESPQ has initiated and collaborated with Education Support Professionals from every state to determine what it truly means to be foundational and achieve mastery in their chosen job family profession. The Nevada State Education Association has partnered with the Nevada National Board Institute and the Education Support Professional locals from around the state to begin the conversation around professional development to bring an ESP from foundational to mastery in their job. The Nevada State Education Association with the partners have worked together to break down the job family proficiencies with each job family. We found that our ESPs know what mastery looks like and would like to share the continuum with their districts. To provide the professional development needed, we need master educators to assist the ESPs with writing the content of professional development. With this partnership, Nevada ESPs will be able to provide their own professional development.
New Hampshire
NEA-New Hampshire
Grant ID: 376
Dates: 5/1/2014 - 5/1/2015
Award Amount: $51,000
Content Cluster:
Description: NEA-New Hampshire will use its GPS Fund Grant in collaboration with the New Hampshire Department of Education, the New Hampshire Technical Institute, the New Hampshire IHE Network, the Digital Opportunity Consortium, the New Hampshire School Library Media Association, the American Association of School Librarians, and Granite State College to inculcate the “Habit of M Mind” (HOM) approach among current and future educators to encourage them to use evidence-based practices when addressing particularly important and vexing challenges concerning students’ learning and well-being.
NEA-New Hampshire
Grant ID: 617
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2019
Award Amount: $735,000
Content Cluster: Educator Evaluation and/or Educator Effectiveness
Description: NEA-New Hampshire will use its GPS Fund Grant to pilot a New Hampshire Department of Education-approved accountability system. The accountability system is designed to support deeper student learning, based on teachers’ performance assessments of students. Known as Performance Assessment of Competency Education (PACE), the New Hampshire pilot is supported by a competency-based approach to education; it provides a vehicle for teachers to become more knowledgeable about competency-based education and performance assessment practices. The PACE accountability system greatly reduces the use of standardized tests and increases reliance on teacher-developed performance assessments for both accountability purposes and formative assessments. NEA-New Hampshire’s PACE pilot will focus on: 1) professional development for 26 teachers serving as PACE content leads; 2) support for 60 teachers experienced in PACE, providing them with communication and message training; 3) training in competency-based education practices for 250 educators new to PACE concepts; and 4) a Summer PACE Exhibition for 600 New Hampshire teachers and educators from other states and Education community shareholders to provide information about PACE components.
NEA-New Hampshire
Grant ID: BB-759
Dates: 4/15/2021 - 4/15/2024
Award Amount: $586,890
Content Cluster: Professional Development and Learning
Description: This grant, lead by NEA-New Hampshire, will allow four state affiliates partners (NH, HI, DE, CT) to recruit and train three cohorts of educator leaders. These teacher leaders will engage in professional learning around educator resilience, equity/racial justice and positive mindsets. These educator leaders will then engage up to 1000 members a year in professional learning.
NEA-New Hampshire
Grant ID: BB-1871
Dates: 3/1/2023 - 4/15/2026
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Leadership & Career Growth
Description: NEA-NH will use its GPS Grant to support our Educator Voice & Agency work. This will support and advance teachers’ connections with colleagues, students, families, guardians and caregivers, and the wider school community while advancing the careers of teachers whose advancement is inequitable due to financial or systemic roadblocks. There are three substantial pathways/activities in the grant.
- Pathway 1: The Performance Learning pathway elevates teacher’s experience in competency-based learning to train and mentor less experienced teachers in the practices.
- Pathway 2: The Teacher Leadership pathway of the grant provides advanced skillful communication training for teachers to take a leadership role in establishing strong relationships with families and the wider school community.
- Pathway 3: The Teacher Advancement pathway of this grant work eases the way for educators who have systemic/financial roadblocks to further education in NEA communities that show a need for highly trained competency-based teachers.
NEA-New Hampshire
Grant ID: BB-3006
Dates: 3/1/2024 - 5/15/2027
Award Amount: $500,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
NEA-New Hampshire, partners, and local NEA-NH affiliates will recruit and retain early career education members. The approach will employ three strategies over the 3-year term of the grant: 1) Diverse college student members will engage through newly developed Aspiring Educators and serve as paraprofessionals as part of an apprenticeship program, in collaboration with the higher education institutions, school districts, and local NEA-NH affiliates, to address the paraeducator shortage in the priority need schools and to recruit and support the development of future educators. 2) Engage early career educators (years 0-3) in mentoring, professional development and/or collaborative activities. 3) Members pursuing alternative certification routes will receive support through professional development and additional Praxis support.
New Jersey
East Orange Maintenance Association
Grant ID: 776
Dates: 8/1/2018 - 8/31/2021
Award Amount: $90,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: The East Orange Maintenance Association (EOMA) will use its grant to support a collaborative model program run through EOMA to develop and implement relevant and meaningful professional development programs for all East Orange School District Education Support Professionals (ESPs) through the use of the Professional Growth Continuum (PGC) developed by the NEA. This p professional development will provide skill development with a student-centered focus, help to defend against privatization by demonstrating expertise and clear recognition of that expertise, and become the basis for evaluations at the district level. The East Orange Maintenance Association is proud to partner with the East Orange School District, the NJEA and the NEA to develop what we hope will become a statewide, if not national, model for strong ESP Professional Development through the use of the PGC.
New Jersey Education Association
Grant ID: 787
Dates: 8/1/2018 - 1/31/2020
Award Amount: $182,000
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: Supported by a GPS Fund grant, the New Jersey Education Association and a new generation of public school teachers and education support professionals (ESP) are leading the way in building a statewide collaborative of districts participating in developing and implementing Labor-Management strategies. These local leaders are sharing in district decision-making with administrators to improve student achievement (particularly in high poverty schools), increase teacher retention, change school climate to one of collaboration, and demonstrate a valued role for the union in professional practice.
New Jersey Education Association
Grant ID: BB-1284
Dates: 3/31/2022 - 6/15/2025
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Over the next three years, the New Jersey Education Association, in partnership with NJEA members, historical content scholars, and community stakeholders will collaborate to cultivate curriculum and instructional practice that teaches and affirms our humanity and that of others.
Through this partnership we will address:
- Professional Learning: The Consortium will offer opportunities for immersive professional learning experiences as well as sustained learning journeys at conferences across the NJEA Professional Development & Instructional Issues landscape.
- Representative Curricular Resources: The Consortium will lead the curation, design, and sharing of high-quality, representative curricular resources and will enhance educator awareness of the importance of teaching and affirming our humanity and that of others; Professional learning experiences and journeys will be partnered with facilitated artifact collection and representative curriculum design sessions to enhance action and impact.
- Community Engagement: The Consortium will engage and amplify stakeholder voices through community based discussions and projects that aim to increase partnerships, identify locally-based allies and leaders, and enhance community awareness of the importance of teaching and affirming our humanity and that of others.
