Learn NEA's position on pending legislation related to public education, and take action to protect our schools
Twenty percent of American students attend schools in rural areas. More than 7 million students are enrolled in rural school districts; an additional 2.5 million attend rural schools in districts that are not designated “rural” by the Census Bureau.
Federal laws such as the Secure Rural Schools program and the Rural Education Achievement Program provide critical support for many of the more than 7,700 rural school districts; these programs must be sustained.
Our nation thrives when all students, regardless of zip code, achieve and succeed. Policy makers should do more to ensure that all students in rural communities receive a well-rounded public education.
Bills in Congress
H Res 159 Resolution to Honor Public Schools Week 2025 www.congress.gov
Introduced on February 24, 2025
This resolution recognizes the achievements of our public schools and honors the significant contributions and accomplishments of students, parents, educators, and education advocates by marking February 24-28, 2025, as Public Schools Week.
HR 1383 A bill to extend the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 www.congress.gov
Introduced on February 14, 2025
This bill will help provide funding for public schools, libraries, and other public services in rural areas by reauthorizing the U.S. Forest Service’s Secure Rural Schools and Self-Determination Program (SRS) through Fiscal Year 2026, improving life for students and families.
S 356 A bill to extend the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 www.congress.gov
Introduced on February 3, 2025
This bill will help provide funding for public schools, libraries, and other public services in rural areas by reauthorizing the U.S. Forest Service’s Secure Rural Schools and Self-Determination Program (SRS) through Fiscal Year 2026, improving life for students and families.
Letters & Testimony
NEA speaks up for the rights of students. Browse recent messages to Congressional leadership, and add your voice.
VOTE NO on Linda McMahon for Secretary of Education
Submitted on February 19, 2025
Oppose Linda McMahon as Secretary of Education
Submitted on February 12, 2025
Senate lame-duck priorities
Submitted on November 12, 2024
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