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Governance Document

Proposed Guidelines for the Submission and Adoption of New Business Items at the NEA-Retired Annual Meeting

2024 NEA-Retired delegates may submit New Business Items (NBIs) online or in person at the Annual Meeting.
Published: February 17, 2024


A. A New Business Item (NBI) must be an item over which NEA-Retired has control and can implement within the jurisdiction of NEA-Retired.

B. New Business Items shall be specific in nature and able to be accomplished in one year.

C. New Business Items requesting an article in an NEA publication or requesting a letter by the NEA-Retired President will automatically be referred to the NEA-Retired Executive Council.

D. New Business Items not conforming to the above guidelines will be ruled out of order by the chair.


A. New Business Items must be submitted either in person or on the NEARetired website. NBIs submitted in person to the New Business Item Committee must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. in the time zone of the host city on the first day of the Retired Annual Meeting (RAM). NBIs submitted online must be submitted by 5:00 p.m., EDT, on the last business day in May.

B. Delegates must submit New Business Items in writing on the form provided and must include the name and contact information of the delegate making the motion, the name of the seconder, and the rationale. Forms for the submission of New Business Items are available at the New Business Item table at the Annual Meeting and at

C. The New Business Item Committee may edit the New Business Item text, provided they make no substantive changes.


A. Following review and editing, the New Business Item Committee shall present the New Business Item to the Annual Meeting for actions, which may include the following:

  1. Adoption or rejection
  2. Amendment
  3. Referral to the Executive Council
  4. Support for the NBI to be taken to the NEA Representative Assembly.

B. New Business Items referred to the Representative Assembly on behalf of NEA-Retired must meet the NEA Standing Rules’ requirements for New Business Items.

C. A delegate submitting a New Business Item to the Retired Annual Meeting can also submit it to the NEA Representative Assembly. The NEA-Retired Executive Council will provide advice for the presentation procedure.

D. New Business Items asking NEA-Retired to support a New Business Item at the NEA Representative Assembly should include a copy of the wording submitted to the NEA Representative Assembly in the motion presented to the NEA-Retired Annual Meeting. This wording will be printed as part of the motion for support.

E. The delegate making the motion for approval of a New Business Item motion shall be the first speaker and shall have three minutes to speak.

F. A vote on a motion to refer shall be in order only after the maker of the original motion has had the opportunity to speak.

G. All speakers other than the maker shall have two minutes to speak in favor of or against a New Business Item or a New Business Item amendment.

H. Delegates wishing to amend a proposed New Business Item shall submit their amendment in writing on the form provided and must include the name and contact information of the delegate making the amendment, the name of the seconder, and the rationale. Forms for the amendment of New Business Items are available at the New Business Item table and at

Completed New Business Item Amendment Forms shall be submitted to the New Business Item Committee.

I. All New Business Item Submission and Amendment Forms will be submitted to Annual Meeting staff for projection on the screen. The distribution of copies of the forms shall be to the following:

  1. (First copy) Person entering the language on the screen
  2. (Second copy) Retired President, then the Retired Secretary
  3. (Third copy) NBI Committee
  4. (Fourth copy) Delegate making the motion in question

J. At the end of the business portion of the meeting, any remaining New Business Items shall be referred to the Executive Council.

New Business Items may be submitted online by 5:00 p.m. on May 1 by using the link below.

Link to Online Submission for Virtual NBIs

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Sam Evelyn Morgan Rock

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Now more than ever the commitment continues. Learn how NEA-Retired works to meet the needs of retired education employees (like Sam Evelyn Rock from the Chattanooga Hamilton County Retired Teachers Assn in Tennessee at right) and how to join.
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