Woodbridge Township Education Association
Grant ID: 518
Dates: 11/1/2015 - 10/31/2016
Award Amount: $90,000
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: Woodbridge Township Education Association (WTEA), in collaboration with Woodbridge Township School District (WTSD) and community partners, will use its GPS Fund Grant to establish a Motivational Personalized Achievement Contact Team (M-P.A.C.T.) pilot program at Woodbridge High School. The objective is to address the social and emotional needs of students most at risk k of dropping out of high school, traveling the school-to-prison pipeline and who practice unhealthy lifestyles due to food insecurity and impoverished households. Work outcomes include: student motivation, positive reinforcement, and strengthened whole-school/community relationships between students and amongst all educational stakeholders.
New Mexico
NEA-Las Cruces
Grant ID: 616
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2019
Award Amount: $240,000
Content Cluster: Community Engagement
Description: NEA-Las Cruces, an NEA-New Mexico affiliate, will use its GPS Fund Grant to create New and Energized Educators (NET). NET will provide a nurturing environment for teachers, nourish experiences for teachers, and build a network to help empower teachers. The initiative has four primary objectives: 1) reduce truancy and promote student success through increasing instructional hours, 2) reduce discipline referrals by implementing restorative justice principals, 3) create a school-based health center that includes behavioral health, and 4) increase educator, parent, and student voices in school-site decision making.
NEA-New Mexico
Grant ID: 912
Dates: 8/1/2019 - 12/31/2022
Award Amount: $630,000
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: The NEA-New Mexico Community Schools Hub builds on NEA-New Mexico’s leadership over the past three years in developing community schools in Las Cruces. The Hub will (1) support other New Mexico locals in winning and implementing the community school strategy. The Hub will help locals engage their members, especially ESPs in the advocacy for and work of community schools to overall promote ESP engagement in educator-led school transformation. The Hub will also (2) build capacity around NEA’s Comm. School Improvement Science Micro-Credential Program, which provides locals across the country with a roadmap for implementing best-practice community schools that utilize improvement science. Finally, the Hub will (3) provide capacity to develop the New Mexico Coalition for Comm. Schools and (4) continue to support Las Cruces.
NEA-New Mexico
Grant ID: 835
Dates: 2/1/2019 - 2/1/2022
Award Amount: $600,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: NEA-New Mexico will its grant to demonstrate the value of membership through enhanced and mentored professional development opportunities for teachers and ESP in targeted areas of New Mexico. Both teachers and ESP must function as an education team to educate the Whole Student. Both teachers and ESP must be part of a rising tide of professionalism that lifts our students to greater success. This work takes place in the context of significant positive changes in the political landscape of New Mexico which include: election of an education friendly governor and lieutenant governor; both chambers education friendly; an NEA New Mexico member as land grant commissioner (land grant funds education); new money in state budget ranging between $1.2 billion - $2 billion; and landmark court decision addressing funding sufficient to meet the needs of ethnically diverse children and children with special needs.
NEA-New Mexico
Grant ID: BB-1272
Dates: 3/31/2022 - 6/15/2025
Award Amount: $675,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development and Learning
The primary goal of this grant is to increase the professional development capacity of the NEA-New Mexico Center for Community Schools, by expanding the National Board Certification (NBC) Jumpstart training program and by developing an Early Career Educator (ECE) Hub and a Community-Based Learning Resource Hub to support professional excellence and advance social/racial justice in education.
New York
Cambridge Faculty Association
Grant ID: 499
Dates: 5/1/2015 - 5/15/2016
Award Amount: $46,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: The Cambridge Faculty Association, in conjunction with numerous other partners including the Cambridge Central School District, will use its GPS Fund Grant to launch a Probe Year to work with stakeholders and partners creating a Teacher Candidate Residency program for graduate level students. This would be done in partnership with SUNY Plattsburgh, which would allow c candidates to be embedded in a school district placement with a highly effective attending teacher each year, for a two year period (comparable to the traditional Master’s Program length at SUNY Plattsburgh). This would create a robust, clinically rich experience and provide the foundation for their work as they transition into their own classrooms, serving their own students, and proving their professional readiness through authentic field experience.
Cambridge Faculty Association
Grant ID: 592
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2019
Award Amount: $738,059
Content Cluster: Educator/Teacher Preparation
Description: The Cambridge Faculty Association (CFA), a New York State United Teachers affiliate, will use its GPS Fund Grant to launch the Classroom Academy Teacher Residency program for graduate-level education preparation students. Working in conjunction with the Hudson Falls Teachers Association and the Saratoga Adirondack Board of Cooperative Educational Services Employees Association, CFA will partner with the State University of New York-Plattsburgh (at Queensbury) to establish a program to promote student success by developing exceptional future teachers. Participants will be mentored by an accomplished teacher for a two-year period to create a robust, clinically-rich, pre-service experience that is currently unavailable. Alongside participation in a restructured delivery of graduate-level coursework, program participants will receive a solid foundation for their work as they transition into classrooms, serve students, and prove their professional readiness through authentic field experience. Affiliate members engaging in the work as Attending Teachers, mentors, or participants will positively impact student learning by developing a common language and understanding of accomplished practice.
New York State United Teachers
Grant ID: 320
Dates: 1/1/2014 - 1/1/2017
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: New York State United Teachers will use its GPS Fund Grant over three years to mobilize resources and expertise around enhancing teacher and student understanding of New York State Common Core Learning Standards and their application to classroom teaching and learning. The resources and expertise comprise 12 subject area specialty committees and 21 professional associations. Increased understanding of the standards and their application will lead directly to improved student preparedness for college and post-secondary career opportunities.
New York State United Teachers
Grant ID: 687
Dates: 8/1/2017 - 8/1/2020
Award Amount: $321,600
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: NYSUT and labor/management (pilot) teams plan to: re-design the mentoring experience to focus on racial justice issues in light of changes in our nation’s demographics, migration patterns, and economy; create dialogue and reflection with early career educators, mentors and union activists around issues of equity, diversity, and racial/social justice; identify critical l issues of inequity and injustice that impact students, educators, and members; co-create actionable strategies to disrupt inequity and injustice within the association and public education system; and provide replication support to scale the model throughout the state.
New York State United Teachers
Grant ID: BB-763
Dates: 4/15/2021 - 4/15/2024
Award Amount: $675,000
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: NYSUT’s Take a Look at Teaching/The Grow Your Own project is a three-year project, the goal for which is to inspire and support a new generation of diverse and talented young people in their pursuit of a teaching career. This project aims to create momentum with critical stakeholders – students, families, P-12, higher education and community colleges, and community partners about the need for a sustainable teacher pathway. The project will utilize a variety of virtual and face-to-face events, workshops and meetings, and communications tools to promote teaching and ensure the pathway is more inclusive of educators of color. Building on existing relationships and expanding our network of partners will help ensure the success of this effort beyond the grant period.
