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Confirm Judge Mustafa Kasubhai to the U.S. District Court for Oregon

He brings to the bench real-life perspectives that help further the fundamental goal of equal justice for all.
Submitted on: January 18, 2024 Updated on: June 17, 2024

U.S. Senate
Washington, DC 20010

Dear Senator:

On behalf of our 3 million members and the 50 million students they serve, we urge you to VOTE YES on Judge Mustafa Kasubhai’s nomination to the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon. Votes on this issue may be included in NEA’s Report Card for the 118th Congress.

A magistrate judge for the Oregon U.S. District Court since 2018, Mustafa Kasubhai has already handled much of the work that would come before him as district judge. He previously spent more than a decade as a Lane County circuit court judge and four years as a member of the Oregon Workers’ Compensation Board. As a lawyer in private practice, he primarily represented injured workers and union members in employment cases.

Judge Kasubhai received his law degree from the University of Oregon School of Law and his bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of California, Berkeley.

Beyond professional qualifications, Judge Kasubhai brings to the bench real-life perspectives that help further the fundamental goal of equal justice for all. He has extensive experience with working people and unions. The son of Indian immigrants, he would be the first South Asian and Muslim American in Oregon to become a federal judge with lifetime tenure under Article III of the Constitution.

For all of these reasons, NEA urges you to VOTE YES on Judge Mustafa Kasubhai’s nomination to the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon.

Marc Egan
Director of Government Relations
National Education Association

National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.