To ensure the safety and success of you and your students — during the COVID-19 pandemic, and long after — we’ve assembled helpful resources on cleaning and disinfecting school environments, protecting students and staff with good hygienic practices, resources and information on vaccinations and boosters, and information on monkeypox.

Cleaning and Disinfection

Good Hygienic Practices

Making Mealtime Safe in Pre-K-12 Schools
Back to School Fact Sheet: Giving Every School the Tools to Prevent COVID-19 Spread and Stay Safely Open All Year Long
Over the past 18 months, driven by the President’s American Rescue Plan and a comprehensive COVID-19 response, the Biden-Harris Administration provided schools with unprecedented resources to open safely, while keeping students and workers safe.
Today, as we start another school year, the Administration is laying out key supports and guidance for protecting students, teachers, and school communities this upcoming school year, and managing and mitigating the risks of COVID-19 spread. This includes making an abundance of federal resources available to schools to implement these strategies.