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Press Release

NEA applauds Julie Su’s historic nomination as next Labor Secretary

Nation’s largest union urges Congress to confirm her to Labor’s top post
Published: February 28, 2023

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden announced today that he would nominate Deputy Secretary Julie Su as Secretary of the Department of Labor.  If confirmed, Su would succeed Marty Walsh, who led the Labor Department at the start of the Biden administration and stepped down to head the NHL Players’ Association. NEA is the nation’s largest labor union, representing more than 3 million public employees, and was the first union to urge Su’s nomination in a letter to President Biden.

The following statement can be attributed to NEA President Becky Pringle:

“Since taking office, President Joe Biden has made good on his pledge to nominate a cabinet that reflects America, with our diverse backgrounds and experiences, and has repeatedly demonstrated his commitment to being the most pro-union president leading the most pro-union administration in American history. America’s educators applaud the historic nomination of Julie Su as the next Secretary of Labor, which speaks loudly to young Asian and Pacific Islander Americans attending public schools across this country that there is no limit to their dreams.

“Su has been a champion of workers throughout her long career in government and the labor movement. Her leadership has been instrumental in securing fair labor and workplace conditions for workers and businesses nationwide. During her tenure as Deputy Secretary of the Labor Department, she addressed the delivery of unemployment insurance benefits, ensured workplace health and safety, and helped support small businesses and their workers through the ongoing recovery from the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic. She leads with kindness and empathy, building initiatives that inform workers of their rights and staunchly protecting workers who are victims of wage theft and other related crimes.

“On behalf of NEA’s 3 million members, I thank Secretary Marty Walsh for his service and advocacy for America’s workers and their families. From union member to mayor to Secretary of Labor, Walsh has spent his life improving opportunities for America’s working families, particularly workers of color, women, and low-income workers. We also urge Congress to act quickly to confirm Su as the Secretary of Labor.”

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The National Education Association is the nation’s largest professional employee organization, representing more than 3 million elementary and secondary teachers, higher education faculty, education support professionals, school administrators, retired educators, students preparing to become teachers, healthcare workers, and public employees. Learn more at


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National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.