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From national advocacy to individual support, NEA is working to ensure that education is affordable and accessible to all.

V. Five Principles for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Education

V. Five Principles for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Education
As students, educators, schools, and campuses begin to adopt AI, it is imperative that they do so in ways that maximize benefits and minimize or eliminate harms


The Task Force on Artificial Intelligence has proposed a Policy Statement to guide the NEA’s work to advocate for the equitable, ethical, and evidence-supported development and implementation of AI technologies to benefit all students and educators. This proposed Policy Statement is in response to the recent emergence of AI in teaching and learning while also building on policies and actions the NEA has taken in the past to safeguard students, educators, and public schools. As students, educators, schools, and campuses begin to adopt AI, it is imperative that they do so in ways that maximize benefits and minimize or eliminate harms. To this end, the Task Force offers five guiding principles in the proposed Policy Statement that provide a framework for the NEA’s advocacy, policy, and practice work in this area.

A. Principle 1: Students and educators must remain at the center of education

B. Principle 2: Evidence-based AI technology must enhance the educational experience

C. Principle 3: Ethical development and use of AI technology and strong data protection practices

D. Principle 4: Equitable access to and use of AI tools is ensured

E. Principle 5: Ongoing education with and about AI: AI literacy and agency

girl on computer at home
VI. Supporting and Advocating for Students and Educators

VI. Supporting and Advocating for Students and Educators

IV. Teaching and Learning in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

IV. Teaching and Learning in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

elementary age girl working on laptop
National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.