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Retired educator in class

NEA-Retired Recruitment Materials

Experience Fuels Our Mission!
Joining NEA-Retired (NEA-R) opens the door to a new way of advocating for educators and students, secures the benefits you’ve earned and deserve, and keeps you connected to the profession.

How to use this toolkit

A new set of recruitment materials were created in the Spring of 2024 to help state and local affiliates introduce NEA-Retired to current members and welcome them into a new chapter in union membership and engagement. While current members may not think about joining NEA-R until they’ve decided to retire, signing up for a lifetime NEA-R membership prior to retirement ensures a seamless transition with no interruption in union service and benefits when that day comes. These materials are designed with that in mind, and can be used at site meetings, pre-retirement meetings, state and national conferences, as well as in one-on-one meetings and on social media.

NEA-Retired Recruitment Messaging

NEA-Retired Recruitment Messaging 

You’ve devoted your career to helping students succeed. And along the way, your union has been with you every step. As you plan for your retirement, NEA (state and local) is here to help. Joining NEA-Retired (NEA-R) opens the door to a new way of advocating for educators and students, secures the benefits you’ve earned and deserve, and keeps you connected to the profession. At NEA-Retired, experience fuels our mission. 


  • At local school boards, state capitols and in the halls of congress, NEA-Retired members are raising their experienced voices to safeguard and improve retirement pension and health benefits. This includes ongoing and bipartisan efforts to repeal the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision, which has robbed millions of educators of Social Security benefits they have already earned. 
  • NEA-Retired members are also pushing to increase school funding, protect the rights of students and educators, and dismantle systematic racism they’ve witnessed in their schools and communities for decades.  
  • NEA-Retired members are walking the lines to support local bargaining efforts; showing up in new ways to advocate for a career and a cause they’ve dedicated their life to.  


  • At NEA (include state and local), we believe a lifetime of devotion to public education deserves a lifetime of benefits. In retirement, your hard-earned money will go further when you continue to take advantage of NEA Member Benefits.  
  • NEA Member Benefits are designed to capitalize on the buying power of 3 million members. There include special rates for insurances (including insurance for your pet), savings and investments, loans and mortgages, as well as all the fun stuff—like buying a new car, taking that bucket list vacation, or surprising the grandkids with a trip to the beach or theme park. When you join NEA-Retired you will keep that purchasing power in your pocket (or pocketbook).   


  • With NEA-Retired, your devotion to public education will feel right at home. What many NEA-Retired members will tell you they value most is the opportunity to connect with new retirees in their state and around the country.  
  • With NEA-Retired, there is no shortage of ways to get involved and to help make improvements in public education.  You can run for a leadership position, make new friends, and see some familiar faces at annual conferences, as well as help your local union organize new members, mentor new educators and much more.  
  • NEA-Retired members still want to know what is going on in the profession and what they can do to help. Whether it’s reading the quarterly NEA Today for Retired Members or visiting, NEA is the news source you can trust to keep you informed about the latest politics, benefits, scholarships, and happenings. As a member of NEA-Retired you will stay up to date on critical issues in education, remain engaged in your profession and maintain access to valuable benefits. 


  • Whether you’re already retired or planning your transition from your education career, membership in NEA-Retired can offer you a more fulfilling retirement as you maintain a lifetime commitment as a champion for public education. We invite you to join our roster of experienced, dedicated and engaged members.  
  • Signing up for a NEA-Retired Lifetime Membership in advance of retirement plans, whether they are set in stone or you’re “just thinking” about it, will ensure a seamless membership transition into your well-deserved retirement.  
  • Signing up for a NEA-Retired Lifetime Membership ensures there will be no interruption in the member benefits you are using as an active member.  
  • Signing up for a NEA-Retired Lifetime Membership today is an easy and smart investment in your future.   

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NEA-Retired Pushcard

NEA-Retired Flyer

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Download PDF of sample social and view member quote templates.

Join Our Movement

We ask only what is right: equal opportunity for every student, every educator, every family. At home, in school, online, in Washington–there’s a right place for all of us to make a difference.
Sam Evelyn Morgan Rock

Learn more about NEA-Retired

Now more than ever the commitment continues. Learn how NEA-Retired works to meet the needs of retired education employees (like Sam Evelyn Rock from the Chattanooga Hamilton County Retired Teachers Assn in Tennessee at right) and how to join.
National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.