VIII. Appendices
Appendix A: Glossary
Algorithmic bias: “Systematic, unwanted unfairness in how a computer detects patterns or automates decisions,” U.S. Department of Education, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning: Insights and Recommendations. Go to reference often based on characteristics and identities such as age, class, culture, disability, ethnicity, gender, location, nationality, political affiliation, race, religious background and practices, and/or sexuality.
Artificial intelligence (AI): Machine-based systems designed around human-defined objectives to perform tasks that would otherwise require human or animal intelligence.
AI literacy: Understanding what it means to learn with and about AI while gaining specific knowledge about how artificial intelligence works, the skills necessary to master AI tools, and how to critically navigate the benefits and risks of this technology.
Data governance: A set of practices that ensures that data assets are formally managed throughout a system/enterprise and that define the roles, responsibilities, and processes for ensuring accountability for and ownership of data assets.
Deepfake: An AI-generated image, video, or audio file that convincingly replaces one person’s likeness and/or voice with another person’s.
Educators: People employed by an institution dedicated to pre-K–12 or higher education.
Generative AI: Artificial intelligence tools that generate text, images, videos, or other content based on existing data patterns and structures.
Machine learning: A branch of artificial intelligence that uses algorithms to enable computers to learn and make predictions by identifying patterns in data without being explicitly programmed.
Natural language: Language that has developed through human or animal interaction rather than being constructed, such as with computer code. AI systems that use natural language processing are able to understand this type of language.
Ransomware: When cybercriminals block access to an institution’s computer system until a ransom is paid.
Transparency: Open disclosure of how AI systems work, including how they reach decisions and the data used to do so.
- 158 U.S. Department of Education, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning: Insights and Recommendations.
Appendix B: Resources About AI in Education
U.S. Department of Education Resources
Office of Educational Technology, Artificial Intelligence
Office of Educational Technology, National Educational Technology Plan
General Resources
Common Sense Media, AI Product Reviews
Education International, The Unintended Consequences of Artificial Intelligence and Education
ISTE, Artificial Intelligence in Education
TeachAI, AI Guidance for Schools Toolkit
UNESCO, Artificial Intelligence in Education
Policy Resources
Digital Promise, Review of Guidance from Seven States on AI in Education
EDSAFE AI Alliance, SAFE Benchmarks Framework
European Commission, Ethical Guidelines on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data in Teaching and Learning for Educators
Institute for Ethical AI in Education, The Ethical Framework for AI in Education
TeachAI, Foundational Policy Ideas for AI in Education
Resources for Building Students’ AI Literacy
Kapor Foundation, Responsible AI and Tech Justice: A Guide for K–12 Education
National AI Literacy Day, Curriculum Resources
University of Sydney, AI in Education Resources for Students, by Students
Resources for Building Educators’ AI Literacy
Code.org, AI 101 for Teachers
Educator CIRCLS, AI in Education
metaLAB (at) Harvard, AI Pedagogy Project
Resources for Higher Education Faculty and Leaders
MIT Sloan, Generative AI for Teaching & Learning
MLA-CCCC, Joint Task Force on Writing and AI
Oregon State University, Faculty Support: AI Tools
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Writing Center, Generative AI in Academic Writing
Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching, Teaching in the Age of AI
Resources for Pre-K–12 School and District Leaders
ASCD, ISTE, NASSP, NAESP, and AASA, Bringing AI to School: Tips for School Leaders
Digital Promise, Educational Leadership in the Age of AI
EDSAFE AI Alliance, Consultancy Protocol for Building AI Capacity in Your School District
Appendix C: Task Force Members and Participants
Noel Candelaria, Texas, Special Education Teacher, NEA Secretary-Treasurer
Executive Committee Liaisons
Ronald “Duff” Martin, Wis., Middle School Social Studies Teacher, NEA Executive Committee
Christine Sampson-Clark, N.J., Special Education Teacher, NEA Executive Committee
Members of the Task Force
Adam Aguilera, Wash., Middle School English Language Arts Teacher
Karen Beck, Calif., Professor of Psychology
Michael Carvella, Tenn., Curriculum & Technology Integration Coach
Donna Christy, Md., School Psychologist
Keith Gambill, Ind., Middle School Music and Drama Teacher, State Association President
Laurie Gibson-Parker, N.J., Middle School Math and Science Teacher, NEA Board of Directors
James Henderson III, Md., Education Support Professional, Information Technology
Tara Jeane, Calif., High School English Language Arts Teacher
Paula Johnson, Iowa, Virtual Middle and High School Special Education Teacher
Aaron Kubo, Hawaii, Middle School Social Studies Teacher, NEA Board of Directors
Linda Matsumoto, Ill., Paraeducator and Building Guest Educator
Gregory McColm, Fla., Associate Professor of Mathematics
Ellen Olsen, Minn., Education Support Professional, Paraeducator
William (Wil) Page, Calif., Middle School Teacher and Instructional Coach, NEA Board of Directors
Angela Powers, Kan., High School English Language Arts Teacher, NEA Board of Directors
Reed Scott-Schwalbach, Ore., High School Spanish Teacher, State Association President
Julie York, Maine, High School Computer Science Teacher
NEA Staff Liaisons
Daaiyah Bilal-Threats, Senior Director, Education Policy and Implementation Center (EPIC)
Stacey Pelika, Director, Research, Education Policy and Implementation Center (EPIC)
Andrea Prejean, Director, Teacher Quality, Center for Professional Excellence and Student Learning
Ann Nutter Coffman, Manager, Teacher Quality, Center for Professional Excellence and Student Learning
Elic Senter, Manager, Education Policy and Practice, Education Policy and Implementation Center (EPIC)
Lisa Zimmerman, Manager for Business Affairs, Education Policy and Implementation Center (EPIC)
Brandy Bixler, Teacher Quality, Center for Professional Excellence and Student Learning
Samuel Dunietz, Education Policy and Practice, Education Policy and Implementation Center (EPIC)
Brenda Halsey, Center for Governance
Kenneth Noble, Research, Education Policy and Implementation Center (EPIC)
Brittany Patrick, Education Policy and Practice, Education Policy and Implementation Center (EPIC)
Justin Thompson, Education Policy and Practice, Education Policy and Implementation Center (EPIC)
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