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SEL Resources

Use these social emotional learning resources to help you in, and out of the classroom.
schools of character
elementary students sit on top of school desks and meditate

Trauma-Informed Teaching: Video Series

The Trauma-Informed Teaching: Video Series provides educators with knowledge and practices to support students impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and trauma.
African American boy in wheelchair writing at school desk with classmates in background

Trauma and Resilience: Podcast and Video Series

The Trauma and Resilience: Podcast and Video Series explores topics related to trauma-informed teaching in schools.
Black teacher and student work together in school computer lab

Trauma and Teaching

Join Ricky Robertson, an educator, author, and trauma expert, to learn more about supporting students and fellow educators through trauma-informed practices and resilience.
teen students and teacher sitting in a circle in a classroom

Voices from the Field: Middle-High School Educators Speak Out on Resilience, Well-Being, Mental Health, and the Benefits of Social Emotional Learning

Many schools across the country have worked to formalize programs around social emotional learning (SEL) in and beyond the classroom in a systematic effort to help both students and staff with challenges around mental health and trauma.

How to Support the Social and Emotional Health of Middle/High School ELLs

Learn about the unique responsibilities, strengths, and social-emotional needs of English language learners (ELLs) and immigrant students in middle and high school from Michelle Lawrence Biggar, a veteran ELL educator in New York State.
view of students in class from behind one girl raises her hand

SEL for English Language Learners: What Educators Need to Know

Learn more about social and emotional learning (SEL) and how to engage English learners in SEL activities and routines in the classroom.
A young black girl sits in a classroom with other children and is starting at a paper on her desk, appearing frustrated

Supporting Students' Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Research has shown the positive impact SEL-focused instruction can make on students’ academic lives, including higher attendance and graduation rates as well as fewer school suspensions.
A father reads to his two daughters outside

Recommended Books and Teaching Resources from Read Across America

Looking for diverse books to teach or fill your classroom library? Need recommended books by theme? Want to start a book club at your school? Then visit NEA's Read Across America for books, authors, and teaching resources that promote diversity and inclusion.
National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.