The name of this organization shall be the National Council of Urban Education Associations (NCUEA).
The NCUEA shall be a caucus within NEA and shall have as its general purpose the representation of its members in all matters relating to urban education. In order to accomplish these general purposes, NCUEA shall have, among others, the following specific objectives:
A. To speak with a common voice on all matters affecting urban education.
B. To improve the structure of NEA in order to insure the full and effective participation of all urban members.
C. To develop programs which, when implemented by NEA, will have a positive impact on the problems faced by urban educators.
D.To develop and provide appropriate training for urban educators.
E. To identify and support candidates for NEA offices who will actively work for implementation of NCUEA adopted programs and positions.
Membership in NCUEA shall be limited to NEA affiliated urban education associations, UniServ Councils, or a coordinating organization in a merged local that represents substantial numbers of NEA local members and which meet the following criteria:
1. Have an actual or potential membership of 1,000; or be recommended by a member association with the approval of the Executive Committee.
2. Subscribe to the purpose as outlined in Article II.
3. Is an equal opportunity employer.
Section 2 Rights and Obligations of Members
Each member association shall be represented by the President and/or a representative appointed by the local association and shall be entitled to one vote, to be cast by its President or designated representative, provided said association is registered at the conference at which a vote is taken. At no time, shall a staff person or a non-NEA member be the designated representative.
An eligible nonmember association may send representatives to observe NCUEA conferences, provided that they are sponsored by a member association and that they pay the registration fee. An exception may be made to the eligibility requirements for observers by the NCUEA President.
The member associations shall not deny membership to individuals on the basis of race, religion, creed, age, sex, sexual orientation, or ethnic or cultural heritage. The member associations shall not deny equal opportunity for employment. To this end, each member association pledges its active commitment to being an equal opportunity employer and to actively seek minority candidates for association staff vacancies as they occur.
The membership year (fiscal year) shall be from September 1 to August 31.
a. The annual membership dues of NCUEA shall be $300.
b. Dues are payable September 1 of each year and are delinquent after October 31. Delinquent members shall be denied the right to vote at meetings until dues are paid.
NCUEA shall be divided by states into four regions. Each region shall be as equal in number of member associations as practicable.
The officers of NCUEA shall be a president, vice president, secretary-treasurer, two directors from each region, and an ethnic minority director-at-large.
a. In order to be eligible to run for office, the candidate's member association must be current with NCUEA dues (in accordance with Article 3, Section 6b). Each candidate for office shall be an active member of his/her local NCUEA member association and shall have attended at least one NCUEA conference prior to his/her nomination.
b. Each candidate for ethnic minority director-at-large shall be a minority as defined by the U.S. Bureau of Census.
c. Staff are not eligible to hold NCUEA office.
a. The president, vice president, and secretary treasurer shall be elected to two-year terms. They may be reelected, but may not serve more than three terms.
b. The directors, regional and ethnic minority at large, shall be elected to two-year terms, but may not serve more than three terms.
c. One director from each region shall be elected each year.
d.A partial term will not be considered in determining the maximum number of terms allowed a president, a vice president, a secretary-treasurer, an ethnic minority director-at-large, or a regional director.
e. The terms of office shall begin at the close of the NEA Representative Assembly in the year elected.
f. If an officer's or director's member association discontinues its membership in NCUEA, that individual's eligibility to hold office ceases and the NCUEA President shall declare that a vacancy exists.
g. A director who changes member association affiliation, within his/her region, needs to obtain a letter of support from his/her new NCUEA member association to continue the current term. An officer or ethnic minority director-at-large who changes member association affiliation needs to obtain a letter of support to continue his/her current term. If a director or officer is unable to obtain the support of his/her new member association, or moves to a non-member association, the NCUEA President shall declare that a vacancy exists.
If a director changes regions, that individual's eligibility to hold office ceases and the NCUEA President shall declare that a vacancy exists.
h. When a member of the Executive Committee changes his/her employment status or membership status during the term of office, said member shall resign his/her seat effective immediately. At the time such a vacancy occurs, it shall be filled in the manner prescribed in the Bylaws, Article V, Section 4,c.
Section 4 Succession and Vacancies
a. The vice president shall act in the absence of the president and, in case of resignation of the president shall succeed for the unexpired terms. If for any reason the vice president cannot fulfill the succession, an interim successor shall be elected from and by the Executive Committee until a successor can be elected at the next regular meeting of NCUEA.
b. In the event of a vacancy in the office of vice president and/or secretary-treasurer, an interim officer shall be elected from and by the Executive Committee until a successor can be elected at the next regular meeting of NCUEA.
c. In the event of a vacancy in the office of regional or ethnic minority-at-large director, the NCUEA president shall appoint an interim director. The interim director must obtain a letter of support from his/her NCUEA member association and shall hold the position until the next summer NCUEA meeting when the affected region shall elect a director to fill the unexpired term.