North Syracuse Education Association
Grant ID: 378
Dates: 5/1/2014 - 5/1/2017
Award Amount: $168,750
Content Cluster: Curriculum Development & Improving Instruction
Description: The North Syracuse Education Association will use its GPS Fund Grant over three years to enable North Syracuse Central School District teachers to participate in lesson study to improve their Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) instruction. With the advent of Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards, even experienced teachers are e faced with planning and implementing content with which they are not familiar. Sixty teachers will be involved over the three years: 40 in the first year and 10 each year thereafter.
United Federation of Teachers, Local #2, AFT
Grant ID: 371
Dates: 5/1/2014 - 5/1/2016
Award Amount: $499,700
Content Cluster:
Description: The United Federation of Teachers, in conjunction with The New American Initiative, intends to use its GPS Fund Grant over two years to support The New American Academy’s (TNAA) innovative school and contract model by supporting some of the New American Initiative’s Reflective Practice and Leadership training practices, which help make TNAA unique. In addition, there will be collaboration on planning a citywide pilot peer-review program based upon the peer-review model being successfully practiced at TNAA schools.
United Federation of Teachers, Local #2, AFT
Grant ID: 576
Dates: 5/1/2016 - 4/30/2017
Award Amount: $175,000
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: The United Federation of Teachers Local #2 (UFT) will use its one-year GPS Fund Grant to improve the teacher preparation program for Masters-level students who want to be teachers. Working in partnership with the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators and the New York City Department of Education, UFT will create programs of professional training in mentoring relationships, formal teacher leadership roles, and continuous and shared learning opportunities. UFT will share the created programs with education stakeholders, New York State schools, and the general public.
North Carolina
North Carolina Association of Educators
Grant ID: 620
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2019
Award Amount: $268,400
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: The North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) will use its GPS Fund Grant to further implement the Beginning Teacher Organizing Program (BTOP). Constructed over the past two years by a team of local leaders and early career educators from locals of varying sizes and settings (rural, suburban, and urban), BTOP is designed to engage and support new teachers as they y move through their first five years. The program matches and connects early career educators with instructional and professional resources that support them in their career growth and goals. BTOP leverages communication, mentoring and instructional support, and outreach to help reduce and prevent teacher attrition by fostering community connections with teacher leaders statewide.
North Carolina Association of Educators
Grant ID: 840
Dates: 2/1/2019 - 2/1/2022
Award Amount: $265,639
Content Cluster: Curriculum Development & Improving Instruction
Description: NCAE will use its GPS Fund grant to embark on a new journey of training educators to be empowered with tools to address issues of student trauma, social injustice and being confident in leading co-workers and peers within their school community. NCAE members who have been selected via an application process or have participated in our NBCT Network or ILI alumni who c completed a three-year capstone project, will participate in a train the trainer professional development series providing them new skills and leadership confidence. These trained members will be tasked with leading sessions in their schools and school communities, creating sessions based on need and hosting webinars to share the work. The work conducted will provide educators with skills to enhance their teaching practice as well as support students of trauma and students of color.
North Carolina Association of Educators
Grant ID: BB-761
Dates: 4/15/2021 - 4/15/2024
Award Amount: $675,000
Content Cluster: Educator/Teacher Preparation
Description: NCAE looks to lead efforts in building a stronger diverse teacher workforce in some of the state’s most-economically distressed counties, also known as Tier 1, and where public school teacher attrition rates are rising. Through implementation of a member-led, teacher development program for high school students, known as Teacher Cadet, this grant will provide the most cost-efficient teacher recruitment strategy. The curriculum-based, “homegrown” teacher recruitment program has a proven history of developing high school students to enter the teacher pathway and, ultimately, teach in the communities they call home. NCAE will actively recruit Black males and other students of color to enroll in this innovative high school program to become teachers.
North Dakota
North Dakota United
Grant ID: 572
Dates: 5/1/2016 - 4/30/2019
Award Amount: $241,221
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: North Dakota United (NDU) will develop literacy and instructional coaching frameworks proven to positively impact student achievement. NDU will use the three-year GPS Fund grant to partner with a broad cross-section of North Dakota education stakeholders to develop frameworks identified by the U.S. Department of Education as fostering student achievement. NDU will share created frameworks with education stakeholders, North Dakota schools, and the general public.
Ohio Education Association
Grant ID: 284
Dates: 10/15/2013 - 10/31/2014
Award Amount: $100,000
Content Cluster:
Description: The Ohio Education Association (OEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to strengthen educators’ voices in school improvement while advocating for the effective implementation of Ohio’s New Learning Standards (ONLS). The funding will be also be used to help educators develop resources for the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) as well as advocate for th he teaching and learning conditions necessary for student and educator success. The driving issues for the OEA will be ONLS and the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System. They will support educators in becoming leaders and messengers advocating for quality teaching and learning conditions in their schools. The immediate goal is for educators to succeed at school district integration with the new standards, assessments and evaluation. OEA’s goal is to lead a student-centered agenda, improve the quality of public education and elevate the teaching profession.
The Education Association of Moore
Grant ID: 512
Dates: 5/1/2015 - 11/1/2016
Award Amount: $290,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: The Education Association of Moore (TEAM) will use its GPS Fund Grant on a Peer Assistance and Reflection (PAR) Program to create an initial system of voluntary peer assistance and reflection in Moore Public Schools (MPS) in Moore, Oklahoma. Teachers will enter this local-association designed and driven PAR system as either novice or entry-year teachers, as teachers d desiring to improve their instructional practice or reduce professional isolation, or as an administrative or peer-recommended resource. The TEAM PAR program is as a mentoring network which is designed to mentor novice teachers entering the profession and teachers at risk of leaving the profession; partner with MPS to improve the retention rate of teachers during a crisis of teacher shortage; build and sustain a culture of collaboration and teacher leadership in the district; broadly improve instructional practice and professional learning across the district through reflective analysis; and define TEAM as a leader in sharing best teaching practices, thus providing value to our members.
Ashland Education Association
Grant ID: 523
Dates: 11/1/2015 - 10/31/2016
Award Amount: $51,600
Content Cluster: Leadership & Career Growth
Description: Ashland High School will use its GPS Fund Grant to explore ways to distribute leadership among the staff using a leadership model, and will assist with recruiting and retaining excellent teachers by providing career pathways that leverage various skill sets. This project is a collaboration of teachers, administrators, classified staff and one school board member. This s work includes researching leadership models, using a rubric to evaluate the models, and pulling out ideas that may work in the context of Ashland High School. The goal of the leadership model includes: increase student achievement, increase teacher voice and leadership, improve instructional quality, and build more capacity in teacher leadership.
