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NEA’s Annual Meeting & Representative Assembly

Join us in Portland, Oregon from Thursday, July 3rd through Sunday, July 6th.

2024 RA Highlights

Black teacher and student work together in school computer lab

Artificial Intelligence in Education

NEA President Becky Pringle created the Task Force on Artificial Intelligence in Education to investigate the current and future roles of artificial intelligence in Pre-K–12 and higher education.
becky pringle ra keynote 2024

NEA President to RA Delegates: ‘We Must Keep Going’

In her keynote address to the 2024 NEA Representative Assembly, NEA President Becky Pringle urges educators to build on their organizing power to meet upcoming challenges.
Group of four Aspiring Educators in formal attiring celebrating on stage.

NEA Aspiring Educators Ready to Make Change

NEA Aspiring Educators fully immerse themselves in trainings and celebrate the joys of becoming future teachers and union leaders.
HCR Awards

NEA Presents the 2024 Human and Civil Rights Award Winners

NEA honored nine outstanding social justice champions at its Human and Civil Rights Awards ceremony on July 3.
2023 RA

Educators Gather for 2024 NEA Representative Assembly

Philadelphia, the site of the first meeting and founding of NEA in 1857, will host almost 7,000 delegates July 4–7.
Becky Pringle at the podium during the 2024 NEA RA
“We won’t go back. We will strengthen public education, so it is a just system designed around the joy of teaching; a system with a deep sense of community and shared responsibility; a system where high expectations are matched with plentiful resources and supports.”
Quote by: Becky Pringle, President, National Education Association
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Donate to the NEA PAC

The NEA PAC is fueled by educators like you and our mission is to ensure we have leaders at the federal and state level who will fight for students and public schools. Donate to the NEA PAC today to help elect pro-education candidates up and down the ballot.
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Lysol is Here for Supporting Healthy Habits

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To help curb the spread of illness-causing germs in school, the Lysol Here for Healthy Schools program provides free lesson plans and resources to help teach students healthy habits.
man reading news on phone

Connect with us on social.

We offer many ways for you to get the latest news and connect with the Association and your colleagues through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.