Section 5 Powers and Duties of the Officers
a. Powers and Duties of the President
1. The president shall be the chief executive officer of NCUEA./p>
2. The president may call and shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and at all general meetings of NCUEA.
3. The president shall sign contracts and other legal documents connected with the business affairs and professional activities of NCUEA in its name.
4. The president shall appoint all committees and task forces.
5. The president shall be one of the authorized signatures for all NCUEA accounts.
6. The president shall be the official representative and spokesperson for the NCUEA except in such cases in which this function is specifically designated to another.
7. The president may rescind appointments of chairpersons and members of committees and task forces.
8. The president may recommend NCUEA members to outside organizations.
9. The president shall be a full-time released officer, reimbursed by NCUEA, if funded by the budget.
10. The president or his/her designee shall approve all vouchers.
11. To provide the NEA president with a list of qualified candidates from NCUEA member associations and to actively promote the appointment of those members to appointed bodies.
b. Powers and Duties of the Vice President
1. The vice president shall assume the duties of the president in the absence of the president.
2. The vice president shall perform any other duties and tasks assigned by the president.
3. The vice president shall coordinate the annual membership plan of NCUEA, including the sending of a statement notifying each member on or before September 1 of each year that dues are payable.
c. Powers and Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer
1. The secretary-treasurer shall keep the official minutes of all meetings and maintain the official files.
2. The secretary-treasurer shall assure that accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements are kept and shall prepare periodic reports for both the Executive Committee and the general membership.
3. The secretary-treasurer shall oversee registration at NCUEA conferences.
4. The secretary-treasurer shall chair the budget committee.
5. The secretary-treasurer shall perform any other duties or tasks assigned by the president.
6. The secretary-treasurer shall be bonded.
d. Powers and Duties of the Regional Directors
1. The regional directors shall represent their regions at all NCUEA meetings.
2. The regional directors shall maintain regular communication with member associations within their region.
3. The regional directors shall facilitate the annual membership drive within their region.
4. The regional directors shall perform other duties as assigned by the president or the Executive Committee.
e. Powers and Duties of the Ethnic Minority Director-at-Large
1. The ethnic minority director-at-large shall represent ethnic minorities at all NCUEA meetings.
2. The ethnic minority director-at-large shall maintain regular communication with all appropriate ethnic caucuses.
3. The ethnic minority director-at-large will facilitate the annual membership drive within targeted locals.
4. The ethnic minority director-at-large will perform other duties as assigned by the president or the Executive Committee.
Section 6 Recall
a. Recall of Officers: Recall of President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, or Ethnic Minority Director-at-Large. Officers of the Association may be recalled for violation of the NEA Code of Ethics of the Education Profession, for misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office.
1. Recall proceedings against an officer may be initiated in written petition submitted to the Executive Committee by at least twenty percent (20%) of the currently certified locals. Copies of the petition should be sent to all members of the Executive Committee.
2. Notice of the recall petition will be sent to all currently certified members no later than 10 days prior to a hearing on the recall.
3. A hearing will be held on the first day of the first NCUEA conference following the submission of an eligible petition.
4. In any action taken under the provisions of this procedure, no officer shall be denied the right to state his/her position in person or in writing to the electorate.
5. Ballots shall be distributed to the certified locals registered at the same NCUEA conference as the hearing stated in Section 6 a3.
6. Ballots shall be returned to the Executive Committee or its designee. A two-thirds (2/3rds) vote in favor of recall by those voting shall sustain the recall action. The office shall be deemed vacant immediately and the vacancy shall be filled in the manner prescribed in the Bylaws, Article V, Section 4, c.
b. Recall of Regional Directors: Directors may be recalled for violation of the NEA Code of Ethics of the Education Profession, for misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office.
1. Recall proceedings against a director may be initiated by written petition submitted to the Executive Committee by at least twenty percent (20%) of the currently certified delegates of the Represented Region.
2. Notice of the recall petition will be sent to all currently certified members no later than 10 days prior to a hearing on the recall.
3. A hearing will be held on the first day of the first NCUEA conference following the submission of an eligible petition.
4. If any action taken under the provisions of this procedure, no director shall be denied the right to state his/her position in person or in writing to the electorate.
5. Ballots shall be distributed to the certified delegates representing the Region at the same NCUEA conference as the hearing stated in Section 6 b3.
6. Ballots shall be returned to the Executive Committee or its designee. A two-thirds (2/3rds) vote in favor of recall by those voting shall sustain the recall action. The office shall be deemed vacant immediately and the vacancy shall be filled in the manner prescribed in the Bylaws, Article V, Section 4,c.
c. Hearing Committee: A committee shall be established of two members from each region appointed by the Executive Committee. The Committee will be presided over by the President or Vice-President if the President is the recalled party.