Oregon (lead on collaboration of NEA Pacific Region States)
Grant ID: 424
Dates: 9/1/2014 - 9/1/2015
Award Amount: $85,000
Content Cluster:
Description: The NEA Pacific Region National Board Collaborative, with Oregon Education Association as lead affiliate, will use its GPS Fund Grant to help grow National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) candidate support systems, and engage and organize NBCTs as leaders. This project will: 1) establish initial and ongoing communications with all 2,027 NBCTs in these six states, 2) engage at least 20% of these NBCTs (405) in face-to-face relational meetings, and 3) cultivate leadership readiness and connect at least 10% of each state’s NBCTs (202) with formal and informal association leadership roles. Though data sources are currently insufficient to determine the number of NBCTs currently in Association leadership roles, the percentage is low. (Note: Proposed database work will allow for a “baseline” retroactive identification of NBCTs in Association leadership roles.
Oregon Education Association
Grant ID: 285
Dates: 10/15/2013 - 10/31/2014
Award Amount: $100,000
Content Cluster:
Description: The Oregon Education Association (OEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to take the lead on the effective implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) while engaging with parents and community leaders to positively influence the classroom experience for students and educators. OEA will engage and empower educators to advocate on professional practice and education policy issues; lead local quality education initiatives; and build a continuum of support for the education profession and strategies for educational transformation. The grant will support OEA to: (1) work with partners to create a comprehensive, sustainable long-term plan for CCSS implementation, including professional development; (2) develop a tool or utilize an existing tool to assess educator and school district implementation needs and inform professional learning opportunities; (3) develop and/or adopt professional development modules and materials that can be used by individual educators, local associations and school districts; and (4) engage in regional parent and community town halls to help the public understand how important it is to implement CCSS successfully.
Oregon Education Association
Grant ID: 621
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2018
Award Amount: $250,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: The Oregon Education Association (OEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to develop partnerships with local education associations, local school districts, state departments of education, and education community stakeholders to help develop and implement the Quality Assessment Practices Network Improvement Community (NIC). The NIC’s will bring educators together with partne ers to engage in on-going, high-quality professional learning and development, focused on effectively selecting, designing, and using high-quality assessments to help inform instruction. The NIC’s ultimate aim is to advocate for, implement, and actualize quality assessment practices in classrooms and schools across Oregon. Building on an existing cadre of Quality Assessment Professional Practice leaders, the NIC will bring education stakeholders together to learn collectively, share successes and challenges, and support implementation of quality assessment practices to help students succeed.
Oregon Education Association
Grant ID: 834
Dates: 2/1/2019 - 2/1/2022
Award Amount: $600,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: OEA will use its GPS Fund grant to significantly expand member-led professional learning for all members around the state through a variety of learning designs and content areas. This will create a sustainable professional learning framework that allows for learning opportunities that meet identified member needs and can adapt and adjust as needs change. The professional learning framework will be classroom focused, sustained, and job-embedded, and effectively improve instructional practice so it has a measurable impact on student learning.
Oregon Education Association
Grant ID: 836
Dates: 2/1/2019 - 2/1/2022
Award Amount: $565,956
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: OEA will its GPS Fund to lead a transformative organizational commitment to equity that will equip members as culturally proficient social justice practitioners and champions. This equity stance will grow and retain both early career and racially diverse members/leaders and develop a strong and compelling continuum of learning focused on culturally proficient practice es and social justice advocacy. OEA members will engage authentically with Oregon communities of color and social justice organizations to deepen our equity engagement and coalition. The OEA Ethnic Minority Affairs Committee, the OEA Human and Civil Rights Committee and OEA Ethnic Minority Affairs Director will be central in this transformation and, along with early career members and members of color, will be recruited and supported to grow as equity champions and thought partners.
Pennsylvania State Education Association
Grant ID: 321
Dates: 1/1/2014 - 1/1/2015
Award Amount: $249,000
Content Cluster:
Description: The Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to enable a unique partnership to support York City schools in their implementation of numerous educational reforms, including professional development and follow-up coaching to build needed infrastructure to implement and sustain site-based management. The partnership comprises the PSEA, the York City Education Association, the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network, and Performance Learning Systems/3rd Learning.
Pennsylvania State Education Association
Grant ID: 533
Dates: 11/1/2015 - 10/31/2017
Award Amount: $110,500
Content Cluster: Educator/Teacher Preparation
Description: Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to implement the next phase of a distributed leadership (DL) model project in the School District of the City of York, PA. This project is a continuation of Year 1 work and implements the work for Years 2 and 3 goals to help the DL program provide professional libraries in each participating s school building; and an independent evaluation of the project’s impact on the participating schools.
Pennsylvania State Education Association
Grant ID: BB-2998
Dates: 3/1/2024 - 5/15/2027
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
PSEA’s Pathway to Teaching (PTT) program expands educator recruitment efforts by supporting a new high school career pathway in education and encouraging diverse high schools to participate. Already, PSEA has fostered a state policy environment to recruit/support diverse candidates to teaching, partnered with PDK International/Ed Rising for career pathway programming, and re-organized internally to help these initiatives root. Combining existing PSEA efforts with this grant provides the boost needed to attract a new generation of diverse candidates to teaching careers.
Rhode Island
NEA-Rhode Island
Grant ID: BB-1867
Dates: 3/1/2023 - 4/15/2025
Award Amount: $100,000
Content Cluster: Curriculum Development & Improving Instruction
Description: NEA-RH will use its GPS Grant to support Reading Across America: Diversity Lesson Planning for Early Career Educators, which is a program for teachers in their first few years in the classroom. By using NEA's Read Across America book selections appropriate for each grade level, teachers will work in concert with experienced classroom teachers and university professors to create lesson plans devoted to diversity and inclusion while helping their students achieve state and local standards. This pairing of mentor and new teachers will foster partnerships around our state to create a network of educators dedicated to diversity and inclusion in our curricula.
South Carolina
South Carolina Education Association
Grant ID: BB-1823
Dates: 3/31/2023 - 4/15/2026
Award Amount: $702,339
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: SCEA will use its GPS Grant to support its Center for Educator Wellness & Learning (CEWL), which will serve as the state's leading provider of relevant and engaging professional learning and induction. Through webinars, in-person sessions, workshops, retreats, roundtables, livestreams, podcasts, and blogs, CEWL will build educator efficacy and promote educator wellness. CEWL will place an emphasis on addressing educator stress, trauma-informed practices, restorative practices, and racial, economic, and social justice issues.
South Dakota
South Dakota Education Association
Grant ID: BB-1285
Dates: 3/31/2022 - 6/15/2025
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Leadership and Career Growth
The Instructional Leadership Engagement and Development program (iLEAD) will create and institute leadership pathways to engage diverse and culturally competent educators who make a practice of applying social and racial justice and equity principles in their work with students, fellow educators, and the association. The goal is to create 489 new leaders (163 per year) over the next three years who will improve member engagement, build educator capacity, and impact student success. Successful leaders will continue to engage as instructional leaders by facilitating professional development within their local and/or at the state level and will identify and mentor a new generation of leaders before transitioning into other roles themselves. We will also engage 580 members per year in different instructional development activities. At least 85% of members reached by grant-created or revised training will rate their SDEA experience as positive on surveys (enjoyable experience and/or helped them become more effective in their work).
