State Aspiring Educators (AE) organizations and campus chapters are eligible to apply for CREATE grants. These grants of up to $2000 should strengthen the AE Program and build stronger partnerships. Grants should also have a primary focus in one of the areas aligned with AE Core Values:
EDUCATOR QUALITY – Projects involving preparation for professional practice, strengthening educator preparation programs, and/or support for career preparation and advancement
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT – Projects involving partnerships with P-12 schools, local organizations, and other community-based involvement
POLITICAL ACTION – Projects involving advocacy for policies, legislation, and political issues with an impact on education
RACIAL AND SOCIAL JUSTICE – Projects involving social justice issues activism and/or that contribute to the development of Aspiring Educator knowledge, skills, and dispositions as culturally responsive educators
Submission deadlines occur twice each year - March 15 and October 15. For assistance with grant applications, contact Blake West ([email protected]).
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Tips for successful CREATE Grant applications:
All grants should be built on your specific objectives/desired outcomes. In addition, every grant must address two targets (one or more elements of both):
- Strengthen the AE Program: Promote the AE Program, increase AE membership, increase early educators’ involvement in the Association, support aspiring education leadership development, advance AE Program core values
- Improve partnerships and educator preparation: Enhance collaboration, build stronger connections with NEA locals, strengthen connections between AE chapters and Educator Preparation Providers, increase outreach to communities, and/or benefit students, schools, and/or their communities
Additional keys to successful applications :
- Detailed responses are required for all questions. It’s a good idea is to use word processing software (e.g., Microsoft Word) to compose your answers, then cut and paste the responses into the online form. (Don’t assume that a small answer space on the web form means a short answer will be complete.)
- Desired outcomes must be aligned with required targets. Make sure to highlight how your grant will be of particular value to your setting, advances the AE program, grows and supports membership, and improves the quality of educator preparation for members.
- Contact NEA staff with questions and to get feedback. Count on us as a resource for your tremendous work.
What happens after submission and after the grant is complete?
- Final decisions on each application will be announced no later than 45 days following the submission deadline.
- Grant recipients must complete an evaluation form when the grant project is over. It should address what happened, successes, learnings, etc.
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