How to Show Your Solidarity
- The National Education Association is the largest labor union in the country—when we unite and speak truth to power, we can and have made an enormous impact in our communities.
- Use this toolkit to share your #SolidaritySummer message. Let's embrace this season of action, amplify our impact, and shape a brighter future for our members and the labor movement.
Solidarity is a verb!
Ways to get involved:


Starbucks Workers United

Unite Here Local 11

United Auto Workers

Find a Picket Line!
Stay informed with what's going on...

The number of striking U.S. workers more than doubled in 2023

The Hammer: Unions Are the Tool to Fix Income Equality and More

U.S. Approval of Labor Unions at Highest Point Since 1965
Why Solidarity Matters
We work hard every day to improve the lives of our students. We stand united as workers so that our students, their families, and our communities have the protections, rights, and resources they deserve, and that they need to thrive.
With nearly three million members, we are the largest labor union in the country. Our greatest strength is each other. We are part of a proud history of workers coming together to improve their working conditions and the lives of their communities.
We believe that solidarity is a verb. As educators of all races and from all places, we have the power to push policies that improve our public schools, challenge oppressive systems, and create a more equitable and inclusive society. When we speak together, our voices are too loud to ignore.
Only through solidarity with the shared struggle of workers across our nation can NEA reassert what a union member looks like in the effort to build a more just nation for our students, our families, and ourselves.
NEA is a union. Throughout our organization’s history, our members have organized for the right to be legally protected at work, for example, educators in Virginia recently won the power to collectively bargain for the schools they and their students deserve: better classrooms, salaries, and planning time.
Learn more about NEA's Labor History!
Buy Union for Back-to-School

History of the National Education Association and the U.S. Labor Movement
This history of America is the story of the workers who built it. The labor movement has inspired more than the immediate interests surrounding someone’s job—it recognizes that no matter where we’re from or what we look like our society is more just and fair when workers have a voice in the decisions that impact them, their families, and their communities.
Only Getting Stronger
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