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NEA in Congress

NEA's Government Relations Team represents the interests of educators and students on Capitol Hill.
Mary Kusler Patrick G. Ryan
NEA leaders host a roundtable at the Capitol in 2016 to discuss child nutrition. From left to right: Mary Kusler, NEA Senior Director of Advocacy; Rep. Bobby Scott, D-VA; and Princess Moss, now NEA Vice President

All students deserve an education that inspires them, encourages their curiosity, and prepares them for success. 

All educators deserve the support, resources, and time to do their jobs well, and the security to retire with dignity.

Through the National Education Association’s advocacy in Congress, we work to create public pre-K-12 schools, colleges, and universities that are worthy of Americans, and to build a more fair, just, and equitable nation for everyone.

 NEA’s Government Relations team:

  • Lobbies for federal legislation that supports public education, educators, and socially just policies, and against legislation that weakens public education and social justice
  • Advances the NEA Legislative Program, our member-driven, member-endorsed agenda for what we do in Congress
  • Strengthens relationships with key members of Congress on both sides of the aisle
  • Prepares NEA leaders and activists to engage with and lobby members of Congress
  • Provides updates on our advocacy and invites NEA members to engage with Congress through our weekly emails, EdAction in Congress 
  • Maintains the NEA Legislative Report Card, a rating of members of Congress based on their education-related votes and actions
  • Works with like-minded national organizations and coalitions that share our commitment to strong public schools and resilient public services

What We Do

NEA members at the US Capitol

Legislative Program

Our member-driven, member-endorsed agenda for what we do in Congress
black and white mock up of a report card with grades in one column

Legislative Report Card

To hold our elected officials accountable, NEA tracks how members of Congress vote on our issues.
NEA members speak with elected leaders on Capitol Hill about immigration

Lobbying 101

Sharing your stories and experiences can galvanize, warn, and persuade legislators in a way that facts and statistics do not. Use these tips to make an impact.
Bernie Sanders wearing glasses and a smile.
If we are serious about the need for a bright and hopeful future for America, we must understand that there is no more important job in our country than educating our young people.
Quote by: Bernie Sanders, Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee
National Education Association logo

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.