Hamilton County Education Association
Grant ID: BB-1271
Dates: 3/31/2022 - 6/15/2025
Award Amount: $748,098
Content Cluster: Early Career Education Support and Engagement
The Hamilton County Education Association, in partnership with Hamilton County Schools, will develop and implement an early career educator retention program designed to encourage, support, and develop our early career educators, particularly educators of color. This project addresses the retention challenges faced by Hamilton County Schools in retaining educators of color and promotes student success by ensuring access to diverse educators. At present only 12% of educators in Hamilton County are educators of color while the student population is over 50% students of color. The program will be open to all 1st-5th year educators in Hamilton County Schools, with a focus on educators of color. Components of the project over the 3 years will include the establishment of social and affinity groups for early career educators to establish a sense of connection and boost morale; mentoring by experienced teachers to encourage the adoption of best practices; providing access to diverse professional development opportunities including national conferences; and developing clear guidance for addressing relevant racial and social issues in class.
Tennessee Education Association
Grant ID: 368
Dates: 5/1/2014 - 5/1/2015
Award Amount: $39,767
Content Cluster:
Description: The Tennessee Education Association (TEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to provide improved instructional opportunities for students and teachers by positioning itself as a leader of Tennessee’s education profession through the establishment of a Teacher Leader Network facilitated by members who serve as Teacher Leader Organizers (TLOs). The Association’s goal is to have a lead TLO in every Tennessee school district that uses the Interdependent Leadership Model and to recruit a TLO for every work site.
Tennessee Education Association
Grant ID: BB-299
Dates: 2/1/2020 - 4/15/2022
Award Amount: $286.000
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: The Tennessee Education Association (TEA) is shifting their Instruction and Professional Development (IPD) program from a primarily staff-led delivery service to a program that empowers and facilitates practitioner-led professional development. Both new and experienced educators across Tennessee verify the best IPD experiences they have had were those in which they ha ad an active part in design and delivery or were those led by their peers. Education Week and the Learning Policy Institute have published reports on the positive results on student learning and teacher retention when a consistent program of practitioner-led professional development is implemented.
Port Arthur Teachers Association
Grant ID: 510
Dates: 5/1/2015 - 5/15/2016
Award Amount: $37,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: The Port Arthur Teachers Association (PATA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to help strengthen its capacity to organize around professional issues, develop its program to meet the needs of teachers, and sustain its activism and advocacy for all educators. Working in collaboration with the Port Arthur Independent School District (PAISD), the local association is establishing a network to support all PATA members and potential members through quality professional development. The grant work includes: collaboration with the local school district on professional development; rebranding the local association as the professional association; establishing the association as the authority on professional development; and positioning the association as a source of mentors for great teaching in the district.
Port Arthur Teachers Association
Grant ID: 623
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2019
Award Amount: $90,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: The Port Arthur Teachers Association (PATA), a Texas State Teachers Association affiliate, will use its GPS Fund Grant to implement a portion of its professional development planning to help meet the content needs and learning styles of younger, newer teachers and early career educators. Grant money will provide intensive training for a broad group of educators to hel lp them understand the dynamics of decision-making, develop the knowledge basis to effectively articulate and engage in the decision-making process outlined in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), and engender a professional culture anchored in cultural competence and teacher effectiveness. Also crucial is expansion of PATA’s professional learning platform across critical Port Arthur Independent School District (PAISD) stakeholder groups to sustain ongoing and dynamic dialogue relative to ESSA. Professional development emphasis will include targeted topics of value to new teachers.
San Antonio Alliance of Teachers and Support Personnel
Grant ID: 748
Dates: 2/1/2018 - 2/1/2021
Award Amount: $512,791
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: The San Antonio Alliance plans to build union leadership capacity and grow membership by formalizing, strengthening, and sustaining a network of support for and engagement of early career, as well as mid-career, educators. We will connect new and existing union cohorts of educators and provide them with the skills and resources to engage other Early Career Educators t to build strong educator voice and empowerment and to foster a union culture anchored in professional and social justice. We will create a 2-year cycle for our Early Career Leadership Fellows (ECLF) cohorts, which will provide them the opportunity to fully implement the plan they create and to continue participating in NEA events that will help broaden their understanding of the work. Similarly, we will create a two-year cycle for our Alliance Leadership and Policy Program (ALPP) cohort, which meets monthly during the school year to conduct a personal action research project, and network with local leaders.
Texas State Teachers Association
Grant ID: BB-3001
Dates: 3/1/2024 - 5/15/2027
Award Amount: $400,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development and Learning
In 2019, Texas introduced legislation that provides $3k-$9k allotments to districts that hire NBCTs. As a result, an increasing number of educators have expressed interest in pursuing National Board, and TSTA members have reached to their union for support. TSTA launched the Jump Start Summer Intensive in 2022 to be responsive to our members. The program has been incredibly well received, but we have identified additional needs on which our grant will focus: Goal #1: Increase educator diversity, both geographically and ethnically, in the National Board Jump Start Summer Intensive; Goal #2: Establish a National Board Systems of Support Cohort; and Goal #3: Develop regional capacity through an NB Systems of Support internship program.
Alpine Education Association
Grant ID: 302
Dates: 10/15/2013 - 10/31/2014
Award Amount: $5,000
Content Cluster:
Description: The Alpine Education Association (AEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to help students and teachers stay ahead of the curve in an environment where standards are evolving to meet the dynamic needs of students as they prepare to compete in the global economy. AEA, in partnership with the Utah Education Association (UEA), will support teacher quality in schools by providing each AEA member with a toolkit that includes guidelines to assist in successfully meeting the new teacher standards recently established by the Utah State Office of Education.
Utah Education Association
Grant ID: 519
Dates: 11/1/2015 - 10/31/2016
Award Amount: $175,000
Content Cluster: Leadership & Career Growth
Description: Utah Education Association (UEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to develop the “Making the Change: Moving to a Teaching and Leadership Agenda” program with the purpose of establishing changes to organizing around teaching and learning at the UniServ and Local level by working with eight UniServs to align their missions, strategic goals and actual organizing with that of UEA. UEA, in collaboration with leaders, members, staff, allies and other community groups, will focus on advancing the cause of great public schools in Utah using UEA's Education Excellence Plan, National Board teachers, Teachers of the Year, and Teacher Leadership Initiative graduates to meet with community members and policy members. The goals of this work are to elevate the profession through professional development on education evaluation, Assessment Literacy, and student learning objectives; and to change the student program to organize around professional learning.
