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Help Get Out the Vote

August—this tells me the association year is drawing to a close, and we keep hoping to say goodbye to this pandemic. Reality says we’ll continue to see this horrible illness seep in, but hopefully not in its past gravity.
Published: April 1, 2022

Well, that also means we are about to start a new association year. New challenges, new goals, new activities lie before us. Look for new membership outreach, more communication and involvement with members, more positions filled on our virtual committees, new leadership in some NEA-Retired positions, and YOUR renewed interest in activities with your state and local.

And the midterm elections are already upon us. With early voting, the election actually starts long before November’s official Election Day. Get-out-the-vote efforts are already in full swing.

What are you planning to do? Please volunteer, ask your association president for a job, and DO something to create positive results. The NEA-Retired Annual Meeting, with combined virtual and in-person attendance, took place in June. 

It was great to be together again in-person, exchange ideas, and advance the work of NEA-Retired within our NEA family. Once again, our PAC auctions successfully raised money to elect lawmakers who help protect our pensions, Social Security, health care, and, of course, public education—which really means our profession and our grandchildren.

A special thanks to the thousands of NEA-Retired members who sent messages, made phone calls, and held virtual meetings with legislators for our Day of Action on May 24. You sent a message loud and clear that Congress needs to repeal laws that reduce Social Security benefits for public service employees.

Join in your association’s efforts, remembering we are NEA-Retired. Our commitment continues, because we are needed NOW more than ever!

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The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.