Student Debt
We know that nearly half of higher-ed faculty and staff took out loans to pay for their higher education, and many are still struggling to pay it back while making ends meet.
Through their unions, NEA members are making a difference. By raising our voices together, we have won improvements to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program, enabling thousands of educators to erase their debt. Last year, University of Maine associate professor Rob Glover had $150,000 in debt forgiven through PSLF. This year, UMass Amherst assistant professor Shane Mecklenburger had $70,000 in debt forgiven.
NEA has the tools and the resources that higher-ed faculty and staff need to navigate PSLF and take advantage of the new White House cancellation program.
NEA Research: Student debt among higher educators
Our researchers have measured the depth of higher educators’ debt and its financial and emotional impact.
Learn more about Higher Ed Staff Debt
Need Help? Get Help!
The NEA Student Debt Navigator is free for all NEA members.
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