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Illustration of changemakers in a school breakroom, performing various activities.

NEA Union Bulletin

Your Organizing Home
Welcome to your virtual union board! Here you will find the tools and resources you need to grow your union and strengthen educator voices.

Navigate Our Resources

  • Meet Your Union: How to Join, Key Union Terms, Your Rights at Work, Member Benefits, Connect to Local Support
  • Get Involved: Organizing Toolbox Generator, Guide to Transformational Conversations, Changemaker Quiz, Downloadable Posters, Videos, and Graphics, Action Resource Bank
  • Union News: NEA Today Articles and Publications, Email Newsletters and Social Media, EdAction In Congress Updates


Welcome to Your Virtual Union Bulletin Board

Much like your union bulletin board at school, this space is your home for all things union organizing. Here you will find the tools and resources you need to learn about and get involved with your union.

We have divided our resources into three main categories:

  • Meet your union: These tools will help you learn about your local, state, and national union and what it means to be a union member.
  • Get involved: When more educators are active within their union we all have a more powerful voice to create change. These tools will help you talk about the benefits of union membership, achieve your organizing goals, and make schools better for staff and students.
  • Union news: These tools will help you to connect with fellow members, policy experts, and advocates so that you are up-to-date on the latest issues facing union members and public education.

Text Organize to 48744 for Monthly Resources

Be the first to hear about new organizing tools from NEA! Text 'ORGANIZE' to 48744 to and we will send you monthly messages with the latest resources, seasonal campaign supports, and tips to make your organizing work stronger.

Meet Your Union

Meet Your Union

The National Education Association is the largest labor union in the country. We are a community of three million educators and public service workers—teachers, nurses, paraeducators, counselors, custodians, bus drivers, higher education faculty, families, and supporters—all working together for students, public schools, and our communities. 

NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States. Our unified structure means that wherever you are, your union colleagues are here for you. 

If you aren't a member yet, what are you waiting for? Join today!

Become a Member

educators at a table for collective bargaining

Union 101

Being part of a union can be a new experience for many educators. But don't worry, your union family is here to help you get started.
two teachers talking in an empty classroom

Your Rights at Work

Federal and state laws provide protections to citizens, employees, educators, and unionized workers. Our guide helps public school teachers and support staff understand their rights when speaking up for public education and students.
group of ESPs in blue shirts

Member Benefits

NEA Member Benefits works to serve the needs of NEA members with savings, discounts, products and services to help make their lives more rewarding.

Support at the Local Level

We have a vast network of professionals including UniServ Directors and building representatives who are your go-to resource for union support on the local level. Contact them, or your local union president, to get advice or representation in employment-related matters. 
If your UniServ Representative, local president, or state association EEL Coordinator is not available, you may send a copy of all legal documents, as well as a brief description of the occurrence, to: NEA Collective Bargaining & Member Advocacy, Legal Services Programs, 1201 16th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036, Telephone: (202) 822-7080.

Get Involved With Your Union

Get Involved

We know that a bigger union gives us a stronger voice—and the ability to protect and transform our profession, our schools, and our communities. Every member can play a role in growing the union, whether or not they have had formal training. Sometimes all it takes is starting a conversation, answering questions, and extending an invitation. 

Thank you for taking the time to help build a stronger union. Let's get started!

illustrations of different people as changemakers on a dark blue background

Create Your Custom Organizing Toolbox

Whether you are just starting to get involved or you are a leader in your union, we have the tools to help you achieve your organizing goals! Build your to-do list and our NEA Organizing Toolbox Generator will create a customized toolbox designed just for you. 

Get tools to help you:

  • Talk about your union online
  • Advocate for Pro-public education policies
  • Negotiation a fair contract
  • ...and more!

Organizing Toolbox Generator

Incorporate art into your organizing to create new ways to connect with educators and our supporters. We have many more organizing posters, graphics, and videos to help you get started!

Explore More Art

Talk About the Union With Your Colleagues 

One-on-one conversations are the most effective way to share the importance of membership to fellow educators. When members speak about how their local makes a difference in their own work, community, and personal lives, they are an influential force in building power in the union.

By following our tips, you or your fellow members will be able to communicate the transformational benefits of joining together as a union. 

Our guide includes research-backed talking points, suggested pre-work, and answers to challenging questions. 

Guide to Organizing Conversations

Nervous about getting started? Listen to these NEA members!

