February 15 – 17, 2024: Retired Executive Council Meeting
April 15, 2024: Candidate filing deadline for the following NEA-Retired positions:
- NEA-Retired Secretary (3 year term)
- NEA-Retired Executive Council (2 positions, 3 year terms)
- NEA-Retired Members on the NEA Board of Directors (2 positions, 3 year terms)
- NEA-Retired Alternates to the NEA Board of Directors (2 positions, 3 year terms)
May 1, 2024: Candidate filing deadline for NEA-Retired seats on the NEA Resolutions Committee (6 positions, 1 year terms)
May 6 – 8, 2024: Retired Executive Council Meeting
Washington, DC
May 13: NEA-Retired Candidates Meeting
June 30 - July 1, 2024: Retired Annual Meeting
Philadelphia, PA
July 8: Deadline for candidate expense reports are due to Retired Elections Chair Steve Gorrie
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Learn more about NEA-Retired
Now more than ever the commitment continues. Learn how NEA-Retired works to meet the needs of retired education employees (like Sam Evelyn Rock from the Chattanooga Hamilton County Retired Teachers Assn in Tennessee at right) and how to join.