Good evening.
I want to thank you for all you do to help the children of [LOCATION]. We ask much of ourselves and of you. And, we all know there are times when we wish we could do more. Tonight, I’d like each of you to do something personal. I would like you to do it with me. I would like for you to commit to take a half-hour on March 2, 2024, to read with a child.
On March 2, the National Education Association, [YOUR STATE ASSOCIATION], and [YOUR LOCAL ASSOCIATION] are sponsoring a celebration of reading we call NEA’s Read Across America. Our goal is to have every child in every school reading with a caring adult for at least 30 minutes that day.
Research has proved that children who read and are read to daily do better in school. Part of developing a lifelong love of reading is also giving children books with characters who represent them and who have different experiences from them. In our diverse and complex society, students need books that provide both windows and mirrors if we are going to create more readers, writers, and people who feel included and recognized, and who understand that the world is far richer than just their experiences alone.
We have some noble company in this effort. Our partners such as the International Reading Association, National PTA, First Book, PBS, and We Need Diverse Books, among others, have all recognized the benefit of giving all children access to diverse books.
We would like you to join us by endorsing this program. We would like you all personally to commit to reading on March 2 at [SCHOOL SITE] at [TIME]. And we’d like you to do whatever you can to publicize this celebration.
Mister [MADAM] Chair, I ask that you and the other board members explore the possibility of joining us in our goal of having every child in every school in our community reading with a caring adult, to celebrate the joy of reading on March 2nd.
Help us celebrate a nation of diverse readers.
Thank you.
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