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Praxis and NEA Support

NEA provides Praxis resources to help candidates enter the profession. We also recognize that standardized tests can create a barrier to teaching, particularly for candidates of color.

The Praxis tests measure the academic skills and subject-specific content knowledge needed for teaching, and are part of the certification process required by many states and professional licensing organizations. It is recommended that candidates take Praxis Core as early as high school if they are interested in entering the profession. Some potential and aspiring candidates need resources and supports.  

More About Praxis

Praxis and Diversity in the Teaching Profession

However, regardless of the education or training path candidates take on the way to becoming a teacher, Praxis and other licensure tests can create barriers to entering the profession. This is particularly true for candidates of color. It has been largely documented that standardized test are culturally biased, and these assessments may prevent candidates from becoming teachers of record.  

Praxis should not be the sole reason that candidates are denied entry into the profession. Teacher preparation programs should find alternative ways to measure candidates’ readiness and preparedness to address these barriers. 


How to Become a Teacher - Licensure

Part of the School Me Podcast series. Becoming a teacher of record requires more than just an education degree or good grades. There are often multiple standardized tests you need to pass. And it's different in every state—from the minimum scores required for licensure to the types of tests themselves. Our panel of guests discuss the licensure process for education majors, share their own experiences becoming licensed, and shed light on some of the problems standardized licensure testing can create for Aspiring Educators.

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Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.