The GPS Fund process starts with a Planning Grant application due on September 15th, which - if awarded - will make affiliates eligible to apply for a full GPS Fund Grant the following February 1st. Both the Planning Grant and GPS Fund Grant are competitive in nature, and there is no guarantee of award for either. Similarly, the award of a Planning Grant does not guarantee the award of a GPS Fund Grant.
The NEA Board of Directors approved new GPS Fund Grant Guidelines in February 2024, which can be found here.
Click here for a snapshot of the process and important dates.
Application Deadlines
Stage 1 - Planning Grant Application Deadline: September 15, 2024 (notifications will be made by October 15, 2024)
Stage 2 - GPS Fund Application Deadline: February 1, 2025 (only affiliates awarded a Planning Grant are invited/eligible to apply)
Priority Focus
For the next round of applications, the Priority Focus will include:
- Early Career Educators, and/or
- Racial Justice in Education
By including one or both of the focus areas, your application will receive a small scoring bonus (depending on how robust and extensive that focus is). Focusing on both early career educators and racial justice in education will increase your bonus opportunity (compared to focusing on just one).
Learn more awarded grants, and other grants available to NEA affiliates.
Planning Grant Application
The deadline for submission of a Planning Grant application is no later than September 15th of each year, with awards communicated no later than October 15th. Only affiliates that are awarded Planning Grants are eligible to continue the process and submit a full GPS Fund application by February 1st.
After October 15th, those affiliates awarded Planning Grants will receive a small amount of funding and other technical assistance from NEA in order to workshop and flesh out their proposals in anticipation of the February 1st GPS Fund application deadline.
The next Planning Grant application deadline is September 15th, 2024. To download the "Planning Grant Preparation & Support Packet," download the Scope of Work and Budget templates, or begin your application, please click here.
GPS Fund Application
The next GPS Fund application deadline is February 1, 2025. Only affiliates that have been awarded a Planning Grant will be invited/eligible to apply. To review the grant guidelines, download a PDF copy of the application for offline review, or begin your application, please click here.
For questions, please email: [email protected]