Utah Education Association
Grant ID: BB-3003
Dates: 3/1/2024 - 5/15/2027
Award Amount: $708,677
Content Cluster: Professional Development and Learning
UEA believes in a safe, equitable school for every child. In order to achieve that vision, UEA provides professional learning to members in various topics related to early career educators, social and racial justice, professional practice, leadership, legislative, political, and organizing to support students and public education. In celebration of the opening of our new HQ facility, UEA will establish a UEA Professional Learning Academy to build awareness of social and racial justice in education, provide support for our early career educators, share classroom best practices, build leadership skills at all levels of the Association, increase engagement with the legislative and political processes, and support our members in their efforts to organize. This new resource is included as a benefit to our members. Interested non-members will have access to this professional learning for a minimal fee per session.
Utah School Employees Association
Grant ID: 333
Dates: 1/1/2014 - 1/1/2017
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: The Utah School Employees Association (USEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant over three years to support a multi-year organizational transformation that can serve as a model for other affiliates that want to build strong, member-led associations focused on supporting student success and serving members’ on-the-job needs. This initiative will embed students’ needs and teachers’ professional development needs in the day-to-day activities of USEA staff and leaders, producing a membership increase sufficient to sustain the initiative.
Utah School Employees Association
Grant ID: BB-3007
Dates: 3/1/2024 - 5/15/2025
Award Amount: $53,190
Content Cluster: Professional Development and Learning
USEA will use its GPS Fund grant to support member efforts to foster ESP-focused professional development and build an educator learning community that drives improved student outcomes.
Grant ID: 690
Dates: 8/1/2017 - 8/1/2020
Award Amount: $73,750
Content Cluster: Curriculum Development & Improving Instruction
Description: Vermont-NEA's work under this grant includes reaching out to state-identified low-achieving districts and their local affiliates, identifying member ESP leaders in the districts to serve as mentors, and training them with skills that will support them in their role as mentors, with a focus on understanding Vermont’s historically marginalized students and strategies to o support student learning. The development of the mentoring program will take place in July, 2017 and will include the development of a paraeducator rubric from existing rubrics nationwide that have been adapted from Danielson’s Framework for Teaching; Vermont-NEA is a leader in training teacher mentors so paraeducator rubrics utilizing this framework should be a good match.
Vermont (lead on 9-State SLO Consortium)
Grant ID: 329
Dates: 1/1/2014 - 1/1/2017
Award Amount: $3,190,254
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: The nine-state consortium, with Vermont-NEA as lead affiliate, will use its GPS Fund Grant over three years to create a large cadre of teacher leaders who, upon engaging in their own professional learning around Student Learning Objectives (SLOs), will train and encourage teachers, support professionals, and administrators in creating high-quality SLOs and assessments s toward improving student learning and ensuring student success. Each affiliate will have the autonomy necessary to ensure that all participant educators develop the capacity to effectively implement SLOs in their own states and they also will share the best and most effective practices across all the states.
Virginia Education Association
Grant ID: BB-1282
Dates: 3/31/2022 - 6/15/2025
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development and Learning
Description: VEA is developing a comprehensive system of professional learning to support educators at every phase of their career. Enhancing educator performance through professional learning will better serve students while strengthening our profession and our union. By implementing this system, we will attract and retain educators to the profession and improve the quality of teaching and learning in the Commonwealth. Our work will focus on areas of need determined through various assessments. The cumulative effect of this program will be to strengthen not only individual educators, but also the entire public education system in the Commonwealth.
Virginia Education Association
Grant ID: BB-1873
Dates: 3/31/2023 - 4/15/2026
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: VEA will use its GPS Grant to provide professional development consistent with Virginia’s new legislation that requires mandatory cultural competence training for teachers, principals, and superintendents for evaluation and licensure. Key programs will include support for more effective teaching via additional racial justice professional development, content-specific professional learning, and mentoring (for early career educators). There will be assessments at the end of each module, and educators will have the option to receive a micro-credential at the end of the professional development program. Delivery is in a hybrid form where enrollees will participate both in person and virtually. An advisory board of staff, members, and partners will assist with review and implementation.
Federal Way Education Association
Grant ID: 287
Dates: 10/15/2013 - 10/31/2016
Award Amount: $64,350
Content Cluster: Curriculum Development & Improving Instruction
Description: The Federal Way Education Association (FWEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to create a cadre of exceptional educators to help craft quality improvement plans for educators who are not meeting teaching and learning standards. Specifically recruited and trained, these educators will be viewed as ‘exceptional’ by their peers and evaluators. They will successfully assist principals in crafting fair and reasonable improvement plans to help struggling colleagues meet the standards of the new evaluation system. The goal is that feedback on the work of the cadre to help advance the Association’s goal of a quality educator in every classroom will be highly favorable. FWEA aims to continue this important body of work and to expand it to include teachers in the development of teacher evaluations and lead the effort to promote teacher growth/improvement.
Kent Education Association
Grant ID: BB-1281
Dates: 3/31/2022 - 6/15/2025
Award Amount: $172,000
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity and Cultural Competence
This grant will allow Kent Education Association to work on Professional Growth Plans. A PGP is customized, job-embedded, self-directed professional development. In a PGP, educators set their own goals, align them to certification standards, design an action plan, and collect evidence documenting their growth towards achieving their goals. Participants will receive ongoing opportunities to reflect upon their instructional practices, process and their results. KEA will facilitate a PGP for educators of color in order to reach and retain at least 20 educators and paraeducators of color each year, for a minimum of 60 early career educators of color over the course of the grant.
Olympic UniServ Council
Grant ID: BB-3002
Dates: 3/1/2024 - 5/15/2025
Award Amount: $75,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Educator turnover is at record highs in Washington State, driven by early- and mid-career educators and concentrated in schools with high-poverty, rural, and BIPOC populations. The impacts of these trends are disproportionately felt by BIPOC students and educators. A union contact, as soon as new hires come on board, increases the likelihood that potential members will join the union. As such, Olympic UniServ will create and pilot a new employee orientation and onboarding program for new hires and assess the impact over one year, while simultaneously developing a model to sustain the work. This pilot program will engage 100% of new hires within 30 days of date of hire in six (6) targeted locals. The goals are 75% of new hires will have engaged in at least one union-sponsored student-focused activity, union membership will increase to 85% in each local, and the educator turnover rate will be reduced to 15%.