Section 1 Membership
Members of the Executive Committee shall be the president, vice president, secretary-treasurer, regional directors, and ethnic minority director-at-large.
Section 2 Powers and Duties of the Executive Committee
a. The Executive Committee shall assist the president in identifying members for committees and task forces. It shall review committee plans, receive committee reports and act upon committee recommendations.
b. The Executive Committee shall review all appointments to committees and task forces and shall have the right to request recision of any appointment.
c. The Executive Committee shall implement programs adopted at all official meetings of NCUEA.
d. The Executive Committee shall determine policy between official meetings of NCUEA.
e. The Executive Committee shall carry out all policies and programs in accordance with NCUEA Bylaws.
f. The Executive Committee shall act upon recommendations for membership that are proposed by member associations as provided in Article III, Section 1.
g. The Executive Committee shall assign the member locals to a region. The Executive Committee shall periodically review the alignment of the regions and make adjustments as necessary.
h. The Executive Committee shall submit a proposed budget to the membership at an NCUEA general meeting held in conjunction with the NEA Representative Assembly.
i. The Executive Committee shall fill vacancies occurring in the offices of vice president, secretary-treasurer, and/or ethnic minority at large director.
j. The Executive Committee shall determine the date and site of the first NCUEA general meeting.
k. The Executive Committee shall report its actions to the members.
Section 1 Membership
The Council shall consist of one voting member from each member association.
Section 2 Powers and Duties of the Council
The Council shall be the policy making body of NCUEA. It shall approve the budget and shall be the final judge of the qualification and election of officers. Powers not specifically delegated to the officers or Executive Committee shall be vested in the Council.
Section 3 Meetings
The Council shall meet twice yearly. The date and site for the first meeting shall be determined by the Executive Committee. The second meeting shall be held in conjunction with the NEA Representative Assembly.
Section 1 Purpose
Committees or task forces may be appointed by the president, with the approval of the Executive Committee, to study issues and recommend action.
Section 2 President
The president shall be an ex officio member of all committees and task forces, except the elections committee.
Section 3 Chairpersons
Section 4 Reports
The chairperson shall give reports to the president and/or Executive Committee as requested.
Section 1 Elections Committee
The president shall appoint 6 members to the elections committee at the Executive Committee meeting held in conjunction with the first Council meeting. Two of the appointments shall be from member locals. The Executive Committee shall approve the appointments.
Section 2 Nominations
Each candidate must submit a letter of nomination from his/her member association to the elections chairperson. The letter of nomination must state when the official action of support was taken by the NCUEA member association board of directors and must be signed by the chair of said action or the NCUEA member association's president. The letter of nomination must be postmarked by June 1st prior to the election.
Section 3 Balloting
The elections committee shall conduct the balloting for officers and endorsement of NEA candidates under procedures established by the Council.
Section 4 Elections
a. Officers of NCUEA shall be elected at the meeting held in conjunction with the NEA Representative Assembly and shall assume office at the close of the NEA Representative Assembly.
b. Each member association shall have one vote, provided said association is registered at the conference at which a vote is taken. The president, vice president, secretary-treasurer and ethnic minority director at large shall be elected by all member associations present and voting. Regional directors shall be elected by member associations present and voting from the appropriate region.
c. All candidates for each office receiving a majority vote of those registered member associations present and voting shall be declared elected. When necessary, a runoff election between the two candidates receiving the most votes shall be conducted.
d. The election committee shall count the votes. The results shall be reported immediately to the president and to all candidates.
Section 1 Definition
A quorum shall consist of a majority of the member associations registered at an official meeting.
Section 2 Executive Committee
A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be a majority of its members present.
Section 1 Standing Rules
The Executive Committee shall submit standing rules at the first business session of all Council meetings. Adoption shall require a majority vote of those member associations present and voting.
Section 2 Parliamentary Authority
The current revision of Robert's Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority of the Council, subject to the Bylaws and such special rules that have been or may be adopted.
Section 1 Voting on Amendments
This Constitution and Bylaws may be amended only at the Council meeting held in conjunction with the NEA Representative Assembly by a majority vote of the member associations present and voting. Approved amendments shall take affect upon adjournment of the Council meeting unless otherwise specified.
Section 2 Proposed Amendments
Any proposed amendment to these Bylaws shall be sent to the president of NCUEA in writing by May 15.
In the event of the dissolution of the Council, any assets remaining after payment of all debts of the Council shall be transferred to the National Foundation for the Improvement of Education (NFIE).
Amended June 2006, Orlando, Florida
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