About the Winter Worksite Campaign
Winter Worksite organizing is not a program or bootcamp, but rather funding that directly supports educator voice campaigns to grow and strengthen local and state affiliates.
Organizing Principles
Integrated Comprehensive Issue-Based Organizing Campaigns are animated by the following principles.
- Issues Matter. Sustained membership growth and retention are outcomes of authentic engagement on issues that our members have identified as priorities. Issues may vary, but there is always a traceable connection to educator voice.
- Winning Matters. We must run campaigns and programs firmly anchored in achieving the demands related to our members’ priorities. Wins could be school board policies, new contract language, legislation, or any policy or practice change that meets the demands articulated by our members.
- Funding Matters. Almost all our members’ demands have one thing in common: they cost money. Money that most districts do not have. This means that campaigns cannot end with the new school board policy or improved contract language. We must ensure there is a consistent funding source to meet members’ student-centered demands.
- Integrating Local and State Affiliate Campaigns Matter. We believe that opportunities for deep structural changes affiliate membership growth depend upon building integrated local and state affiliate campaigns and programs that support both. This only happens when all affiliate stakeholders involved from the beginning, to ensure that their voices are heard in the campaign planning process and that all parties understand the local and state campaign plan to win!
Campaign Organizing Model
This campaign strategy focuses first on identifying local priorities through surveys and one-on-one conversations with educators, students, and community members. During this organizing period, affiliates will also develop and strengthen their internal organizing capacity, by building out organizing committee, building representative structures, and assess leaders and structures. Then, education associations and their coalition partners will generate demands related to these priorities.
Priorities and demands can create a policy agenda for local school board races, inform the state affiliate’s legislative priorities, and help shape the revenue demands that the affiliate will make of the state legislature and governor.
The Winter Worksite campaign is part of our Year-Round Organizing Framework, which is designed to work with educators throughout important cycles of their year. Other components of the Year-Round Organizing Framework include:
Campaign staff within NEA’s Center for Organizing will keep you informed of the latest developments throughout the Early Enrollment campaign season. Contact us at [email protected].

Year-Round Organizing Cards

Conversation Starters

Changemaker Quiz
Please email [email protected] if you’d like to be connected with the AFSE Organizational Specialist assigned to your state affiliate who can assist you with developing an organizing campaign tailored towards your affiliate’s specific needs.
- Surround Sound Toolbox
- Introduction Piece – Non-Collective Bargaining
- Leave Behind Flyer – Collective Bargaining States [Spanish Version]
- Introduction Piece – Collective Bargaining
- Conversation Guide – Non-Collective Bargaining States
- Conversation Guide – Collective Bargaining States
- Leave Behind Flyer – Non-Collective Bargaining States [Spanish Version]
- Leave Behind Flyer – Collective Bargaining States [English Version]
- Leave Behind Flyer – Non-Collective Bargaining States [English Version]
Sign up your local