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NEA Policy Statements

NEA has adopted eight Policy Statements that set forth the Association’s position on a range of pressing education issues. We invite our members to read them, ask questions, and propose amendments.

Note: This page and submission form is for year-round member submissions and questions on adopted NEA Policy Statements and should not be used by NEA Delegates for RA Business. For RA submissions, please visit the RA Business Site


What Is an NEA Policy Statement?

Similar to an NEA resolution, a policy statement may include expressions of opinion, intent, or belief. Policy statements are different from resolutions in that they explore issues in greater depth, while resolutions are intended to set forth general concepts on the Association’s beliefs and positions. Additionally, policy statements may be action-oriented, and may also indicate support for or opposition to federal legislation.

What Are the Eight NEA Policy Statements?

Since their inception as one of NEA's primary policy vehicles, the Association has adopted eight policy statements:

  • Affirmative Action Policy for Ethnic Minorities and Women
  • Privatization and Subcontracting Programs
  • Kindergarten and Prekindergarten
  • Teacher Evaluation and Accountability
  • Digital Learning 
  • Charter Schools 
  • Community Schools
  • Safe, Just, and Equitable Schools

The 2023-2024 policy statements are available here. Statements are arranged chronologically by year of initial adoption. Dates for the first year adopted and last year amended are shown following the statement title. If only one year is shown, the statement has not been revised by the Representative Assembly.

How Can I Help Shape NEA Policy Statements?

The NEA Executive Committee annually reviews the policy statements, and the Resolutions and Legislative Committees will periodically consider proposed amendments to policy statements during the course of their regular committee work. However, NEA leaders value the input of all members. 

To help shape NEA policy statements, you can:

  1. Review the process for crafting and amending policy statements, below.
  2. Submit a question to the Executive Committee about a policy.
  3. Propose an amendment to a policy.

Propose an Amendment to a Policy Statement

I propose amendment to the following NEA Policy Statement

Questions About a Policy Statement

National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.