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Black teacher and student work together in school computer lab

Member Spotlight

Our Members Make a Difference
Across the country and overseas, in all professional roles and career stages, NEA educators and allies make our schools and communities worthy of our students.

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Terry Jess is a social studies teacher in Washington
Member & Activist Spotlight

Terry Jess: Finding Allies and Supporters With NEA

Terry Jess, a social studies teacher in Washington, shares how NEA connects advocates and provides experiences that are helpful to educators, no matter where they are in their journey.
Marcia MacKey is an associate professor of sport management and aquatics in Michigan
Member & Activist Spotlight

Marcia MacKey: We Have to Be Involved

Marcia MacKey, an associate professor of sport management and aquatics in Michigan, shares how the union has worked with her and other educators to provide professional, political, and personal support.
Tinisha Shaw is a curriculum facilitator and test coordinator in Greensboro, North Carolina
Member & Activist Spotlight

Tinisha Shaw: We Must Uplift Unheard Student Voices

Tinisha Shaw, a curriculum facilitator and test coordinator in Greensboro, North Carolina, believes that inclusion in the classroom means allowing every student to see themselves as leaders.
Amber Spradlin is a teacher in Oklahoma
Member & Activist Spotlight

Amber Spradlin: How I Became Involved in Politics

Amber Spradlin, a teacher in Oklahoma, had never been involved with an election before. Then, with the Oklahoma Education Association, she helped get a new congressional representative in office.
Ellen Olsen is a sign language interpreter in Minnesota
Member & Activist Spotlight

Ellen Olsen: We Can't Work in Silos

Ellen Olsen, a sign language interpreter in Minnesota, shares the power of bargaining with the whole education ecosystem in mind.
Kimberly Scott-Hayden is an inventory control clerk in New Jersey.
Member & Activist Spotlight

Kimberly Scott-Hayden: Fostering ESP Professional Development

Kimberly Scott-Hayden, an inventory control clerk in New Jersey, was the first ESP to serve as an NJEA Executive Committee member for Essex County. Since then, she has led a series of professional development opportunities for other ESPs.
Librarian leans over seated students at the library who are reading a book

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National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.