Peninsula Education Association
Grant ID: BB-1288
Dates: 3/31/2022 - 6/15/2024
Award Amount: $200,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development and Learning
The Peninsula Education Association will use its GPS Fund Grant to improve educator retention and support early career educators. PEA believes partnerships and systems that prioritize educator wellness are the key to retaining educators. PEA knows educator voice is critical in developing sustainable systems that address the effects of secondary trauma, combat burnout, and proactively address workplace wellbeing. By leveraging negotiated, district and building level decision-making structures and utilizing GPS grant funds, PEA will empower educators to build meaningful professional learning, wellness workshops & health focused supports at the district and building level. PEA is investing in its new-to-the-profession educators by weaving wellness into existing mentoring supports for first year teachers and expanding the second/third year supports grounded in practices that support educator wellness with strategies aimed at maintaining work-life balance and establishing healthy professional boundaries. PEA believes by investing in the health and wellbeing of educators we also invest in the wellbeing and success of our students.
Puget Sound UniServ Council
Grant ID: 918
Dates: 8/1/2019 - 8/31/2020
Award Amount: $156,760
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: The Puget Sound UniServ Council will be ensuring that our Early Career Educators, as well as all members, find relevancy in their Association by offering opportunities to meet expressed interests, like: professional development to assist educators in working with students in trauma and helping all students learn; mentoring experiences that help educators grow their professional practice; grow-your-own initiatives that will allow educators to assist the next generation of teachers while attracting students of color to our profession; social and racial justice events that allow Early Career Educators to make a difference, an often described desire; and opportunities to connect further with the Association due to the value of information, like SPARKS, certification information, student debt reduction, social events, and member benefits.
Puget Sound UniServ Council
Grant ID: 275
Dates: 10/15/2013 - 10/31/2016
Award Amount: $84,352
Content Cluster: Student Advocacy & Success
Description: The Puget Sound UniServ Council will use its GPS Fund Grant to reach out to new educators to identify their professional needs so that they can develop tailored programming. They will then implement a SPARKS program to provide the specific information and training that will build the quality of the new educator’s practice. The grant will allow the Puget Sound UniServ Council to provide professional development to educators directly, both on the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and in building the skills and knowledge that could lead educators to National Board Certification. The Puget Sound UniServ Council will also develop a training that will help educators reach out to the community and engage parents in the successful implementation of CCSS.
Puget Sound UniServ Council
Grant ID: 625
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2018
Award Amount: $81,800
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: The Puget Sound UniServ Council (PSUC), a Washington Education Association affiliate, in partnership with 14 Washington State locals (Auburn Education Association, Dieringer Education Association, Dieringer Education Support Professionals, Enumclaw Education Association, Federal Way Education Association/Education Support Professionals, Kent Paraprofessionals, Orting Education Association, Sumner Education Support Professionals, Sumner Education Association, Tukwila Education Association, Tukwila Education Support Professionals, Vashon Education Association, Vashon Education Support Professionals, White River Education Association) will use a GPS Fund Grant to improve professional relevancy for members, with particular emphasis on the needs of new educators. The grant will be used to create a training cadre of 20 education professionals who will identify needed areas of professional development. Trainings will focus on the needs of early career educators, including assistance with the evaluation system, classroom management, formative assessment, Common Core State Standards, culturally responsive intervention strategies and restorative justice techniques, technology, and improving learning in ways designed to promote student success.
Puget Sound UniServ Council
Grant ID: BB-747
Dates: 4/15/2021 - 4/15/2023
Award Amount: $296,856
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: The Puget Sound UniServ Council will be ensuring that our Early Career Educators find relevancy in their Association by offering opportunities to meet expressed interests, including: professional development to assist educators in working with students in trauma and helping all students learn; school-based mentoring to help educators grow their professional practice; grow-your-own initiatives that will allow educators to assist the next generation of teacher while attracting students of color to our profession; social and racial justice events that allow Early Career Educators to make a difference, a described desire; and opportunities to connect further with the Association due to the value of information, like SPARKS, certification information, student debt reduction, social events, and member benefits.
Puget Sound UniServ Council
Grant ID: BB-3000
Dates: 3/1/2024 - 5/15/2027
Award Amount: $413,900
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
The Puget Sound UniServ Council is actively working to retain Early Career Educators (ECEs) through a unique reciprocal mentoring program, various engagement opportunities, and by enhancing their professional practice and learning. Currently, retention rates of ECEs in their first three years are about 70% in Washington State; research shows that ECEs who participate in mentoring programs, that percentage increases to about 77%. We would explore Reciprocal Mentoring which is intentional about bringing mentee assets into the conversation. We’ll also utilize our Passport of Relevance gamifying Association engagement for experiences and opportunities for which our ECEs are asking, and we’ll offer a plethora of Racial Justice opportunities, like resource fairs, speaker/conference events, etc.
Seattle Education Association
Grant ID: 328
Dates: 1/1/2014 - 1/1/2017
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Educator Evaluation and/or Educator Effectiveness
Description: The Seattle Education Association will use its GPS Fund Grant over three years to build a stronger union that improves student achievement. The association will tap esteemed educators to carry out teacher effectiveness programs and conduct outreach to parents; lead efforts to reduce class size and increase access to early childhood education; and direct professional d development for teachers and para-professionals during this time of Common Core State Standards-driven changes.
Tacoma Education Association
Grant ID: 688
Dates: 8/1/2017 - 8/1/2020
Award Amount: $75,000
Content Cluster: Educator/Teacher Preparation
Description: The Native American voice is being excluded in public education through the lack of representation in teacher leadership. Nationally, Washington is in the bottom quartile of teacher diversity; according to 2015 data from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), WA demographics are represented by 89.98% White teachers and 56.1% students of color. More e specifically, there are 411 American Indian/Alaskan Native teachers, totaling .665%. There are approximately 13,911 American Indian/Alaskan Native students, totaling 1.3%. The Future Native Teacher Initiative (FNTI) goal is to increase the pipeline of American Indian/Alaskan Native teachers by recruiting high school and college students to participate in an annual teacher training and mentoring program.
Washington Education Association
Grant ID: 286
Dates: 10/15/2013 - 11/15/2014
Award Amount: $100,000
Content Cluster:
Description: The Washington Education Association (WEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), which represent the next wave of reform affecting members and students in every K-12 public school. The state of Washington is the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Lead Procurement State and a “Governing State,” as well as a Next Generation Sc cience Standards “lead state partner.” WEA is developing and implementing a new, integrated statewide professional development network that will engage and professionally develop members, train leaders and staff, build stronger locals and collaborate with local communities. With this grant, WEA’s professional development network will significantly enhance CCSS implementation and thus positively affect members and students.
Washington Education Association
Grant ID: 309
Dates: 8/31/2013 - 8/31/2014
Award Amount: $20,000
Content Cluster:
Description: The Washington Education Association will use its GPS Fund Grant to facilitate and convene a School Safety Series, which aims to identify 36 interested ESP members for a School Safety Cadre, hold one two-day training session for interested cadre members, and identify 25 interested local teams of 3 (district/ESP/community member) to attend a statewide one-day safety symposium.
