Published: May 1, 2023
Funding Source | Pertinent Allowable Uses | Description | Examples |
ESEA Title II-A | allowable uses include supporting Grow Your Own programs, providing high-quality, evidence-based professional development, training teachers to effectively support students with disabilities and/or English learners, and teacher residency programs. | formula-based funding to each state education agency for improving teacher quality overall and “provid[ing] low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers.” | |
ESEA Title V-B | any activity authorized under Part A of title II (Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants) | to assist rural school districts in carrying out activities to help improve the quality of teaching and learning in their schools. The Small, Rural School Achievement (SRSA) program provides funds to rural LEAs that serve small numbers of students. | |
Teacher Quality Partnership(TQP) | Allowable uses include supporting teacher residency programs and Grow Your Own programs. | a competitive federal grant program that funds partnerships between LEAs and/or schools and educator preparation programs to strengthen the teacher pipeline. | More than 5 institutions of higher education have used TQP grant funding to establish teacher residency programs. |
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief | Expanding the educator pipeline and educator diversity | Six states are utilizing funds for teacher residency programs, which have been associated with higher rates of retention for teachers of color. | |
Supporting Effective Educator Development (SEED) | preparation and development of highly effective educators. | provides competitive funding to institutions of higher education to support the preparation and development of highly effective educators. | One university has partnered with LEAs from 3 different states to establish urban teacher residency programs. |
Teacher and School Leader Incentive (TSL) | recruitment and retention efforts | Improving the local educational agency's system and process for the recruitment, selection, placement, and retention of effective teachers, principals, or other school leaders in high-need schools, such as by improving local educational agency policies and procedures to ensure that high-need schools are competitive and timely in- (i) attracting, hiring, and retaining effective educators; (ii) offering bonuses or higher salaries to effective educators; or (iii) establishing or strengthening school leader residency programs and teacher residency programs. |
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