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Member & Activist Spotlight

Bonniejean Alford: Treating People With Respect

Bonniejean Alford, MA, is an Instructor of Sociology at College of DuPage and serves as the Vice President of Policy for the College of DuPage Adjuncts Association in Glen Ellyn, IL
2021 Member Spotlight
Published: February 15, 2021

The union brings people together for the benefit of all. I don't see a union as being one thing. It's multiple things: advocacy and interconnectedness, people being one entity, and using their collective voice.

Groups like NEA really strive to make things better. When we can come to a consensus and speak in a unified voice, then we emerge stronger as individuals, functioning together.

As a faculty part-time professor, I’m passionate about having adjuncts recognized as the professionals that they are. We represent the best in our industries, the best in our classrooms, and remain just as qualified as our full-time counterparts.

At least half of my local union are leaders in their field from the non-teaching side. They teach to bring their knowledge from being leaders in their field to the table.

Adjuncts are not seen as equal.

One of the ways we work toward more respect is through member organizing. We received help from NEA to grow our membership—which has seen great success.

We also worked toward infusing fresh voices into union leadership to help grow our collective voice in a way that recognizes an ever-changing world.

Having a leadership role means being the person our members know they can reach out to. They know they're part of something that is working on their behalf—and that's what I want us to be.

At the focus of this work rests the most important aspect of it all: treating people with respect.

It’s how I treat my students. It is how I treat my colleagues in Academia. For me, it's always been the people I'm working with, and for, that get the benefit of that ever-present respect. After all, they are my central priority, and as a union leader, that's what I do alongside several other beautiful leaders: work tirelessly to make sure the people we represent get what they need – one battle at a time.


National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.