Washington Education Association
Grant ID: 343
Dates: 1/1/2014 - 1/1/2017
Award Amount: $650,000
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: The Washington Education Association (WEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant over three years to launch a statewide Professional Development Network to engage and empower leaders, members, and staff to advocate, bargain, organize, and promote high-quality public education practices and policies in their communities and statewide. This will increase WEA’s member relevancy, b build its local capacity, and empower members to lead the profession and ensure student success.
Washington Education Association
Grant ID: 492
Dates: 1/1/2015 - 1/1/2018
Award Amount: $300,000
Content Cluster: Student Advocacy & Success
Description: The Washington Education Association will use its GPS Fund Grant over three years to expand its organizational capacity toward enabling educators to make general education classrooms more accessible to special populations of students and, in the process, improve instruction and learning outcomes for all students. The goal is for all students to be engaged in learning experiences that are referenced to common standards while responsive to the unique abilities and talents of individual students.
Washington Education Association
Grant ID: 578
Dates: 5/1/2016 - 8/31/2019
Award Amount: $450,000
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: The Washington Education Association (WEA) will develop and implement culturally responsive classroom management practices with its three-year grant. WEA will partner with the University of Washington and the Community of Color Organizations to develop and implement culturally responsive classroom management practices. WEA will share the developed practices with educa ation stakeholders, Washington State schools, and the general public.
Green Bay Education Association
Grant ID: 532
Dates: 11/1/2015 - 10/31/2016
Award Amount: $60,000
Content Cluster: Leadership & Career Growth
Description: The Green Bay Education Association (GBEA), in collaboration with The Green Bay Area Public School District (GBAPSD) will use its GPS Fund Grant to create the Teacher Effectiveness and Continuous Improvement for Students Project. The objectives of this work are to provide training that strengthens teacher performance for students, and to ensure that individual teacher's master skills and knowledge useful to showing continuous improvement based upon the district’s and DPI’s system. The goals of this work are to: provide GBEA members advanced and continuous trainings on improvement and workload management skills; provide trainings through Accomplished Professionals; create the Empowered Leaders training plan; and create a dynamic collaboration that will give leaders the opportunity to engage a wide variety of stakeholders moving forward.
Madison Teachers Inc.
Grant ID: 784
Dates: 8/1/2018 - 8/31/2021
Award Amount: $615,000
Content Cluster: Early Career Educator Support & Engagement
Description: Madison Teachers Inc. will use its grant to fund the CENTRS project, which aims to provide support to early educators in order to increase their success and keep them teaching. NEA and MTI are partners in the Collaboration to Ensure New Teacher Retention and Success (CENTRS), which uses improvement science and Networked Improvement Communities to explore how having affiliates and districts work together can lead to more innovative and successful support systems for early career teachers. Our work together will provide continuing education and differentiated support, allowing for early educator voice in program development.
Milwaukee Teachers Education Association
Grant ID: 327
Dates: 1/1/2014 - 1/1/2017
Award Amount: $750,000
Content Cluster: Educator Evaluation and/or Educator Effectiveness
Description: The Milwaukee Teachers Education Association (MTEA) will use its GPS Fund Grant to organize 70 percent of Milwaukee teachers to join the association by focusing on professional issues, including successful implementation of the Common Core curriculum and a new state teacher evaluation system. MTEA will determine whether organizing a critical mass of teachers, parents, , and students around the needs of Milwaukee students will build the power base needed to improve schools and ensure high academic achievement and student success.
Milwaukee Teachers Education Association
Grant ID: 689
Dates: 8/1/2017 - 8/1/2020
Award Amount: $144,754
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity & Cultural Competence
Description: The MTEA will work with educators to strengthen the national model of Community Schools by learning and practicing curriculum and teaching methods that honor students’ diverse identities in order to teach knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes. Participants in this project will develop deep understanding and practical plans for positive discipline practices, including restorative practices, which create a welcoming and well managed climate for every child. Fundamentally, it is important to create a climate in our schools that is welcoming and supportive to children and their families.
Wisconsin Education Association Council
Grant ID: 366
Dates: 5/1/2014 - 5/1/2017
Award Amount: $126,000
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: The Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) will use its GPS Fund Grant over three years to implement Wisconsin’s new Department of Public Instruction Educator Effectiveness system, designed to improve student learning by supporting continuous improvement of educator practices through performance-based evaluation. WEAC will provide leadership and assistance to local associations and members, increasing its capacity to ensure that Wisconsin students have highly effective teachers and schools.
Wisconsin Education Association Council
Grant ID: 630
Dates: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2019
Award Amount: $167,444
Content Cluster: Systemic Change Initiatives
Description: The Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) will use its GPS Fund Grant to create an Education Support Professionals (ESP) Ambassadors Program as part of a larger initiative to identify, train, and enable ESP to serve as leaders. WEAC’s ESP Ambassadors project has four components: 1) Establish a design team comprised of experienced WEAC ESP leaders; 2) select E ESP Ambassadors to work with leaders and members of local and regional associations; 3) collection data to inform efforts to design and evaluate the project; and 4) promote the value of ESP in educating the whole child through internal/external campaigns.
Wisconsin Education Association Council
Grant ID: 793
Dates: 8/1/2018 - 8/31/2021
Award Amount: $291,414
Content Cluster: Professional Development & Learning
Description: The quality of teacher practice is the number one factor determining student success. Whether reviewing the literature from the Economic Policy Institute, the American Institute for Research, or virtually any reputable university’s research, teacher quality matters. This understanding is at the heart of union work in Wisconsin. Our GPS Fund grant work aims to leverage e this body of research in the name of student learning by developing the professional practice of educators across the career continuum while at the same time developing leadership skills of member leaders.
Wisconsin Education Association Council
Grant ID: BB-751
Dates: 4/15/2021 - 4/15/2024
Award Amount: $360,623
Content Cluster: Diversity, Equity and Cultural Competence
Description: WEAC will empower current and incoming educators to be part of the journey toward social awareness and anti-racist education. They will create and deliver a high quality professional development program that will build a statewide network of Equity Ambassadors who understand the necessity of racial and social justice work in their schools and feel confident addressing these needs with their colleagues, community, and administration on behalf of their students.
Wyoming Education Association
Grant ID: 911
Dates: 8/1/2019 - 8/31/2022
Award Amount: $450,000
Content Cluster: Leadership & Career Growth
Description: WEA is partnering with local associations, school districts and community groups across Wyoming to engage classified employees - bus drivers, custodians, food service workers, clerical workers, security personnel, technology professionals, mechanical trades employees, paramedical staff, and paraeducators - in meaningful PD and professional growth opportunities. WEA is s also making a specific effort to support Early Career ESPs in this endeavor in order to build a stronger professional pipeline of ESPs statewide. A priority of this work will be to focus on WY’s ethnic minorities working in public education, particularly on the Wind River Indian Reservation and among the many Spanish-speaking communities statewide. Throughout the year, WEA will be holding regional and statewide trainings and conferences.
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