These fellow NEA members believe you can help grow the union. Here are their answers to common questions about organizing:

What if I’m an introvert? Surely I wouldn’t be a good member organizer.

Conversations with prospective members don’t have to be some big formal affair. 

Try thinking of it more as a friend-to-friend conversation. What would you say to friends or family about why you value our union? Think about all the special connections you have in your school community, and then ask others to come be a part of it.

—Andrea Kuchta, pre-K intervention specialist, Ohio

How do I kick off a conversation about joining?

Share what made you first decide to join the union. Before I joined, I was approached by two different unions. One talked to me about liability insurance. But the organizer from The South Carolina Education Association made it sound like they needed my voice, my energy, and my talent. That’s what inspired me to join. I’ll never forget that.

—Cassondra Owens Moore, teacher and school librarian, South Carolina

I live in a non-bargaining state. How do I explain the value of the union here?

First, make it clear that unions are legal everywhere. Then explain that your union meets regularly with school administrators, school boards, and lawmakers from both sides of the aisle to advocate for higher wages, better benefits, and improved working conditions for educators. Unions get their strength from members, and when more educators join, the union is in a better position to deliver results for educators and students. 

— Tonya Horn, paraeducator, Ohio

What if we have a good conversation, but my prospect isn’t ready to join?

That’s OK! Reassure them that they can reach out to you with any other thoughts or questions. Follow up with a message of support, and reference anything that stood out during your initial conversation.

It’s good to connect more than once with a prospective member. The fact that you took the time to circle back will likely resonate with them.

—Katie Fuller, fifth-grade teacher, Ohio

Get More Organizing Tips



NEA's organizing experts have created conversation starters, how-to guides, and programmatic supports to help your organizing campaigns.
people protesting against voter suppression

Political Advocacy

NEA members, together, have the power to stand up for strong public schools and every community. Became an advocate for public education, democracy, and the rights of our students, our colleagues, and our communities.
two teachers talking

NEA's Guides to Organizing

From worksite visits to list acquisition, these straightforward guides provide the information you need to do effective organizing work in your schools and beyond.
Two teachers walking down hallway

Conversation Guides

Looking for a way to start the conversation around membership? We’ve created tools and explainers about the issues our members care about most.

Union News

Union News

With all that is going on in the world it can be hard to keep track of your union! From our NEA Today magazine to social media to our email lists, we have ways to make sure every educator connects to latest news from our union. 

NEA Today digital products

Read NEA Today Magazine

NEA Today publications support educators in every stage of their career by providing expert insights and coverage of the top issues facing public education, members, and our communities. Check out our latest articles online or in our paper magazine!

NEA Today Online

Connect on Email and Social Media

Subscribe, like us, follow us, share. We offer many ways to get the latest updates and connect with the Association and your colleagues through social media and email newsletters. 

NEA Social Media

Follow us on social media to join the conversation around tips and tricks for the classroom, the latest education news, and how we can work to create great public schools for every student.

Follow Us

Subscribe to NEA Email Newsletters

We have email newsletters tailored to your interests! Pick and choose which emails you receive:

  • NEA Today: Education news sent to your inbox every other week
  • NEA EdAction: Opportunities to make your voice heard in the halls of power and beyond
  • NEA EdAction in Congress: Weekly action alerts about news and federal legislation 
  • NEA EdPractice: Practical classroom tips for educators, by educators
  • NEA EdJustice: Timely actions about racial, social, and economic justice in education
  • NEA HigherEd: A monthly digest of news for professors, staff, and administrators in higher education
  • NEA Announce: Deals, discounts, and offers for NEA members

Sign Up

Have Questions About Organizing with NEA?

Please email [email protected] if you’d like to be connected with the AFSE Organizational Specialist assigned to your state affiliate who can assist you with developing an organizing campaign tailored towards your affiliate’s specific needs.

Contact Us

Organizing Resources at Your Fingertips

This toolkit has the resources you need to support your membership drive! Access find videos, graphics, downloadable posters, and more to help you spread the word and recruit new members. Access Organizing
"We are the change we want to see in the world" sign at RedForEd rally

Year-Round Organizing at NEA

NEA's Year-Round Organizing Framework centers around key field strategies that naturally flow through each of the four seasonal components of a typical school year. Each campaign builds on the momentum of each other, helping members and staff work together to grow our union and create the change our public schools need.
National Education Association logo

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.